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Choderlos Aug 2018
The sun sets on the little huts
Made of mud and roofs thatched
The African child
With smiles on his face
He hasn't a cause to worry
Running to and fro in the scorching sun
Lost in the midst of tall trees
Humming to the gentle breeze
He is a happy child

He is oblivious of the hard truth
That a sad future awaits him
Full of challenges and misery
Little does he know
Those smiles he once had
Widely drawn on his face
May dissolve into frowns of anguish

Committing neither an offence nor crime
There may come a time
The beautiful fantasies
The hopes, dreams and aspirations
Everything he once believed in
May come tumbling down

Nevertheless, he is relentless
There is a ray of hope
In this utter darkness
Full of vigour and energy
By might or magic
He will fight his way through
He is the African child.
Telling the tale of the underprivileged Africa child through poetry; from personal experience and encounters.
Choderlos Aug 2018
Lead me to paradise
to the place that exists
in beautiful tales and folklores
in fantasies and wild imaginations
hitherto was only a wish

I pray not you leave me here
in a land of sadness and sorrow
where the wind does not blow
and the grass does not grow
the stars have faded from view
there's only light in the dark

The sweet scent of savouring flowers
songs of birds fill the air
whistling winds soothe my ear
the trees talk to each other
like a work of art
everything is perfect and in order

There I want to spend eternity
waking up to an utter delight
free from pain and worry
surrounded by nature's finest
of everything best and beautiful.
  Aug 2018 Choderlos
As I took a walk outside,
I noticed something that caught my eye.
Twisted in the grass, ingrained with dirt,
What I saw made my heart hurt.

Monarch's wings I had found,
Which gave me feelings so profound.
An intense sadness, helplessness, fear,
Overcame me as I beheld these artifacts dear.

In death or life, they must have been torn,
These beautiful wings that the creature bore.
I picked them up and held them close,
These wings that symbolized what I feared the most-

Losing myself, my biggest part,
The part of my soul that is dearest to my heart.
And what for my memories, good and bad?
What if I couldn't remember anything; wouldn't that be sad?

The monarch's wings sit still on my dresser,
A reminder of my constant stressor,
Yet also comforting me just the same,
As I pass through each day, feeling slightly more brave.
Choderlos Jul 2018
Like the light that guides your way
I will protect you and keep you safe
Sheathing your feet from hurting stones
As long as there's breath in me
Till the last mile of the way

Like the star in your darkest night
I will be there in the saddest days
Brightening up your face again
As long as there's a trace of distress
Till the darkness gives way to light

Like the shadow in the nights
I will be with you forever and for always
Staying by your side as the clock ticks
As long as you keep me
Till the last day of eternity
Choderlos May 2018
No single beauty is the best,
She is all one flower divine
O mystic metamorphosis!
My senses into one sense flow
Her voice makes perfume when she speaks,
Her breath is music faint and low!
An extract from The art of seduction by Robert Greene. Originally from Charles Baudelaire's "All in one".
  May 2018 Choderlos
Love is the cure,
for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain
until your eyes constantly exhale love
as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”
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