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Tetiana Jan 24
Unforgettable days described
on a scroll
soaked with sin.

Bright and smart,
she was so alive,
pure beauty of life.
He took all he could gain
showing her just disdain,
whispered words
that she wants,
getting under her skin
but toxín.
And she heard
that her fate
is a widow from now,
silent vow.
So let it begin
with toxín.

He thought that woman like her
won't be able to leave,
will be silent, naive
and consent just to live
next to him -
so relentless and grim.
Just to serve,
just to live in the shadow,
just to try to deserve.
Feigning grin.
Who is he to get those vague jokes
about toxín?

He thought he would drink to the bottom,
but drops flowed down the glass.
Why this soul is so rotten?
Why he incessantly looks at
her silhouette?
Why he's searching for rhyme like poet?
Now he lurched..
Her toxín is his end.

The stars will go out,
his rough desire to hear her voice like tweet,
feel her touch, hear her sound...
She won't be there anymore,
she will never give treat,
and he won't ignore
broken bound.
Every minute is poisoned.

The morning is dawning,
the wind scatters birds,
and now he is calling
to say that he loves.
A fragment of her heart will be healing,
she knows.
Infernal existence,
time flows,
and he's full of faith
whispers name.
Does he know that his distance
is passing away?

She cries and asks how to live,
she's sincere in tears -
she needs time to relieve.

He did hold her..
No way,
every hour was poisoned,
so he had once to pay.

One of them had to
take all that toxin.
Tetiana Jan 16
Grief enfolds her shoulders
and her eyes look down
at all of those soldiers
under the ground.

Her thoughts fly
to the shadows around
who softly pass by
and frost all the sounds.

Rows of flowers will bloom
in the yellow-blue colours,
feel the silence and gloom.
Will she ever recover?

Says whatever she wants,
looks in eyes through the picture,
has no hope for response,
prays as said in the scripture.

She'll come later, bring some sweet.
How could she accept - this is it,
nothing left to complete?

How can her heart beat, how?
She is left with a vow,
who will love her from now?

An indifferent look at the stone,
all next minutes unknown.
Will she be all alone?

No more silly jokes again.
Sadness bowed her head.
All his deeds are not vain.

Rows of flags wave her grief,
truth is hardest belief
which you've got to achieve.

Unfortunately, pits are still empty

She quietly reads words on bands,

She will say about devotion,

She talks but he will not talk back.

He lies with his brothers,
she'll live with some other,
A life is a moment,
it's not her atonement,
she isn't that weak,
just fatigue.

Журба за плечі обійма
і погляд опустився.
Прийшла в життя її зима,
немов кошмар явився.

Думки летять її туди,
де тихо ходять тіні
і від замерзлої води
проступить білий іній.

Ряди квіток цвітуть завжди
у жовто-синій гамі,
прийдеш помовчати сюди,
під цими прапорами.

Кажи що хочеш і дивись
в ці очі крізь світлину,
за спокій тихо помолись,
надійся на спочинок.

Ще прийдеш потім, принесеш
солодкого й смачного.
Як прийняти, що це вже все
і не вернеш нічого?

Як серцю далі битись, як?
скажіть їй хтось як жити.
Чи зможе хтось її ще так,
так сильно полюбити?

Чи засміється ще вона
від радості єднання?
Байдужий погляд, бо одна
в тяжких переживаннях.

Не скаже більше він, на жаль,
своїх невдалих жартів,
схилила голову печаль -
вона тепер на варті.

Ряди за обрій прапорів,
що майорять від туги,
розкажуть істину без слів
про болі, про наруги.

Пустують ями ще, на жаль,
чекають побратимів,
яких віддати мають нам -
ми віримо - живими.

Слова типові на стрічках
вона читає тихо,
побачити б в отих словах
для цього болю вихід.

Сказала б ще раз про любов
і як його чекала,
та думка холодила кров:
вона цю долю знала.

Ще поговориш ти, та він
вже більше не озветься,
востаннє зробиш ти уклін
розірваному серцю.

Він не один лежить,
вона ж одна піде додому.
І день як мить,
і рік як мить,
життя як мить,
лиш втома.
  Jan 11 Tetiana
The days fall together
like books falling
from a shelf.

The walls have faces
where the clocks
lost hands.

And it is,
so it is,
and shall be
in a cascade of
  Jan 10 Tetiana
dead poet
sticking to my guns,
i never realized that
they’re pointing at me.
Tetiana Jan 9
I will live in spite:
I will be proud of life,
I will cherish the warmth
It will have many forms.
I will fight
I leave all the pain aside.

I will live in spite:
You'll find light in my eyes
And wherever it lies
It will grow and thrive.

I will live in spite
If you want to destroy me
You'll **** my body
but my spirit will be alive!

Я житиму назло:
пишатимусь собою,
плекатиму тепло,
що жевріє в неволі
і як би не звело
сміятимусь від болю.

Я житиму назло:
в очах цих буде світло
і де б не залягло -
там виросте й розквітне.

Я житиму назло,
захочеш мене вбити:
ти тіло умертвиш,
та дух мій буде жити!
You always beat me
At every game we played
So when I broke your heart
It was only natural that
You'd shatter mine
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