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Umi May 2019
A clear trail left in trance is how I shall form words,
Elegantly, majestically casting them onto a blank paper, focused on creating poetry, a time recording friend has gone missing,
Now the lonely sound of my scratching against the thin paper, lead by transience of its decay is the only sound we can hear.
What once was a world to create fantasy has drowned, black as ink into the darkness of a never ending tale, time and time again,
As if to hold on to embers, scared to lose all light when the last one goes out, for a cold, uninspired, spiriling dark of ones mind,
With the mission to accompany her throughout each and every writing as it unfurls, comes to life and simply blossoms in pride,
As I see a smile cast on her face, the determination to keep going alightens a flame, but unceartenty overcomes my weakened body,
When the trace of my mark begins to fade, I wonder how long it will be, until there is nothing more to say, do or think about,
Even if this dreamlike tale of endless, ongoing poetry were never to end or falter, never to be distorted nor interrupted;
Even if you don't have to die in a dream,
one is bound to wake up sooner or later,
As a tired hand carelessly, roughly, lays me down,
I wonder how many poems one can write,
Before running out of the ink of the mind.

~ Umi
Written from the perspective of my pen.
Umi May 2019
Feeling a small breeze,
The loud thunder rushes by,
As the wind is gaining speed,
And heavy rain cools the ground,
A flash blinds my tired eyes,
The king of the storm,
Lightning, dances from cloud to cloud,
When underneath it,
A painted world is washed away.

~ Umi
Umi May 2019
Far away, in a painted world,
Lies a kingdom abandoned by its people,
What is left, are but ruins,
And forgotten history.

~ Umi
Umi May 2019
It just takes one blow,
As ashes cover sunlight,
The sky starts to burn.

~ Umi
Umi Apr 2019
What mess we made by keeping it burning,
Let it consume us, kept us from ever turning,
Abandoned by God, our souls are now but ash,
Dedicated ourselves to its warmth and light,
Turned away from the darkness for it did cause fright,
Yet, in the end, it did not survive another linking,
It started to flicker, then engaged with blinking,
At last, it's dying embers gave away their last heat,
Some of us were torn by this, others simply beat,
For a new age of men would start soon,
An age with neither the shining sun, nor the elusive moon,
The greatest fear for us was of the unknown,
Yet some of us felt love, never before seen or shown,
We had hidden in light for so long,
Blinded by it, we never experienced how beautiful the dark could be.

~ Umi
Umi Apr 2019
Gaze into the sky,
And you will find countless stars,
Waiting behind an illuminated cealing,
For their moment to shine, when the time is right.

~ Umi
Umi Mar 2019
The dark shortly settles after sunset,
Such makes the world become a colder but gentle place for the tired souls to rest,
Another cycle ends, but today a night supposedly covered in stars whom bathe the galaxy with their magnificence and light are nowhere to be seen,
Devoid of all but an affable drizzle the wind howls in sorrow,
The last flame and its ember hiss at this change, unwelcoming the loss of their brilliance and luminosity, the passion and energy,
A tired pen recording these events snaps its feather,
For, casting lacking words onto decaying paper would do no justice,
Bittersweet memories, immortalized beneath these pages, are in no means lost, even after departure,
Hoping to spark a light for those who seek to read them,
Until finally, a whole new cycle begins,
And the dawn brings back the light,
To this abyssal void.

~ Umi
Perhaps my passion about poetry will rekindle one day
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