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TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
**** that smile
Reminds me of the beach
Bright hot sand
And clear open waters
Gets me swimming with butterflies
And delusional with heat

The uplift of his lips
Something so simple as a boyish grin
Wraps my thoughts around beds!
Beds and blankets...
                  Doritos and a series of comedy shows on screen

Just to hear him laughing

That would be ****** illegal for my heart
His laugh
His star fire eyes so full of life

Like a deer caught in the headlights
All so new
That's what he does to me

And I don't even know his name
He's real, but he's like a dream, my little secret
TheStartOfMyEnds Jan 2018
I thirst for the blazing sun to touch my lips, as the moon had done to my heart. Find me at ease, once the cold erupts from my fingertips and what I hold, no longer burns, and my feet cease to freeze.
TheStartOfMyEnds Jan 2018
They speak of labels
like it's the new fashion trend
Or as if they're all down with OCD
These restless little aliens
Absolutely love the Idea of categorizing
Then moved in, the new issue in town
Ms Gender Barrier
And these pretty aliens fail to give warming welcomes
Despite accepting Ms Gender Barrier's visa
To settle among us
and become part of our colourful society

Before I used to be just ME
My Identity is my Name
But now that we are practicing the art of Acceptance
We're pretty diverse in all aspects
And these self proclaimed scientific aliens
made it their life goal mission
to Analyse my life and ofcourse
Some people are really addicted to putting labels on people, I've no idea what kind of drug they're on. I think I ran out of chill pills.
TheStartOfMyEnds Jan 2018
Being called 'easy' for the fact
I ready myself to accept
Changes in whatever shapes and sizes
Being called 'easy' for the fact
My language consists of 'Yeahs' and 'Why Nots'
and a few 'Okays' here and there
Being called 'easy' for the fact
Smiling comes so very naturally
and I, proudly am, a human chameleon

Then, being called a '*****' for the fact
To compensate my flexibility
My mind is my own blacksmith
And My tongue is the sharpest sword I've forged
My heart, the strongest shield.
TheStartOfMyEnds Jan 2018
With a mouth that only breathe lies
And hypocritical eyes that sees
But chooses to be blind
She possesses the grace of a painter
Manipulating the world in grey
But dotes on herself with impressive colours
let my words be the picture embracing her features
Beautifully deceptive; a charming woman; two faced sister; a sheep as a wife; a daughter that disappoints and a failure as a mother.
Nonetheless she is weakened
Sold so much of her strengths
To the wrong buyers and a price that does her no justice
An art she never fails to meliorate,
I'd gladly name
'A befitting Fault'
Foolish as she is loving
My Darling painter,
You're almost, just as bad as the man you married.
I wrote this, admittedly, thinking of my dearest mother.
TheStartOfMyEnds Oct 2017
A floater
As my only life line
The only safe choice
Is to be patient
Despite being thrown into the mass
Of nothing but unpredictable waters
It is involuntary to keep my heart at bay
And never stop kicking

It is a given fact that
Everything will be so much easier
If I'd just drown
But what fun will that be?
I am too prideful to give up

And even at the end
If I am to meet unfavorable outcomes
I might trip
Everybody trips at one point
Question is...
Which of us will keep on standing?
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