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 Apr 2019 Gidgette
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
I wish i was kissing you instead of
Missing you.
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
frequent my guest--

change me up, up, up...

music the dance.

dime dead warm figurations.

the first break of glass.

be there.

brashly reviving like

green leaved cheeks

in vogue.

featurette of bent wings--

where's the air?

to substance gone.

love me now~
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
while sitting like

a black bough

on the metro...

among the petaled

apparitions of faces.

(nod to Ezra Pound)

this little boy walked

up to me, and put his

hand of my shoulder.

then leaned in to look

at his reflection on my


he was wearing a jacket

pocked with planets--what

a cool little dude.
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
someday it will
come again.
someday someone
will come in.

a star
with the deepest depths in the eyes
with the gentlest of breaths
and endless soul in the smile

one day
i'll forgive this pain
not forget -
we are all destined to love again, i am sure
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Star BG
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Star BG
Love defines the compassion of God. The vibration
that feeds inside ones cellular body. It’s the fuel of wisdom
and expansion that travels from breath into consciousness.
The path that humanity is now awakening to.

Love and compassion is in ones DNA
that expands in order for all to grow and prosper.
Humanity is on its road of expansion from the dark times
where only sadness and cruelty lived
to the time of recall
so all connect to light
and the potential we carry
is felt.

The flowing ******* power of love
is now moving gracefully.
And its the time of graduation to celebrate
at the conscious doorway  of new beginnings.
To have recognition of
the innate powers present
as alignment of the soul grounds
to embrace ones true eternal self.

Things are now shifting so our relationship to God, our gifts of knowing and understanding with compassion, peace, joy, abundance, and love as meant to be.
We are living entities of divinity meant to put down the rules of religious structure so we live
in hearts with all of Gods songs of wisdom.

Rise and Shine world
the playing field of this galaxy is now in full gear
for all to be reborn.
Inspired By Kryon. Check Kryons talks on utube if you feel ready
we do not really know
what to expect of times to come

those who dare say they do
are more or less intelligently speculating
and their assumptions usually don‘t exceed
foggy predictions read from crystal *****

so what?
the problem is not really new
all our ancestors
     some more desperate than others
were longing for the certainty
they thought would go with knowledge
of all things as yet to come

     fact is we have survived without it
     for some million years

even if our digitized society
     obsessed with quantifying everything
     from time to work to *** to pleasure
seems mortally in fear of lack of data
     about the future

the one thing we can say for sure
is that life will be different
because the only constant in our world
is change

     know it
     and get on
The last two lines are borrowed from U.S. author and Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison in her reply to a question of what to do about unpleasant news/experience.--
It's 11:05 p.m. and 10.556°c and getting cooler . The coolness of the night time air soothes my aching thoughts . The calm of silence allows me to breathe a sigh of relief . Only at a distance can I hear the barking of a dog as everything remains still . I am at joy and peace in the emptiness that is so full of life that goes unheard . My mind wanders thinking about people I used to know a long life time ago . I fret over trivia , where are they now , are they alive ?
I know I will never see their faces again , but I can cherish their memories one more time . I can say to the night's indifference long overdue I love yous and break a smIle for eternity . I again say I am at peace , full of contentment , surrounded by the echoes that are silently embracing me .
Almost full moon
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Climbing on the bus
Not looking forward to this trip
But it meant so much to her  
And how could I predict

That it would be her last hurrah
Before she passed away
Just one year ago marks
The anniversary of that day

It was an annual trip, with her twin
They took to different cities
With a group of old church folks
They called themselves
“The Traveling Gypsies”

As it turned out to be
My last fond memory
Of my mother and her twin
Before they were stripped
Of all their memories

Alzheimer’s was their reward
They gave it quite a fight
Bed ridden in their final days
Until they saw the light

Who's to say how it will end
Or where that place will be
A gutter in the streets of life
Or home where it should be

So as I sit and contemplate
These moments I recount
I think about the road ahead
And how I’ll make it count
My mom and her twin sister both had Alzheimer's. My mom was significantly more progressed than my aunt's. My aunt acted as my mom's caretaker long after we had them both moved to a memory care facility. They both did well there for about 6 months. Then my mom became aggressively depressed and crying all the time. At that time, they both had a bad sinus infection at the same time. My mother recovered but was still crying and complaining she couldn't breathe. However doctors could not find any ailments in her. My aunt ended up getting pneumonia. While in the hospital they discovered and diagnosed her with stage 4 terminal lung cancer. She died 4 months later with the last month being bed ridden, hardly eating until she was nearly only bones and on a breathing machine. My mom and her twin were always connected in the weird twin way ... knowing things between them, beyond normal comprehension. We all believe my mom knew (not in a cognitive way but in her own twin way) before diagnosed that her twin was going to die. None of us expected her to live much longer than her twin. They both had long life forces even crippled with cancer and Alzheimer's. My aunt Lorea (other mother) died Oct. 27, 2016. Up until that point my mother could still walk, talk, eat and recognize me and my siblings. However after she lost her twin she could no longer walk requiring much more individual care. We moved her to a residential home care facility. They worked really hard to try and revive her willingness to live. It wasn't a conscious choice to give up because with Alzheimer's your brain doesn't work right. She lasted less than 3 months after the death of her twin. It was heartbreaking, to say the least, to witness. I rejoice her being reunited with her twin and my father and free of the confinement of Alzheimer's but I'm still working through the finality of it on the earthly side. Growing up as a child of twins is a blessing of having two moms (one being the cool mom ... the mom you could tell anything to .. knowing she would know how to explain it to your real mom in a way you couldn't bring yourself to do) and a sister cousin, my aunt's daughter. I had an older sister (10 years) too. So in my case I had three moms I love dearly. I am grateful to still have my sister.
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Bus Poet Stop
spring planting, spring harvesting, spring garlic

One of the great joys of having a job in agriculture
is to think days, weeks, even months ahead,
One of the great joys of having a job in poetry,
like a fireman,  a patient planter of love,
you wait to be called,
then becoming by being,
part of an all consuming burning

come spring, take advantage of the cool, wet weather of spring
to put in multiple crops of peas and lettuce, also a great time
to get your perennial vegetables,
like asparagus and rhubarb, started

the planting cycle is not an either/or,
come harvest thy labored fruits,
nine crops to harvest come March,
kale, pick leaves as needed,
leeks, best left in the ground
and harvested as needed,
parsnips, purple sprouting broccoli,
rhubarb, spring cabbage, spring cauliflower,
and of course, my personal fav,
Spring Garlic

Garlic, like like love, is generally planted in the fall,
before the frost and harvested the following late summer.
But from March to May,
once the ground has truly thawed,
the young lover plants, spring garlic or green garlic,
can be harvested.

it’s a long bus ride to Western Canada
where the garlic spring has come,
ain’t complaining lots of time to write foolishness
and plant a few good bus poems in northern ontario
and even michigan,
the window slides, and the seeds scattered,
but at every bus poet stop,
those that need it,
planted many inches deep

April 2 naught how I wish I was nineteen again
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