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 Apr 2015 Deon
Maria Imran
2:08 a.m.
 Apr 2015 Deon
Maria Imran
'tis not the right time
to miss people so much.
for some holes just never mend
some wounds never fill...
sleep, restless heart
 Apr 2015 Deon
Shruti Atri
The world I see
Is colored in red.
I know, I'm the monster
Under your bed...

You cry yourself
To sleep every night;
I speak to you,
Each. Word. Filled. With. Ssspite.

I like your flesh,
It's pink and sweet.
I want to bite it off
And taste your meat.

You're a bird in a cage,
That cage isn't mine;
You refuse to leave
Your self behind.

You're a willing puppet,
I'll play the puppeteer's part;
I'll tear open your flesh
And rip out your heart.

I'll torment and torture,
Till your words are stained red.
*Beware! I'm the monster
Under your bed...
Inspired by Tokyo Ghoul (the manga)...
 Apr 2015 Deon
R L Doe
Em yeu Anh
 Apr 2015 Deon
R L Doe
I've gotten a couple of busted lips,
bruised hips,
migraines, headaches...
sarcastic compliments,
and maybe even a single armed hug every other Wednesday.

But no I love you,
I respect you, or I want you.

No initiation to put forth love and express affection.

"Stubborn as a bull", I say to you as I climb your trunk and grab onto your horns.
Can't get away from your demons, can't hear my angels cries.

Throw me into the wall, call me wrong for feeling it.
Reject my wishes, and shame me for wanting something more.

But I weigh it all out and I'm just 7 lbs too few, and I need more.

Because I got too comfortable in your violent mind.
Thereon the tree did dwell
a leaf that never fell
brown and old now
wishing somehow
it had.

 Apr 2015 Deon
Charles Smith
 Apr 2015 Deon
Charles Smith
If one man counted the Stars in the sky,
until each one was named,
Our Star would have flittered and faded.
He has no one left to blame.

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