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She uses her skin as a trap
To catch men and drug them
With their own lust until they
Surrender to their hallucinations
And fly away on a trip
To her body
As she touches them softly until
Their bones get filled with dopamine
And their mouths get to taste
Her beating heart under her *******.

- LynnAA
The skin talks louder than words.


Within my reach!
I could have touched!
I might have chanced that way!
Soft sauntered thro’ the village—
Sauntered as soft away!
So unsuspected Violets
Within the meadows go—
Too late for striving fingers
That passed, an hour ago!
do you ever have the desire
to just cut
open your skin
watch yourself bleed?

not for any reason
not because you want to release
not because you need to cope
not because you are sad

but just because you want to.

it's in those moments,
when it's no longer a coping mechanism
when it's no longer a release
when there's no longer a reason

it's simply addiction

She loved him
  So she said yes
Tears of joy stream down her face
As he put the ring on her finger
Under the tree where they met
Birds singing lullabies surround them
Wishing them a forevermore

Years pass

She loved him
  So she hid the pain
Blood streams down her face
As his knuckles kiss her lips
Shattering his fragile promises
Together with her bones

Weeks pass

She loved him
  So she set him free
A smile forms on her face
As she pulled the ****** knife from his body
A pool of blood forms on her feet
Joy and grief filled her soul

Days pass

She loved him
  So she went with him
A blank face was all that is left
As she hanged herself from that tree
Birds singing lullabies surround her
Comforting her troubled soul
The moon shines a cool blue tonight
as we entwine our fingers, laying on the baseball field
beneath diamond heavens. We lie
in silence, in the moments when the Universe reveals
itself, and contemplate the distances between one celestial body to
another, the space between
us growing as I turn south
to find Orion while you seek Cassiopeia in the north.

Shooting stars cross the sky, and we wish separately on dead
stars and dead dreams, lights already grown red and extinguished
as we whisper in the dark, passing
between phases.

And in the end we're all left searching.
Sunday morning, pit-pit patter on my window panes
hot beverage, blurred vision
old gramophone playing in the next room.
Oh, how she loves music!

40 years of marriage, her hair still smell like fresh jasmine
broken glasses, shallow pockets.
Her radiant smile, wet hair
I sniff the jasmine in the air around.

Love marriage, college affair
Love letters, and library meetings.
old days, fresh memories.
She peers out from behind the door.

Her wrinkled skin, mine too.
Her lips part as she hums along to
old gramophone playing in the next room.
Oh, how she loves music!
She creeps quietly
into the dim lights of the city
inundating gentle delicate thoughts
into a deluged gray haze,
lingering vacantly in fragile minds,
and drifts over towns like an overcast of curtains
like a nebulous blanket
for she leaves with an air of mystery
on little silent cat feet
Fog comes and goes as she pleases,
on silent cat feet

I hope the weather here get's better,
it's been raining nonstop for two weeks! It's so depressing outside :(
I see you everyday, the quite girl a million miles away. Head in the clouds or in a book.
I find myself stuck to your hook. And as you pull me to the shore I feel myself sway away.
I'm under your spell. Is this heaven or is it hell?  Your a million miles away. Yet I see you everyday.
A shooting star I cannot catch, the flickering light of my last match.
I can't tell if this is a broken romance. I know you can feel it too. Will our vindication please come through.
I don't want to be the one to utter: I missed you.
Tell someone you love them.
I am the book in the back of a library
Lost and hidden away collecting dust.
Spine broken; pages torn and faded
My cover ripped away long ago.

A story once filled with brilliant vibrancy
Now damaged beyond repair.
I am nothing but an unknown story
Forgotten and left without a title.

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