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In the company of undiluted sadness
She vomits verses upon verses
Swathes emotion
In amassed bundles of metaphor
Chokes on truth
Squeezes out the blood
For the sake of creation
Perhaps a cure
For the feeling

Silent screaming
Traversing the precarious
Corridors of her mind
The ricochet of sound
Awakening the repressed
Opening the floodgates of
The repugnant murk
The face of her darkness
She knows not its name
Or how it found her.
I live in the mountains
Middle of no where
I'm all alone tonight
It don't seem fair
Yet I see the stars
Shining so **** bright
Every last little one
Giving off a speck of light
Each one a part of something greater
Each one a piece of what's real
I don't know what YOU are feeling
But that's how I wanna feel
Like I actually belong here
Like I'm not living for myself
Like there's some bigger out there
Like I'm as special as everyone else
I want my light to shine that bright
A smouldering sky for YOU to see
I just wish that someone out there
Was making a wish to have me
His smile is what makes my day.
The way he tell me he loves me without knowing what i may say.
He and I are so good together, it seems unreal.
I never knew this is how love could feel.
His voice makes me smile for hours.
It's like he has these magical powers.

He is broken, just like me.
It's crazy how he understands all the parts he was never supposed to see.
I haven't felt his warm embrace, i dream of his arms holding me tight.
He makes all the wrong in my world seem right.
I know we haven't been together long, but the way you make me feel..
You give my life meaning and make my shattered heart feel real..

The way this is, it's something of fantasy.
I am waiting for the dream to end, because this doesn't happen for me.
The amount of trust you have..the amount of love you have of mine.
If i lose you, i don't think i could ever be fine.
The insecurities you have, are what i love about you.
Because they give me reason to shower you with my love.
The way you talk of our future, is the peace of a dove.

I know i am not the best.
I know i am different from the rest..
But i will love you with my whole heart, now and forever more.
A Letter Between Lovers, what could fix all of mine which has been tore.
I don't want this to be like those of the past.
Because it will ruin us fast.

We can make it through anything in the world, cause lovers fight.
We fight for what is our right.
Our right to love, and this letter is our secret bond bein sealed.
You are the only one who has been able to help me get healed.
So, what im tryin to say is, i love you for who you are.
You are the best thing i have, my very own shining star.
Church bells ring,
One gray rainy day.
Congregation began to sing,
Not I,
Hit by a car on the way.

Sirens and yells,
a numb jolt on my chest.
My vision failed,
As I exhaled my last breath..

I am no longer tethered to my mortal shell as I am swiftly taken into the depths of hell. All around flame burnt walls rose, and the sky was blackened by wings of crows.

Flames at my feet tickled and lashed,
Billions screamed, withered, and churned.
Demons simply pointed and laughed.
For some reason my naked skin wouldn't burn.

I coughed once then twice,
Choking on something freeing itself from my throat.
I fell to my knees and cried,
As a sword flew from it's fleshy abode.
 Oct 2014 A Love For Hatred
You stand within a wooded glade
The air is still and calm
Your hand rests on a mighty blade
A shield upon your arm


You stand beside a castle moat
The water, grim and dark
To cross you'll need to find a boat
Or build yourself an ark


To build an ark would take a year
And lots of willing folk
(We wrote this whilst we drank some beer
That option was a joke)


You really think you'll find a boat?
You're not the brightest spark
You're meant to think, you silly goat
(Or maybe build an ark?)


You walk towards the castle keep
And fall into the moat
Lucky for you, it's not too deep
Since armor doesn't float


You're standing in an ogre camp
Three ogres are asleep
One looks like he's an ogre champ
(Perhaps you'd better creep?)

> **** OGRES

You draw your sword and take a stance
You howl a battle cry
The ogres wake and watch you dance
Then hit you and you die


(L)oad saved game  (N)ew game  (Q)uit? >_
The blood that bleeds
It bleeds and leaks
Emotions pour out
Releases the doubt
Down your arm
Its calling out
That shiny blade
It screams and screams
Your cares and dreams
Wanna shout
Take me out
Push me in
Deeper and deeper
Your getting weaker
You can't refuse
Nothing to lose
Emotions drain
With every slice
Feeling alive
For that pain
You can't deprive
And when it dries
You cry and cry
You see that blade
Calling out
Just breakout
Checkout of life
Slice to bleed
Bleed to slice
Roll the dice
Take a chance
Stop the pain
Of sharp romance
Another way
Not today
Its no coincidence
Its confidence
Not in a crisp blade
In chances and life
Its not your friend
This is the beginning
That's the end
 Oct 2014 A Love For Hatred
I didn't think about you today, until now that is.
idk... not really for my ex
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