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 Nov 2019 Fearless
We weren’t lovers
We weren’t haters
We weren’t friends either
But all we did was long to see each other ,just how the sun awaits the moon’s arrival;
 Nov 2019 Fearless
TS Ray
I meet you daily at a train station around St. Cook’s,
today you wore that weary traveler look,
struggling to carry a backpack by its slender hook,
looking through a corner of my eye that you may have mistook.

Finding a seat by the window,
standing in front as I could see only your shadow,
offering to give you my place as though I did owe,
smiling almost to yourself,
yet choosing to forego.

Your name must have been the sky,
as your eyes were as blue,
just as the ocean reflecting the sky,
meeting you by chance and I don’t know why,
sadness in your eyes is not something I could allay,
load off your shoulder is all I could take away,
can’t do nothing more than wonder and pray.

Someday I will know you more on your journey faraway,
on this non-stop ride we choose to be on everyday.
TS. 2019.
Sailing away from darkened waters
Moving ahead to a beautiful stream
Those nightmares now are far behind you
Your free to go and follow your dreams.

Looking now to that new horizon
Your world is now a happier place
The look of fear and deprevation
Has now turned into a smiling face.

Past regrets there are so many
No need to let them get you down
The wonderful thing about past regrets
We have the power to turn things round.

No longer the burden is on your shoulder
The weight off your mind has been carried away
Just look ahead to that new tomorrow
For tomorrow will be another day.
In a world of many Nations
With different forms of emotions
Rated in it's own notions

Mood rule  Perception
Misconception dresses  perfection
Choices draw in the innervation

My feeling is my happiness
In my world of openness
full of peacefulness
Positive thoughts portray positive outcome
 Nov 2019 Fearless
memoona kazmi
nothing can hold me back now,
neither any luxury,
nor any love,
neither any goal,
nor any determination,
don't tell me now,
that you will be there for me,
when i have stood alone,
in the breathtaking storms,
watching my sail,
being blown away,
don't tell me you love me,
when i know you don't,
don't tell me it's all gonna be better,
when i already know,
you will always be you,
and i'll a;ways be me.........
 Nov 2019 Fearless
RVani Kalyani
I see bright colors today,
Is it just me,What do you say?
I feel the sun rays touching my soul,
While the sun smiles so bright like gold.
It has been ages since I had a morning like this,
I have always wished for something just like this.
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