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 Aug 2021 Amy
I am here
 Aug 2021 Amy
Please take care of me
Don’t forget that I am here
Don’t walk ahead of me
Please hold my hand

You used to make sure that I am fine
You stared into my eyes
You never wanted to leave my side
You used to warm my hands.
 Aug 2021 Amy
i miss you
 Aug 2021 Amy
i miss you
i miss your voice
i miss your laugh
i miss your presence

but i don't miss you in that way
i don't miss you romantically
i miss you as a person
i miss having you in my life
i wish we could at least be friends for now. we agreed to be but things are just awkward between us and it's too early to talk again i guess. maybe part of me does still have feelings for you but i'll heal from it, but i just miss you genuinely as a person.
 Aug 2021 Amy
Mrs Anybody
It’s not
that I am
not interested
in boys

It’s just
that I
every boy
that catches
my attention
to you

And they
don’t stand
even the
slightest chance
also check out my other poems!  :)
 Aug 2021 Amy
second chances
  third chances
      fourth chances
     renewed trusts
replenished damaged belief
               pride and prejudice
hurt and sadness
           fifth chances...
      making up
               making out
        waking up half ashamed
             walking out half naked
     walking off the emptiest night of your lives
                      forcing a smile
                  pretending to be fine
         pretending to be fine
                                pretending to be fine
            pretending to be fine
                     knuckling under
                                falling behind
                          pretending to believe each other
trust broken forever.
       sixth chances...
                    gnashing of teeth-----
   staring into the mirror blankly at 3am
               crying yourself up until 9
glass shard pressed smoothly
                                                     against your wrist
                                            total darkness...      
                               undoable sadness...
                      uncurable brokenness...
           -------seventh chances
       ------eighth chances
    ------ninth chances
-------tenth chances
      more 'last' goodbyes.
              et cetera
maybe a sequel to 'things we call love' ? don't know
 Aug 2021 Amy
 Aug 2021 Amy
We all take chances whether we know it or not. We all take a chance on one person once or more times. Taking chances are always a risk just like in Monopoly. But taking a chance in real life is way more dangerous than in a board game. You never know what happens after that chance. But taking chances is what life is all about. We have always taken chances. Since the beginning of human history we've taken chances. People take chances with religion. People take chances with no religion. But no matter you believe we are in the because we all take chances.
This has been on my mind for awhile and I am finally glad i have it all written out.
 Aug 2021 Amy
 Aug 2021 Amy
late nights
cold walls
calming skies
all the stars
watching us
while we sit
and talk
about the secrets
in our hearts
and heavy thoughts
in our minds,
It’s comfort.
just you and me
and the stars we see
thank you
 Aug 2021 Amy
When I die...
Will you visit me sometimes?
Wearing a nice suit,
Would you leave flowers by my name
and say a few words to get through a bad day?
 Aug 2021 Amy
but i liked it
 Aug 2021 Amy
i sat there,
watching my blood
drip onto my hands,
and on the floor,
seeping through
the rug below me

i sat there,
and said
"it didn't even hurt"

but sadly,
that was a lie

i can still feel
the knife slicing my skin,
but i liked it
 Jul 2021 Amy
Joseph Gassmann
When you message

Your name appears

they see my smile

But inside... my chest, Tense

I attempt to inhale
The air thickens
My lungs like Stone...
Chilling to the Bone

Your Phone silent... Do you wonder why?

What do I say? What will be the conclusion?

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