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  Jul 2015 Amy H
David Hall
you know the value of a word
and can place it with great care
you see colors in a rainbow
others wouldn’t know were there
you can find the silver lining
of the darkest thunder cloud
or make a grown man weep
when he reads your words out loud
you live your life wide open
wear your heart upon your sleeve
give your friends the gift of laughter
and console them when they grieve
you take all the pieces of a life
and use words to make the whole
if you're reading this right now
it means you have a poets soul
There are so many wonderful people and poets on this site, this is my thank you for being awesome poem.
Amy H Jul 2015
The words are a playground,
no bell to call me in.
And wander I must
past fences, over grasses verdant
finding trees that take words
and split them like branches.
I eat the apples
leaving some of me behind along the way.
I am a constant poet.

If every morning that began with words in mind prompted a new poem, then I'd be a constant poet.  Like this morning, would have been a bit about gerunds and how you just shouldn't gerundize some nouns because it isn't right.  And then some are right but not because the connotation of the word or context remains the same.  Take pan and paning, for example.  One is breakfast and the other in film.  But anyway, if I'm allowed to not make sense often then perhaps I am a constant poet.  I asked the question, "Why is the expression take a ****?  Taking isn't what we do..." Perhaps the language affords us  many luxuries of interpretation that forgive literal correctness and rules.  Like writing a paragraph of prose for Hello Poetry.  But maybe we are here because we question the limits and take the license and more.  The words become a playground, not a chore.  Yes that's it!  My morning meandering leads to a single poetic thought.

The words are a playground,
no bell to call me in.
And wander I must
past fences, over grasses verdant
finding trees that take words
and split them like branches.
I eat the apples
leaving some of me behind along the way.
I am a constant poet.
Rambling.  Nothing but a rambling.  But I kinda like it.
Listen to Constant Poet, poem by Amy Hilton 4 #np on #SoundCloud
Amy H Jul 2015
loving you in seven ways to Sunday;
the ways you tend to meet my wandering mind.
Sophisticate, the world through prism light.
Movement, the uptight and the lithe.
Tenderness, sweet then bitter like wine.
Will, when true love fights.
Trinkets reminiscent.
Forever in cycles.
Soul I know because I see your eyes.
through seven days I know, even if you don't.
Because I can't say it.
Amy H Jul 2015
grace my lips
with tenderness,
touch my spirit;
you will have me, won.
no matter the rest;
anatomy is dead in a minute.
if you want my soul,
know my eyes
and wake my lips
with honey.
There is nothing to replace sweetness.
Amy H Jul 2015
Man of dreams
it often seems
we ride the silken thread
of words that seep
the passion deep
of soul where they are bred.
In my mind
the heart I find
to buy the message whole
and see it done
the battle won
because of the soul.
It was, once.  Things change.
Amy H Jul 2015
If you stray from where you should've,
no bed when comes the night,
don't suspect your compass wasn't right.
If the needle showed a way
and you followed it to erring
the misfortune of wayfaring;
It may not be the instrument in hand.
The heart is at fault here.
You chose the wrong North, it's clear.
Lost because you followed the wrong target.
Amy H May 2015
when it's all lights
to catch the eyes
but ways to drain my soul;
it isn't worth the gamble
any more.
without tenderness
you let me
give and give
without a take.
now the chips are down;
and I stranded,
on an empty, dewy street
with faded lights
and hungered heart
wishing I had never banked
on Vegas.
the deal was always
for the house.
Vegas isn't the place to find love, and neither is he.
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