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If we were courageous enough to lift the blame
After starting the spark to deal with the flame
If we were weak enough to fight for success
And strong enough to admit our failures
If we were blind enough to feel for others
Or had a perfect vision to be as kind as mothers
If we were hopeless enough to search and find
Or filled with hope and wisdom to be kind
If we walked slow enough to wait for the outcasts
Or ran fast enough to rescue those who hunger and thirst
If we were voiceless not to insult the defenseless
Or had loud voices to condemn the merciless
If we were too lazy to even manufacture a war glove
Or had super strength to truly make love
If we didn't have the knowledge to fly into space
And rather worked our fingers to the bone to change the world
If we only rejected people for who they are not
And accepted all of us for who we are,black or white,Afro or bald
If the entire human race in unity signed a peace note
The world would be by far a better place
 Jul 2015 Ashton Sky
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
My mentor spoke to me of two rivals,
Once, they had been friends in some distant past.
But the years have eaten their love and made grudges manifest.
|The two shattered into broken glass

To my wise master I asked only one,
One question... In all my range.
One question I asked:
“What changed?”

In the outskirts, at the home of my daughter
Where you can stare at the stars or passing cars
None more brighter than the other,
We share memories of my grandmother.
In the photographs, she looks so much younger.
Not frail, but a fighter, lover and saintly|

To me, she asks plainly,
One question, and one question only.
Sifting through the ages of years past:
“What Changed?”

At the kitchen table, feeling inadequate,
My lover screaming and frustrated,
I recall memories when we had been intimate.
Times when movement was made for desire and not duty
|A calendar of nights left in confused abstinence

I interrupt.
She delays rage.
I beg,
“What Changed?”


In the last few hours of night
The dawn reaches me at last.
I had locked moments-
Literal seconds of time as the truth.
But it was always changing
In flux and morphing.
Turning into something new
Just for a moment, and then on again
“What Changed?”
She see's him...

Their naked bodies. Lights on, shades and windows wide open.
Fully exposed.

They have no shame,
they look lively,

And she wonders what she's doing wrong.

Has she done something wrong?

Although she's known about the other woman.
She's been knowing and has said nothing... Done nothing.


Why doesn't she bring her words aloud?
Thought's roam the surface?
Feelings strike freely?

She deserves answers.

She deserves to go and be gone.

Live her life without asking.

Obviously he does not do so, so why must she?
She does not change her image, she does not stand and fight.
She does not release the lies he's told and the truths she knows.

You can finally go..
Finally leave..
Why do you stay? Why not leave?
Can't she leave and not look back?

You're obviously not enough for him, so why should he be for you?

You deserve better!

An innocent should not be with the unfaithful.
You are nature and he's a one eyed mischievous slithering snake.

Continue your ever so loving cherishing life.
 Jun 2015 Ashton Sky
harlee kae
sometimes i feel like i'm in the ocean
and it's okay
because i know how to swim

but then i realize
even the best swimmers
sometimes need a break

and i'm not the best
not by a long shot
I have seen her playing
With light, edging her hair,
In crescents so fair.

I have watched her fingers
Twirl and twine, beaming gold,
Threshing precious hold.

I have witnessed the taming
Of the sun's rays, captured,
Spinning in rapture.

And I feel for the pale moon
Who offers his frail, vestige light,
While she sleeps at night.
 Jun 2015 Ashton Sky
I've never loved
And I don't think I ever will
Too afraid to share my feelings
Even to myself
 Nov 2014 Ashton Sky
Let me be better
Than the monster you made me into

Let the monster in me
Love you more than I wish to

Let both of us fail
At seeing the beauty in this
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