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Presence of water,
I sense it, when
you are around and I find,
your eyes search mine.
What a relief, I sigh
thank God for this woman.
Then I remember,
with regret,
you do not belong
to me, but yes
your heart is ,
the rains, I reckon,
is overdue this year,
you are my rain
in a blue gown,
that's the reason
I thirst for you
and pant, even when
I think about you
and the sultry wind
starts to blow and sway me.
"Write something worth reading,
or do something worth writing.

Better yet: both."
Cactus,I could guess the secret
you'd rather love to see buried deep,
isn't  the thorny rose ,you dream
in your lonely sad nights?
Torrential rains lash long hours, you wait,
sun breaks his barrage of light on you,
it doesn't matter, foggy evenings tip toes to
ogle the dark beauty night wears,
oh! her starry necklace, that won't
brook any kind of description,
rose you have sent your fragrance
looking for the scent of your love, cactus.

Apart from thorns there is nothing
that bring you both together.
With the yearning each for the other
slowly waning, you  remain apart.
as a binding factor, are just thorns enough?
Each day dawns as an unrehearsed
new act of a scene in the play of love,
that continues with you,
terribly shaking my heart,
though the plot thickens day by day,
when our silent love takes new turns,
who knows which way it goes---

Never did we speak one to one,
how could one, when it's an anathema
for a boy and a girl to hold hands in the open!
with you sitting there in your balcony,
a full bloom, nah, now a tempting ripe fruit,
as soon as you are back home after
the day's engagement, at school and piano class,
all eyes for me to come to your eyeshot.

I start to play exclusively for your balcony
from my front courtyard or backyard
as mom's movement and situation demands.
I do it in ways ingenious, I invent at the moment,
to capture your heart, I know what it wants
still in jitters, not knowing you approve or not,
signalling in that sign language you developed
to dupe our horde of relatives, already suspicious.

Every sunset see you and me silhouetted,
in eager expectation of seeing or showing
a boy's life here is only longing and yearning
don't know what results from this lesson of pain,
a punishing schedule,driven by hormone rush
Teen age love is lot of work
and at the best conducted
in utmost secrecy, hereabouts
dedicated to guys here  whose love life
is terrorized by well meaning elders
who probably want kids to learn "Kamasutra" well
before starting to act...
So frail she is, aged too,
but what I see every time
is a frozen leaf resisting
falling snow and whistling gale.

The grace she exudes grips
every time she passes me
in the morning or evening
her smile electrifies me without fail

In my bones it echoes, I felt
each smile brings instant delight,
I feel like it spreads in to my being
unlike the hollow smiles thrown at you.

What remains after one is gone
is to be felt much later by others
but to make the hollow deeply felt
in absence, their gifts in mind should persist.

what makes that huge difference,
now I grasp, her heart that has seen
many seasons, of human predicaments
and beaten in resonance.instantaneously
strikes a chord, with all, it's music to ears.

And it's a moment none would easily forget
she reflects the timeless grace humans acquire
through a life lived fully in mindfulness
I am embraced by grace, when her smile is gifted.

What remains when she has gone
is a serene sense of fulfillment, for having met
a luminous being, who without even a word
or touch, could make others feel nice and be better.
A corpse buried six feet deep under the earth,speaks
peacefully to the night that extends to galaxies
that cyclically take birth and embrace death.
A night owl sits like a rock cut figure, it's ears
opened to the heart beats of sleeping silence,
finds out the secret that lie beyond life and death,
immaterial to the beings that mastered the art
of hitching a ride on the wings of  transcendence.
A girl sitting at the table next
restless, was slyly eyeing his pie,
kind of cute, like in childhood
it sure was, yet seemed a ploy
to gatecrash in to his privacy,
and give company, as it pleased her.
"The pie is blackberry if you fancy it ,
I''ll be glad, you can have it all,
I know there is no other left"
He played Mr.Nice guy,solicitous,
but behind that face of his,
was the arrows of light, hitting him,
from those  sparkling eyes,
vying with each other, to build up
a halo chamber,  almost visible  around him!

Blackberry pie is no big deal, of course
he knows a whole hillside with
bushes full of ripe, succulent ones,
any day he could have his fill, raw
or as a flaky crusted pie backed by his mom.

But those sparkling eyes that in a moment
made him build castles in the air
had an electric appeal, he can't ignore.
The offer she said, was irresistible,
not a type she is who snatches,
dainty stuff from someone just bumped in to
"But the way your eyes did glint,
when you looked makes me ask
:haven't we met somewhere before?"

"There is a fickleness in this,love at first sight,
do you need to fall head over heels?"
a little voice within, that has a problem
in such things, kept raising a doubt.
"But without a first sight,there can't be love
may it be fickle, we'll tackle it the way it goes"
replies another,who seems to care for love.
A filthy rich Russian kid named Anna,
an oligarch's scion, searching for manna,
she struts around in a skimpy dress,
doting dad's private jet, is her address,
On earth, vrooming sports cars gives her Nirvana
 Mar 2016 Arvind Krish
 Mar 2016 Arvind Krish
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

 Feb 2016 Arvind Krish
My love for you is nothing, compared to him
He can give you diamond-studded watches
When all I can give you is
All of my precious time.

My love for you is nothing, compared to him
He can buy you sweet chocolates in heart-shaped boxes
When all I can give you are
Sweet, unforgettable memories.

My love for you is nothing, compared to him
He can take you to Paris, Venice; anywhere
When the only place that I can take you is
To my entire world.

So many things that I can't give you, unlike him
But I will tell you this
My love for you is nothing
Because nothing lasts forever.
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