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Mar 2015 · 878
Beautiful things happen when you believe
Conquer your fears and your goals you'll achieve
No matter where you come from or where you've been
Today is a chance to make a change right now you can begin
People will always have something negative to say
Let your actions speak whenever words get in your way
Don't move around hastily without a plan
A well thought out objective and passion go hand in hand*

Do what you love and do it from your heart
It may take a while but you will eventually start
There comes a time when you must believe in yourself too
Everyone is unique and special, do your best, there is only one you
Think of all you have done, all your wonderful accomplishments
And remember you made a choice, nothing happened by accident
Visualize your plan and realize you are not limited your imagination
You have the power to succeed no matter what the situation
At times things may seem far away or untouchable
But you have that driving desire to make things happen, capable

Not everyone will understand how you intend to proceed
Just remind them that you are not a follower but destined to lead
By example, showing the world your talents and gifts
Knowing that you can inspire others giving them a boost a lift
Each day is an opportunity for you to rise above the clouds
Quietly no, Silently no, be proud and bold, do it out loud

Whenever you feel a bit of fear or having some doubt
Whenever you feel it's too much to handle and you can't figure it out
Relax, take a deep breath because all things take some time to complete
You don't have to race, there is no reason for you to compete
Whatever is designed for you will always be available for you
There is no need to be discouraged by what you choose to do
Because beautiful things happen when you believe
Conquer your fears and your goals you'll achieve
Note: written to inspire you.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Come Closer
Closer until his breath tickles my skin
Sending a shiver down my spine from deep within
Closer until I can feel his smile
Tingling, Tickling, for quite a while
Closer until he whispers in my ear
Something sweet, something intriguingly dear
Closer until he's holding my chin in his hand
Staring into my eyes obeying his command

Closer until his lips touch my nose
Causing me to blink, but not lose composer
Closer until I can feel his heart beat
It's hotter in here, I feel the heat
Closer until he strokes along my face
Now my heart begins to race
Closer until he wraps his arms around my waist
Holding me close, squeezing me tight without haste

Closer until he lifts me higher into the air
Spinning me round in circles up there
Closer until we don't make a sound
Peace and quietness all around
Closer until our minds intertwine
Closer, he comes closer til he's all mine
Note: Written to Inspire You.
Feb 2015 · 832
You've got me hypnotized
Yea, I know this comes as a surprise
Because my feelings are disguised
Your smile has me mesmerized
Everytime I think of you I get a chill
Knowing you have no clue as to how I feel
For a moment I imagine you're mine
Then I realize it's all in my mind

I admire the qualities of your thoughts
Morals and character many have sought
I want to say more than just hello to you
Tell you I adore and care for you
In a world that's so chaotic
My desire for you is hypnotic
Intoxicated by wisdom and words
My heart's singing various chords
The sound of a sweet melody
Of You and Me

Maybe one day I'll let you know
That I love the way you make me glow
Remembering life before your appearance
But focusing more on your presence
Right now it seems I have no choice
But maybe one day I'll hear your voice
You're the one who sets my soul on fire
Giving me the courage to inspire
Note: Always Be Original.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Heart of Love
What Has More Power Than A Loving Heart
The Wisdom And Knowledge Will Never Depart
Seeds In Your Heart Will Grow In Due Time
But Anything Is Possible Just Change Your Mind
No Matter Where You Come From Or Where You Been
You Don't Have To Do The Same Things Over And Over Again

Just Let The Blood Flow Freely In Your Veins
And Feel The Beat Of A Loving Heart Within
Within A Heart Of Love
Somewhere Amid The Rise And Fall
Among The Blood Pumping Veins
Once Lived Anger, Hurt, And Various Pains
Of Bitterness, Evil, And Much Strife
There Was No Joy Or Happiness For Life
Nothing But Hardships, Brutality, And Lies
Simply Hoping For A Brief Moment Of Delight

Who Could Have Ever Known
Despite The Trials And Tribulations Love Has Grown
Strong Always Ready To Run This Race
Because Nothing Can Ever Take The Place
Within A Heart Of Love
Beating To The Rhythm Of A Joyful Sound
Blood Flowing Back And Forth And All Around
Place Your Hand On It Feel The Heart Pound
Note: Written to Inspire You.
Listen to me Recite this poem!
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Acrostic Poetry
A--lways willing to exhibit; a smile that graciously blesses.
M--aking sure to contribute; to the removal of all stresses.
A--dorable as she begins to awaken; so thankful for a new day.
K--indness was never forsaken; as she always remembers to pray.
A--wesome is the route she chose; and it is being gloriously redeemed.
I--ntimately she does compose; rebuking all who notoriously schemed.
M--anifesting her faith chances; to become her very best.
A--lluring as she glances; such a wondrous treasure chest.
N--oticed using her gifts; to encourage whomever she meets.
A--nointed spirit uplifts; peers & friends she greets.
N--ever too busy to hug; or embrace someone in need.
K--ept thoughts of a Persian rug; she goes where writing does lead.
O--asis of social concern; is so divinely respected.
S--acred fires within her burn; as she and GOD have connected.
A--ngel is in her season; greater success enters her hands.
Z--ealous of GOD for a Holy reason; aligning with His commands.
A--dapting to His Will and His Way; so as to find her purest joy.
N--ot able to be still on her born day; a vibrance nothing can destroy.
A--ppreciative of these 24 hours; honored by the Lord for her new year.
cake,, cream & flowers; are nice,..but excited for GOD to make her pathway clear.
Note: Acrostic of Amaka Imani Nkosazana!  written by Wade Brooks.
Feb 2015 · 996
In My Eyes
In My Eyes You Will See
A Woman Of Love, Truth, And Honesty
Look Into My Eyes And You Will Know
Just How Deep I Can Be And Just How Far I Will Go

In My Eyes You Will Find
All The Pain And Troubles Of The Past Left Behind
Look Into My Eyes And You Will Feel
The Hope, Joy, And Faith To Heal

Though My Eyes Sometimes Shed A Tear
I Pray For The Ones I Love So Dear
Look Into My Eyes And Look Deep Inside
You Will Find That I Have Nothing To Hide

In My Eyes You Will See Desire
No Money, No Fame, Or No Fortune Can Buy Her
Look Into My Eyes And Feel The Love
So Free And Pure Just Like A Dove

In My Eyes You Will See Compassion and Grace
And The Power To Spread It Everywhere, Every Place
Look Into My Eyes and See The World
The Stars And Planets All In One Swirl

In My Eyes There's Inspiration
The Colors And Hues So Much Captivation
In My Eyes There Are Many Things You Will See
But Most Importantly In My Eyes
You Will See Me
Note: The Eyes are the Windows To The Soul.
Listen to me Recite this Poem!
Feb 2015 · 833
Some Day
Once small dreams, medium, and then large
I opened my mind and began to take charge
Yes there was a time when I could not see
Past my fears in life or unfold my destiny
It never quite registered in my unique head
Earth is the land of the living, not the dead
Although we sometimes walk silently and alone
In this extraordinary place we call home
Fear used to be my enemy, but not anymore
I have learned to replace the fear with love
Everything imagined or dreamed in my life
Fear took control and kept me under the knife
Now, I look back and see all the incomplete dreams
But I also look back and see all the completed things
And, I say to myself
Some day, some how, I will stand
And, I will bow
Live your dreams.

— The End —