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ashley lingy Jan 2018
I want to hold the back of your head,

and pull your mouth into mine.
I taste you.
I taste you.

Baby, your soothing lips taste of bitter coffee and mint.
Your beard tickles my face.
I smile against your mouth,
I move to the tender hollow of your neck,
and amidst the sweet cosset of my lips,
I whisper,
“We can't stay long.”

Our longing held captive by a relentless hurricane.

Yet, we’ll find our way.

I'll see you soon in the eye of the storm.
ashley lingy Jan 2018
You tried to buy my love
All I wanted
Was a rushing river of affection
You, however, sprang a leak of trinkets and ****** movies
For years, I stayed
My heart never knew any different
Cracking everyday, bit by bit
Inevitably, the dam broke
We split

Years later
I found a man
Who offered me that rushing river
And lead me all the way to the ocean
We gaze at the horizon, my hand in his
Before this moment
I thought I was indelibly damaged
I look to this beautiful soul that found me
I let him sweep me away with the tide
ashley lingy Jan 2018
I teeter along a rickety old rope bridge,

high above savage waters.

I stop when I reach the center.

I look down between a gap in the wood planks.

This was a mistake.

I begin to shake.

I gaze behind me.

I see those gnarled, thorny

branches overlaying the foot of this bridge and beyond.

I stare intently at these heaps of thorns,

thinking of the number of times they sliced me,

how much I bled as I made my way here.

I glance down at my collection of cuts and scars.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

I am a survivor.




I open my eyes and look ahead.

I see a path, and though it is vast and grueling,

I know it leads to a different place whence I came.

New is good enough.

I hold my breath.

I take my next step.
something about the
way you look at me makes me
feel like i'm flying.
  Jan 2018 ashley lingy
Ben Meraki
I want to tell you
that I can do without you.
But I'd be lying.
ashley lingy Jan 2018
My body burns
My eyes roll to the back of my head
My arms twitch
My legs quake
My head snaps back
My breath is sharp and quivering
My moaning swells
You have ruined me
Despite the absence of your touch
You do this to me
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