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May 2018 · 1.1k
Strawberries & Mascarpone
Ako May 2018
I keep slicing reality
With the Knife of Reason,
Yet brushing winds
Carry scents of hope.

Neuron connections of
Misconceptions -
Is that causation
Or empty words?

I keep dicing my days
Climbing the ego
Of a shoreless mind
You keep coming my way
Wearing nothing but bands
Around your thighs -
Limelight moments.
Ticking clocks.
Down my spine.
Written Nov. 10, 2016
Ako May 2018


Shinning Sun
Steps Steps Steps
Steps Steps Steps

Work Work Work
Work Work Work
Work Work Work

Something Sweet


Slow Stroll
Some sips of wine
Steps Steps Steps

Some TV-Series
Some random thoughts


May 2018 · 902
As days go by
Ako May 2018
I need
To find
My poetry.

I think
It's hiding
In my
Weekly Planner.
Jul 2016 · 451
Ako Jul 2016
Turn your head
and see the sparks.

Look him in the eyes
as he walks pass you on the street.
I end at your fingertips
and you start in mine.

All of this violence of
“you” and “me” and “them” and “us”
and what hasn’t been said?!
from cliche to cliche
but we’re still here,
we’re still standing in front of each other
we’re still holding our heads up high
we’re still tearing and salting the skies -
We’re still us.
You and me.

Turn your head and see the sparks.

From afar.
From lands we’ve never been to
and stars we’ll never reach
you are in arms length
high above the clouds
of the deep seas
as crystal clear ideas
get all mixed up
in between
those daily walks we used to take
those silent trips down to the park.
The sun goes down.
I can hear the grass growing
under my feet and
the kites brushing through the lights
on tiny strings by tiny kids.
Just turn your head and see the sparks.

Daddy used to say that
sticks and stones
may break my bones
but not the words
but daddy’s gone
and your words burn.
As if you weren’t me
some time before as if
we ever parted
from the dust
from which we’re born
as if the echoes
ever stop and I
can feel the cries
of ancient birds
just screaming to the sun
for more of that.
we’re all just screaming
to the sun
for more of that.

Why don’t you turn your head
and see the sparks?

It is 99% invisible
but there is love
and there are lies.
And in between those lines
thy warming flames
they touch me not
bewildered soul
what have I got myself into.
lost but safe.

Remember those nights
on the roofs?
just you and me
and the stars above
and those people
in the windows all around
watching us as we made love?

Those spells we whispered
to the wind
just before
the sun came up.

Turn your head and see the sparks.

There is love -
and there are lies.
And in your eyes
that roaring flame of
passion burning
through the sieve
releasing all
the words we’ve never spoken
all the turns we’ve never taken
it’s been so long
since we’ve got lost.

You had so many names.

I was a god and
you were frightened
you were reaching
from the depths
of my perception
to the corner
of my eyes
and I can still see your face.

Your whole expression
dripping with lust
every move that you made
made my hands
touch my crotch
with your
shining red lips
blushing cheeks and
black dresses.

Turn your head and
see the sparks.

We were sipping Chartreuse
but we had
a whisky kind of love
of broken glasses
filled with blood
the doctor said
we’ll never make it
but the curtains
couldn’t stop
the light from flooding
and the
dreams from coming
as we were laughing

Turn your head
see the sparks.
Apr 2016 · 534
Present Progressive
Ako Apr 2016
I think of poetry
While I *******
And of ***
While I work.

And **** the Buddha!
What does he know
About my life

It makes more sense
For you to leave now
Get out of my head
I’m chewing on nightmares
And you’re a bubble-gum-ballon
Just waiting to explode
All over my face
And when did I ever
Let you in

**** the buddha.
Apr 2016 · 457
Love 0.0
Ako Apr 2016
Remember when you -
never mind.
It doesn't matter.

Remember when I -
Oh just forget it.
The moment's gone.
Apr 2016 · 715
Love 3.0
Ako Apr 2016
I'm a
Web Developer
Which is
The politically correct term
Professional Stalker.
Jan 2016 · 428
Let's Dance
Ako Jan 2016
Before you say "no",
let me tell you a story -
about a boy,
and a girl,
and a cat.
Truth is -
I don't really like cats,
so let's have instead -
a frog.
And a black magic hat.

"for my next magic trick -"
said the frog,
"I need 2 volunteers -
a boy and a girl!",
and the crowd
Was roaring with joy.

Then up to the stage,
From nowhere at all,
Walked a boy in a hood,
With a dark brown bow,
And whispers all over -
"but where is the girl?".

