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There are some things
you can only sing
but never say

There are some things
given out but once
in the foray

There are some things
that the world lays claim
and takes its due

There are some things
past the cloud of time
you must pursue

Living on the edge
is sharper
cut or not

Dying for that
final answer
knowing what

Praising what the mob
is damning
come what may

Loving what the
moment seizes
— counterplayed

(Dreamsleep: August, 2024)
I'm not good with money, a budget never could manage me, I hate when it's sunny, I prefer rain and a breeze.

I can be silent for days on end, can't even bring myself to sing, easily broken yet hard to bend, my mind is a stubborn thing.

Sometimes I get lost way too deep in my thoughts, have fun trying to guide me away, and I'm sensitive too don't yell in my room, it'll just activate the rage.

And God I get mean, inconsiderate and spiteful, with nowhere to lean, I'll feel my anger is rightful.

My hair clogs the drain, it's long and disarray, you won't get my brain, I cry like every other day.

I can't do my makeup, my eyelids don't shine gold, I'll threaten a break up, the second I feel you're cold.

I'll have the last word, everytime we disagree, I don't know if you've heard, but you shouldn't love me.
And Sweet boy I love you
But I'm a real mess
If I focus on the bad
It causes less distress
I can't focus on our good
When I'm trying to lay us to rest
you might not
have been my first love
but you were the one
who hurt the most.
- i ache for you but i'm still bruised.
I smile,
             but I don’t mean it
I cry,
             but you don’t see it
if time
             is what’s at stake
our lives
             are slowly fleeting
swat your hands through the web of our plans

you and I are not connected
         we are,
              strangers again

so what do you believe
are you still innocent to think–
that your lock is still genuine
that it'll work with my key?
You threw me to the snakes
leaving me to fend for myself,
discarding me like an object that
you had grown bored of.
when i crawled out from the pit
more powerful than before,
venom coursing through my veins ,
I became the monster.
I became the one to be feared.

How easy it is to forget that monsters are not born
but made
and my dear,
you are responsible for every inch of the creature I have become.
Mickey was a rodent,
He didn't know his place
So science fed him Doritos
And Mickey changed his taste.

They saw right through him quickly
But he was still alive.
He became quite transparent.
By Yellow number five.
09/08/24 - NOTE TO SELF - I shouldn't read the news anymore.....

This just in.....Ingredient found in Doritos turns mouse's skin transparent, may have medical applications
The mice were treated by Yellow 5, and what happened next shocked even the researchers

I can be quite transparent if I need to.....ask mom.....Bad boy Donnie ! You too Kalalalalalalalalala, oh, Bad Girl "K".....whatever

To South......

NOTE #2 - I just changed the word tranparent to trans parent. Something like that...I don't know. it's several hours later....this PC stuff won't let me sleep.
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