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 Apr 2014 Kia
insidious newsfeed.
apathetic "like"  
(I guess they're getting married.)
assessing my worth
'friend' counts and Klout scores.
modify your post to be pleasant,
as to 'dislike' something
deems it unworthy of notice.

"Just got arrested, #lol-- free breakfast."
We are becoming a collective
of aging selfies and
isolated narcissists.

dissociative culture.
I am desensitized to my own
most precious moments
and have condensed their value
into how many people
care enough to click a button.

blending into the numbers
we are in the back seat of our own lives
and our weekly web-content
is drunk behind the wheel.

You don't need a machine
or the internet
to tell you
you're anything less
than beautiful
and a star,
inside and

 Apr 2014 Kia
Glasses thick
Brilliant mind
But not my pick
To bump and grind

Legs akimbo
Astute *****
But better a window
Than a door

Grade A student
Pass your tests
Keep tongue fluent
Off my *******

Red mark checked
Thesis compiled
You'll never wreck
Me *******

Quantum ****
Solve any issue
Keep your ****
In a tissue

Quick sharp thinker
Professor adored
But I can't finger
Your SAT scores

Six degrees
Pencil *****
Modern Curie
acne genus

Please take me seriously. Really.
 Apr 2014 Kia
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
 Apr 2014 Kia
I think of you all the time
Which scares the **** out of me.
It's because I'm opening up;
Repeating past mistakes.

But part of me is falling in love
With the fear of heartbreak.
Part of me is falling in love
With the sound your heart makes.
 Apr 2014 Kia
Kevin T Norman
My heart is captured.

And for once,

you don't have it.
 Apr 2014 Kia
Diana C
Letters to you
 Apr 2014 Kia
Diana C
I hope* she teaches you the meaning of loving someone to death.
I hope you lose sleep talking to her, and then later that night when you can't stop thinking about that one thing she said, just keep replaying it in your head until sleep washes you into its sea.
I hope she brings back the faith you lost in people.
I hope you let her mess your hair up, even though you can't even stand the wind wisping softly through the strands.
I hope you memorize her favourite lines in movies and songs.
I hope hearing her cry makes you want to go to the ends of the earth to hear her genuinely laugh again.
I hope she's the calm to your storm and the colour to the, sometimes grey, life you lead.
Most of all, I hope you love her passionately, devotedly, selflessly, and without reason or hope.
Because then you'll finally realize, that's the way I loved you.
Inspired by S.M
 Apr 2014 Kia
I fell in love with a boy
whose smile outshined the stars in the night sky

I fell in love with a boy
who couldn't stop laughing
with the crinkles by his eyes
making him look older than he is

I fell in love with a boy
who had dreams
big ones too,
and the world was his oasis

I fell in love with a boy
who could make the saddest story
have a happy ending

I fell in love with a boy
and how lucky I feel
to have loved than never loved at all.
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