The frog took his hat off,
And flipped it around,
He swished it and pinched it,
And made some weird sounds,
When out of the hat,
Jumped a girl with a crown!
"the princess!", they shouted,
"what a pleasant surprise!".

"Please, my dear fellows",
asked the frog from the crowd,
"The show hasn't started,
PLEASE relax and sit down!".

The girl wasn't nervous,
And the boy played it cool,
But then their eyes met -
And in that very instant,
The frog gave the mark -
"Ba ba bam! Ba ba bam!"
And the whole world

One star started blinking,
And then a few more,
"Thank you all!",
said the frog,
With his hands held up high,
But the crowd,
Understood not what for -
"but.. Where is the magic?",
they demanded to know.

"Relax my dear fellows!",
beseeched them the frog,
"RELAX and behold -
The greatest magic of all!"

The frog cleared the floor.
The stars all aligned.
And at the edge of the stage,
with their backs to the crowd,
sat the boy and the girl -
his hand resting on her lap.
Her head, on his shoulder.
Then their heads tilted back,
And all the worlds heard,
the most beautiful story,
which has ever been told -

The sounds
Between a boy
And a girl.
Jan 2016 · 757
See-Through Mirrors
Ako Jan 2016
If the Moon
Cannot refuse
To reflect
The sunlight glow -

How can
A loving heart
Say "no"?
Jan 2016 · 330
As I Grow Older
Ako Jan 2016
I use
Dec 2015 · 429
And then I met Laura
Ako Dec 2015
Or was it Lizzte?
Or Lian?
Never mind.

It only lasted
As long
As this poem.
Dec 2015 · 323
Oh no
Ako Dec 2015
And I didn't do
(no) Everything I could
(oh) But I did do
Everything I shouldn't

And (no) I didn't do
(oh) Everything I should
(no) I couldn't
and even if I could -
I wouldn't.
(I wouldn't).

but maybe (maybe) if I did do
maybe if I'd listen
it would of been different
(oh) but I didn't
(no) and it wasen't
could I ever be forgiven?
(could I could I)
(ever be forgiven) (could I?)
Nov 2015 · 341
Ako Nov 2015
Every time we meet I can’t wait to say goodbye. I long that farewell hug that says more then everything we’ve ever told each other since the day we’ve met combined. That hug that places your heart in front of mine and blends our heartbeats into one again, and in the void that’s between that beat, in that glimpse of existential silence in which only you and me exist i feel them speak - “we are one”, our hearts tell each other.

Every time we meet I can’t wait to say goodbye. Those short moments in between the time we understand our time is over, but before we part, are charged with a different kind of time - a denser time. As I hand you back his leash, in itself a token of acceptance of this fate we’ve carved in the space between our drifting souls, I feel the tears emerging from within. Then we part in opposite directions, always exactly opposite directions, and a tremendous wave of hurling pain hits me as the tears break out and cover my face - and i feel alive. so alive.

Every time we meet I can’t wait to say goodbye. One more goodbye. Our meetings get shorter and shorter. We look less into the past, behind each other’s eyes and more into the future in the sky. The uncertainty of “if” and “where” and “when” feels almost as real as the thing itself, and that uncertainty covers me as an epic tale covers the mind of a child - overwhelmed with passion and fear, with magic and bravery and thrill - with a sense that great things do exist and that the journey has only begun.

Every time we meet I can’t wait to say goodbye, and feel like the luckiest man on earth, for when we do say goodbye, when we do part our ways, i’m left with only one wish in my heart -
for us
to someday
say goodbye again.
Oct 2015 · 396
May I? (part 1)
Ako Oct 2015
May I
Sit with you
Just for
A short while?

I've been
Walking for days
Days? Weeks!
I've been walking
For months
For years! Decades!

My feet
Need rest, My
Heart is tired.
May I?
Oct 2015 · 601
The Lament
Ako Oct 2015
The sun of yore
Still shines on thee
“I fear her light!”,
Cried Night to me.

The brightest star
Plunged in the sea
“For she's herein -
Ye needs not me!”.

Yet wretched I be
For all I see -
A dark abyss
Surrounding me.

“For heaven’s sake!”,
I sob, I plea,
“Her light - her bright -
Shines not for me!”
Dec 2014 · 834
Quattro Formaggi
Ako Dec 2014
I went to buy a pizza.
She told her mother.
Our oldest one is called Nadav.
His youngest one - Shani.

— The End —