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I had a nightmare last night,
Filled with death and fear,
With danger and falling,
Only for a message to appear.

And suddenly I'm in her room,
Panicked and afraid,
Her room is empty and bare,
Apart from a short poem taped to the wall,
To my Mum who will find I don't live here any more,
The next two lines unclear in my mind,
But the final line stands out bold,
I've found hope with you my love.

Underneath a hasty drawing,
Of animals in the wild,
And of one lone wildebeest,
Daring to trust,
In the nature of a falling elephant,
To keep her from falling herself.
But I'm not sure the elephant was strong enough.

I know that sounds strange,
But this was a dream after all,
Even so I'm worried my love,
So if you see this please respond,
And tell me you haven't left home,
And you're not leading your life alone,
Because only my words can reach you from here,
And I'm afraid that when finally I'm near,
You'll have disappeared.
Seriously, are you alright?
This dream isn't made up
 Oct 2014 Antiquity Vaircome
I sit the way a
stomachache would; i sit the
way my mother taught.
He acts like a player
                                      She's a cheerleader
                                                     ­                     He hits up all the girls
She's the one everyone wants
                                                       He goes home at night
                                                                ­                                  She avoids home
He likes his best friend
                                           She skips a meal
                                                            ­                He just wants to stop hiding
She just wants to be thin
                                               He comes out as gay
                                                             ­                          She no longer eats
He's beat up by his 'friends'
                                                    She­ collapses during class
                                                           ­                                           He's in the ER
She's in the OR
                               His skull caved in
                                                                ­  Her heart is starved
He wakes up with amnesia
                                                     She remembers it all
He dies to brain damage
                                                She starves to death

This all started with one comment. A whisper in the halls. Something about her size.

He just wanted to be himself, but they didn't want him there.
This is based off real people. Not to this extreme but it can happen, watch what you sa.
"I remind myself
that love is sometimes
about letting go..."
I was in and I came upon this quote. It really spoke to me and my life in this moment. This 10W is very powerful and I hope you enjoy!
the night that
max wore his wolf suit
he swore the lycans came
and while he
hid under the bed

they prowled and growled
and howled out his name

but he stayed put
in the furthest corner
of gloom,
paralysed ....
by a feeling of
utter doom

he knew,
he was no wolf.
just boofy bloke wearing
the suit for a goof...

and as to being a hairy
all full of
bloodlust  and scare
he knew his head,
his heart, his soul
would not, could not,
go there....

he was if anything,
an aurilophile....
and would have worn
a cat suit....
but they, the shop of freak.

did not have any in his style,
that, being of the male
they had kitty
and pussycat suits
for all sorts of occasions

they had just rented,
the last tiger
and the lions had
all.... long gone.

so he got stuck
with the wolf
and thought, at the time...

what could go wrong....

now in the hours of
one, two and three...
as the lycan prowled
and yodeled love songs
he knew full well,

what could go wrong...

max and his suit
waiting for the sunrise
and the light of the day
to make this dogfest,
of a nightmare,

go far far away....

then, in the bright noonday sun
he would go out to the park.

and find a stray dog
give him the suit....
or at least hide it under
a log....

then to the pub,
to down many beers,
put an acholic fence,
him and his fears

send the last night,
on down the stream
of all those other
fog filled...
and fuzzy freaken

where he was a dog,
a cat or a fly.....
or where he slipped....
off a tigtrope so high

and fell with a splat....

of strawberry jam
to be scraped up from the
sidewalk and into
a jar.....

that was the worst dream
the worst by far.....

so eventually  max,
walked into the bar
ordered a beer,
strolled around for a bit
then sat in the corner......
all naked as a jay.....
or a ***.

cause in all,
the dreaming and scheming.
he had forgot one thing,

to put on some clothes.

so now, the whole
world had,
had a view of both
the front and the rear,
fishing tackle and gear...
it was them,
that had something to fear,
for the sight of,
the above
mentioned junk....
had put all who had seen it
into a funk....

for max's **** was a foul mouthed punk....
and as for his ar$e...
a right royal farce

some one had to say...
with courage
so as to save the day...
max ......
for god's sake
and that of my poor sainted
take this table cloth
and cover your man-*****
take the other
and cover your ***'s face....
you makin my pub
a down right disgrace....

smiling sheepishly,
did as was said
and apologised profusely,
for having lost his head
... and normal,
day to day attire...
took a six pack,
for the road, on the slate
....and went on home
and back to bed...
to meet,
with drunken bravado,
his all hallows fate.....
just a bit of halloween fun...
I want to know you
And the thoughts inside your mind,
Won't you let me see?
 Oct 2014 Antiquity Vaircome
The way my father
speaks is the way my head hurts;
purely true headache.
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