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 Apr 2015 Deon
Tasmin Jade
There was once a little speckled cat, with orange eyes and a silky hat. He lives in a dustbin at the end of the street where he eats pink luncheon meat.  His best friend is a grey dormouse with a long tail and his neighbour; a colourful garden snail. He sits and twitches his tickly whiskers all day, drinking peppermint tea from a tiny tray and eating yellow fish from a little dish. On the weekends he plays football with street dogs and tag with green frogs. Before bed he counts each star and strums a little tune on his brown guitar. He’s everyone’s favourite speckled cat, with golden red fur and a silky hat – can you imagine that?
(29 May 2013)
I wrote a bit of children's 'nonsense' verse for my little sister who loves the cats she has running around our mum's house. Because she was so young when I wrote this I tried playing on simple language and colour.
 Apr 2015 Deon
 Apr 2015 Deon
I want your body next to mine
your warmth radiating to me so fine.
arms wrapped around me tight
telling me everything's gonna be alright.
 Apr 2015 Deon
Dr Zik
 Apr 2015 Deon
Dr Zik
Moon needs not to conceal its scars
It grasps its own scars and light from the warmth sun
And instead of fading
it brightens more than ever!
When I found myself not able to behave like sun
I decided to surrender
And started reflecting light like moon.
 Apr 2015 Deon
Dr Zik
 Apr 2015 Deon
Dr Zik
If you need to go beyond
And don’t want to play a game
You need not to walk or fun
Tool or trick or tact or fame

If no plan; you have at all
Talking about he or she
Any season or snow fall
Fly to have it like a bee

If your goal is miles so far
You have no food, fish or fin
No matter plane, train or car
Face no trip through thick or thin

Go with care be determined
And you have to see your past
You have your inner! You find
You will be succeed at last
 Apr 2015 Deon
i am a diamond.
you are a diamond.
we are diamonds.

we radiate color.
we are unpredictable.
we are extraordinary.

diamonds are beautiful.

i am a diamond.
you are a diamond.
we are diamonds.

we are beautiful.
 Apr 2015 Deon
Shelby Predrick
Remonstrances sound in the pale evening gloom
One that is feared, a midnight rose' bloom.
Concealed by a thick, emerging wall
Cries never heard, dying off at her call.

Peering round the tombstone tree,
I see leaves swaying in the ominous breeze.
A foretelling of an unknown story
That has come to end, Grimm's morning glory.

Peeling off the gigantic red brick house,
Are cement and paint in cold dry blood.
Parting gazes deceive the spider
As the web tears apart for the cunning outsider.

Flickering and broken lamps unfixed
They cast light on the wicked, devouring mix
Of witches and grumps, different and alike
Who ruin our lives
And rip even knives.

A considerable vacation it must be
To head in and out, oh how much fun and glee!
But horror tales come undone only in the fall
When the glimmer wears off
And ink splatters the prison wall.
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