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 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Tashea Young
Scattered Thoughts
Spiritual battles fought
Unanswered questions outlined.
Struggling daily with Battles of the Mind
Mentally twisted and confined.
Trying to Find what on earth is my purpose.
Scratching beneath the surface.
Unearth to know how much much our worth is.
Focus your mental on the fundamental.
Finding potential is very essential.
Although Its not authentic if your heart's not in it.
Having Curious faith in a limitless God
That accepts me for me Imperfect and Flawed
I'm so Amazed and in awed.
When Gods Super collides with your Natural sparks will fly.
For he is the one whom you can depend on and rely.
His word say we will mount up like wings and fly high in the sky.
So at the end of the day To him I mediate and  pray.
He is my lullaby.
Queitly in my bed its Just Him and I
Then puts me peacefully to sleep in the blink of an eye.
In the Morning he plants me on my feet on solid ground to rise.
In His love I became baptize.
So I open my mouth to give him To Praise.
Im just Happy for my savior loving me always.
Scattered Thoughts
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Tashea Young
I am Me,
I am more than what you see.
I am Authentic
I will not be Misrepresented
I am Beautiful
I am Steadfast and immovable.
I am Courageous
My smile is contagious.
My skin glows radiently
Its Honey Golden Complexion
Was kissed by the Sun embracing my imperfection.
The passion in me
Flows pleasantly
I am Unique.
I am the Words I speak.
I am Strong
Hidden within the message of a Wonderful Song.
I am Powerful.
Magnificent and bountiful.
I am a lover
Im like no other.
I am a Mother
A woman of color
I am Resilient
Im one and a million
Just As Pocahontas
I am Conscious
A Descendent From Royalty Unseen
For I am a Hebrew Queen.
And I am Me.
Self Reflection of The person i see inside me
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Gwen Johnson
I love how I can transform words
into art
but I'm lost as to what I want
when the side of me
the one that hides in the dark
that holds hands with melancholy
grips onto anything
onto everything
that might make it worthwhile
is the one that writes so effortlessly
but the side of me that is most at peace
has trouble writing more than a line
I've been so happy and healthy recently but I haven't been able to write very easily recently..
take me to the mountains
where my spirit can roam
take me to mountains
so I can walk on their welcoming loam*

in the mountains the birds sing
such a sweetness of song
this is the rightful place
for my heart to belong

deeply seeded within the soul
the mountain's beautiful hues stay
when I'm amid the fall colours
my joys happily parlay

take me to the mountains
where my spirit can roam
take me to the mountains
so I can walk on their welcoming loam

the mountains call me
with a returning refrain
oh how wonderful being
back home in this domain

for too long I've been absent
from the mountains I treasure
everything about them
has a sheerness of pleasure

take me to the mountains
where my spirit can roam
take me to the mountains
*so I can walk on their welcoming loam
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Another half baked loaf
all dough and hardly any rising
I will have to adjust my bread making;
still all is not lost, those Hoody Crows
love it.
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Austin Bauer
I'm sitting in a cage
With a wide open door.
I'm contained by my own
Will, and all I need to do
Is take a step out.
If I do, I'll see the world 
For what it really is
Rather than my 
Prison-minded hallucination.
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Austin Bauer
I gaze upon a piece of
Ever-changing scenic art
Hung upon my wall.
My neighbor's beautiful yard -
Wooden fence, tall trees, koi pond -
Divided into perfect squares,
Yet combined into a mosaic
For my admiration.
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Austin Bauer
On Friday mornings
You can find me 
At my local coffee shop
Reading, writing, understanding
It is how I unpack
All the baggage from
This week's long journey
Along the Camino of life. 

It is the dusty old bunk bed 
I rest my body upon. 
It is where I am free 
To dream and dream again.
Here I understand my limits
And regain my strength.
Although I love the scenic overlooks
And the one I travel with,
I need this time.

I don't quite understand why,
But without this 
Momentary solitude,
Everything I've ever wanted
Does not feel
Quite like
Everything I've ever wanted.
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