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 Jul 2014 Abaigeal Skye
My eyes are brown like his
My lips full like hers
My nose, a beautiful combination of both
My freckles are permanent unlike theirs which faded as they grew older
But they remind me of a youthful mother and a youthful father
A representation that I am a beautiful result of their once thriving love
A love I thought was indestructible
A love I thought would never die
A commitment I thought was stronger than steel
A commitment I thought would never have an expiration date
If my parents aren't together, how can I be?
Torn in two but left as one

My face,
A living reminder
Of what they
Should be
My favorite poet once said, "I have my fathers eyes and my mothers mouth; on my face they are still together."
My throat hurts
from screaming silently
in crowded rooms,
and my face aches
from smiling
far too much.
But still
nobody hears
and still
people ask
"Why the long face?",
even though
I made extra sure
to laugh
at all the right moments.
How do I explain
that my heart
feels like it's trapped in a vice,
that my eyes are so very tired
from constantly blinking back oceans?
I can't.
One more smile,
that almost makes my cheeks
and an
"I'm fine"
will do
 May 2014 Abaigeal Skye
When he happened upon his broken father
A boy too young to see
Needles and trash strewn all over
"Daddy? Dad? Can you hear me?"

"Are you okay, Dad? Are you okay?"
Knowing deep down the answer
His heart ached with confusion,
His innocence ripped away
The drugs, he thought
Were a form of cancer
And heavy on their shoulders
Did they weigh

Timid to approach the skeleton
Leaning against the wall,
Knowing they would
Both be frozen to the touch
Tears swelled
Not wanting to fall,
Balancing on the ledges
Of their eyelids
It was all almost
Too much

But he never gave up on him,
Not even when everyone else did
"I love you, Son. I love you more than you can imagine."

The sight could make a small boy dizzy
But he hung on like death, although it was not easy
But what can a small boy do when he sees his father in this view?

He stared into empty eyes
Thinking viciously of his mother's lies
But what does a small boy know of love's austere and lonely shadows?

I love you, Dad. Are you still there?
Wondering in his heart if he would ever get better

I love you, Son. I'm here. I'm always here.
But even that,
Couldn't ease this
Crippling fear
By: Evynne Doué
 May 2014 Abaigeal Skye
 May 2014 Abaigeal Skye
Is driving all the way
Back to your apartment
Because you forgot
Your work boots
Just so you can
Stay with her
By: Evynne Doué
 May 2014 Abaigeal Skye
How much I craved
When I was a child
Almost broke me
(It did to some extent)
How I craved
To be full
Emptiness invaded me
Much too

At six,
By this looming
To teach myself
How to ride
A bike
Not allowing myself
To give up
Until I had accomplished
That goal

Maybe he will be
Proud of me
And tell me.
Maybe he won’t
Sit in there
All alone
(Without me)

You never
Taught me
To ride a bike
Like you were
Supposed to
But maybe
You were teaching me
Something else

Maybe that’s why
I taught
My younger sister and brother
To ride a bike

Maybe that’s why
I taught
My youngest sister
To walk
And she took her
First steps
To me
In your mother’s kitchen

Maybe that’s why
I was so
To give them
I never got
But always

Maybe that’s why
I was so
To prevent that
From contaminating
Much too

You taught me
Instead of

You created
That irrefutable
That still
Drives me
To this day

I owe my
To you
And your
And me
And my

I forgive you
I forgive you
*I forgive
 Apr 2014 Abaigeal Skye
The change is

Colorful life forms
Suddenly cover
The entirety of the ******
Formerly a deathful void
Now a beautiful and lively

Her breath sends
A sweet scent
Over all of the

A happiness
    So unexpected
    So lovely
    So breathtaking

I do not know
What to do
With my overflowing
By: Evynne Doué
I wanna keep time
with the freckles on your back
 Apr 2014 Abaigeal Skye
I can still remember when
I first learned to swim
It seemed that life's ocean
Would sustain me to the end

Yet drowning has no remedy
Dry ground is but
A childhood memory

And now
Out here lost at sea
Up and down
Tossed around
Struggling just to breathe

And so I fade away
Lovesick upon these waves
In the depths of despair
I lose my will to care...
To fall in love again that is.
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