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 Jul 2019 annieohk
from the crack of the door that is closing
i observe your new love blossom

until now i've only known you as two things:
my lover and an utter stranger

i never knew you as you loved another
and i wish i never had to

so with great pain i must shut this door
and wish you farewell
 Jul 2019 annieohk
 Jul 2019 annieohk
in the chaos of my mind
i found stillness in your eyes
Flowers were breathing.
As I trod trees had cloudwreaths
In the mizzlemist.
White plumerias fall
like moths fluttering the light
Of a crescent moon.
Moths started to fly over and around. I feel sleepy. I see a crescent moon. But I look at the white Plumeria flowers falling gently before everything else.
the stream is a breeze of
blue stars, layered in sweet
melancholy, layered in
sadness and love.

the world revolves like
a wheel, burgeons like
a flower, weeps like a
sorrowful cloud.

i yearn for you, down
misty lanes and dreams of
dark seas, fall until
i can no longer fall,

fall until our love blossoms
and our hearts cry out.
i'm sorry if i have not returned a comment it is really down to time and trying to find the right balance in my life between poetry and loved ones.
 Jul 2019 annieohk
i'm standing at the sidelines
worn down and tired
watching my life blur past me.
life is such a fleeting thing.
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