"This is nice?"
You stated nervously, as if it where a question you shouldn't be asking.
I nodded.
- Cringing at your lack of confidence
"Yeah it is, Thankyou."
- for teaching me how to be fake.
"I'm glad your having a nice time"
You said, fiddling with the zip on your jacket pocket.
I could not reply, I just smiled numbly.
You smiled too.
- numbly.
This was when I realised I was talking to myself.
Taking to someone who's thoughts, where so similar to my own.
Talking to someone who was always asking.
I had caught a glimpse of what it was like to be around me, and hated it.
- I hated me.
I hated my unsteady heart beat, my constant need for reassurance.
I hated that I craved acceptance and would do anything to receive it.
I hated that I was so scared of disappointing him, like you where scared of disappointing me.
- I hated the fact I was fragile
Your fingers slowly brushed against my palm, I guess you where asking if we could hold hands, but I moved away.
You where so shy and so sweet and so good, I knew that, but I also knew me.
*- I couldn't hold into something that I knew was going to break.