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14.0k · Mar 2019
missin’ you
A Mar 2019
i do apologize that
when i say i miss you
it’s not because you’re far away
but because i want
to feel your lips
against mine

i do apologize that
when i say i miss you
it’s not because
you’re not with me
but because
i miss touching you
under the sheets

i do apologize that
when i say i miss you
it’s not because
you haven’t been around
but because
i want my tongue
between your thighs

i do apologize
when i say i miss you
because what you think
is not what i mean
at all

5.4k · May 2014
A May 2014
Anger is like the headlights of an incoming truck. It's blinding, and you'll never realize you were on the wrong side of the road until the moment of impact.

4.7k · Aug 2015
A Aug 2015
I came home to you one day,
Your things all packed
like you were going away

"Change of plans?" I asked.

"Change of heart."

4.2k · Jul 2015
Drunk in Love
A Jul 2015
After two years, two months,
and twenty-two shots,

you finally told me
you loved me.

I didn't really count the shots; it was probably more. This was something you wouldn't have done sober.
3.9k · Mar 2014
A Mar 2014
"I love you," I said.
The sound of my heart breaking overcame the silence that followed.

2.9k · Apr 2014
On Loving A Bookworm
A Apr 2014
It's better to be losing her in books
than losing her to someone else.

2.4k · Dec 2019
love is blind
A Dec 2019
one day
i might forget
the things you did
to me

and one day
i might not hate you

but when that day comes
i’m afraid
i might love you
all over again

2.4k · Apr 2014
A Apr 2014
Despite you not saying anything
I still believe what your actions show
Because if actions didn't speak louder
Maybe I would have never known

1.8k · Apr 2019
A Apr 2019
it’s my fault
it’s my fault
it’s my fault
it’s my fault
it’s my fault
it’s my fault
it’s my fault

one for every year I’ve loved you and I wish I could go back in time with what I know now
1.7k · Mar 2014
Knock Knock
A Mar 2014
You close all your doors on me
And leave windows slightly opened
So I try to see what's inside
But you turned off all the lights

I gather up all the courage
As I take the steps to your front door
I knock and ask, "Is anybody in?"
And you say, "Don't bother anymore."

1.7k · Mar 2014
A Mar 2014
Are your pants on fire?
They say actions speak louder.
You tell me you love me,
Then act like you don't.

Are your pants on fire?
"I'll never leave," you say.
Only minutes pass,
And then you're gone.

1.5k · Oct 2015
A Oct 2015
it might take two to tango,
but not everyone knows how to dance

1.3k · Mar 2017
A Mar 2017
you loved me even at my darkest
but some people are only meant to stay
until dawn

1.1k · Nov 2015
Not A Poem
A Nov 2015
I remember when you loved me;
Those were my happiest days.
They say times pass, memories last
And that things would change.

"Nothing lasts forever," they said
I didn't expect what you'd respond
But you said, "**** right" and that
Was what caught me off guard.

This is not a poem,
As I would only like to speak
About the anger in my heart.
After doing everything I could,

We still fell apart.

677 · May 2014
A May 2014
Option, n.: "It's like you're punching me with words," you say. At least be grateful I didn't use a knife.

479 · Mar 2019
A Mar 2019
With the way people tell me every day,
The way we are, we cannot really mend.
They stare and I know what they want to say,
“It just can’t be both of you in the end.”

The Bible says “Woman is made for man,”
I don’t really know, I have never read.
They will tell you, “You can! You can! You can!”
But once you do, hateful words will be said.

They don’t know how you make my skies so blue,
Or how you keep the sun shining as bright.
We may be girls, we’re only humans too;
In the end, I pray we will be alright.

I‘ve yet to hope you won’t walk out that door,
I will try until I can’t anymore.

478 · May 2019
A May 2019
there were no more actions
and no more words

so i asked you
“do you love me?”
“yes,” you replied

a week later
i asked again
“i do,” you said
out of spite

a month after
you told me
“i’m not in love anymore”

and i just can’t bear to know why

i still miss you and every day i die a little inside
464 · Mar 2019
A Mar 2019
she told me she loved me,
but she would only hold my hand.
she wouldn’t let me touch her hips
or even give her a kiss goodbye.

she told me she loved me,
but it’s been a year since we kissed.
she only hugs me when I ask for it,
my God, I miss the bliss.

she told me she loved me,
but I felt like she didn’t mean it.
she looked me in the eye,
and somehow I couldn’t see it.

she told me she loved me,
but why wouldn’t she say sorry?
then I figured that maybe,
she does love me,

but just not enough.

338 · Mar 2017
Fall Out
A Mar 2017
She was like the sun with blue skies
Before you came along
She was warm, yellow, and bright
And wanted to sing every song

She told you stories every day
On how the leaves fall when the trees sway
She never failed to mention her love for you
But you stopped listening so soon

Your actions changed her somehow
Now her stories are left untold
Her skies turned grey from blue
Was it so hard to say "I love you?"

321 · Dec 2016
A Dec 2016
They say to write,
you have to have feelings.

I haven't written for the longest while.

316 · Apr 2019
six years
A Apr 2019
sometimes people leave
because they found
someone else
or they just woke up
and realized
you aren’t what they want

282 · May 2019
A May 2019
it’s 3:38AM
even after a month
and ten days
i’m always up so late
because my thoughts
are still filled
with you

please come back
273 · Apr 2019
A Apr 2019
i can’t fall asleep
because i see you
in my dreams

i can’t fall asleep
because when i wake up
you’re still on my mind

i can’t fall asleep
because when i close my eyes
all i wanna do
is die

but when i fall asleep
i don’t want to wake up
because only in my dreams
you are still mine

somebody **** me please
238 · Apr 2019
the breakup
A Apr 2019
i thought
i only wanted assurance
then you told me
a relationship wasn’t your priority

i didn’t know
i would get what i asked for
but it was an assurance
of goodbye

be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it
236 · May 2019
A May 2019
every day
i search for your face
in the crowd
maybe one day
you’ll come see me
you’ll look for me
you’ll miss me
you’ll call me
you’ll be sorry
you’ll find yourself
and come back to me

233 · Dec 2019
moving on?
A Dec 2019
i try to imagine myself
with someone else
but when i close my eyes
it’s still you i see

194 · Mar 2019
A Mar 2019
i find myself asking questions
to things i used to know
you told me you loved me
but it just never showed

and then you stopped telling me
so now i ask you if you do
if you don’t tell me and show me
how will i ever know what i mean to you?

190 · May 2019
A May 2019
i admit
my memory
is not the best

i forget where i put my phone
or hung my keys
but i remember our first kiss
or the first time we said goodbye
and kissed each other on the lips

i forget what i was talking about
or what i planned to buy after work
but i remember when you got drunk
the first time you told me
that you loved me

i forget to charge my phone
or even what i had for lunch
but i will always remember
the last time you looked at me
told me you loved me
and i saw no truth in your eyes

i admit
my memory
is not the best

but you’re the only thing
i could never forget

i wish i could erase you from my mind

— The End —