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SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Freshly trimmed so nice and wet
Image i cannot forget
Silky smooth so soft and sweet
Wish it my delicious treat
May i please gaze upon it?
To my eyes it's hypnotic
I would love it oh so much
If my fingers you let touch
Can I have a little smell?
You've got me under a spell
Love to have a little taste
Promise I would not make haste
Take my time enjoying you
You are a ******* come true
An image was put in my head and i couldn't get it out to i wrote this
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Your friendship means the world to me
You make me so happy
I was so sad and lonely here
The day that you found me
You made me feel alive again
When you befriended me
I look so forward to our chats
The time you give to me
And all the things we talk about
Whenever you're with me
Whenever i feel down and out
You're always there for me
Whenever i feel all alone
You always comfort me
And when I have those special needs
You so desire me
We come from different walks of life
Yet have great chemistry
I want to let you know my friend
How much you mean to me
Written for a friend of mine
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
As i gaze with wanting eyes
My mind begins to fantasize
In your thighs i long to be
My lips to roam them endlessly
Starting low then moving high
Intoxicated by your thighs
Caressing your perfect hips
While teasing your sweet ***** lips
This is where my heaven lies
My face in between your thighs
Oh so soft and lubricious
Unbelievably delicious
I could spend eternity
Just worshiping your thighs with glee
Oh how happy I would be
To have your thighs, my fantasy
Just another ****** fantasy poem
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Would you miss me would you cry
If suddenly I were to die
How would you remember me
And would you write me poetry
Would you miss our daily chats
And all the fun that we begat
Would you have any regrets
Would you wish that we had met
Would you keep me in your heart
Remembering my works of art
Would you mourn your special friend
If suddenly my life would end
Contemplating my life and mortality with regards to my friends
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
My unwanted friend
Why won't you let me be
Try as i may
With all my charm
No one desire me
Stop feeding me
You're not my real friend
You feed me lies
And cost me much
I wish you would just end
My sadistic boss
Always knocking me down
Take my smile
Turn it upside down
In emotions i do drown
You're killing me
Keeping me from my sleep
Try to relax
And meditate
But all i do is weep
High functioning
Autistic traits
Personality crash
Try as i may
To just fit in
I'm still abandoned trash
And undesired
Can't help the way i feel
No matter what i do or say
My fate it seems is sealed
My unwanted friend
Why won't you let me be
Written to express how i feel dealing with my mental illnesses and feelings of rejections
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Your perfect breast
Your perfect thighs
Are simply candy to my eyes
Your perfect waist
Your perfect hips
Would taste so great upon my lips
Your perfect skin
And perfect hair
I just can't help but sit and stare
Your perfect lips
Your perfect eyes
Makes me give a loving sigh
Your perfect face
Your perfect smile
For you I'd go the extra mile
Your perfect wit
Your perfect charm
I want to hold you in my arms
For this and more
My morning star
I love you just the way you are
Written for a crush
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
12 more people dead today
Did it have to be this way
Heard it on the news today
It's a very sad day
Someone's just lost a loved one
Father, mother, daughter son
What could motivate someone
To shoot up everyone
What's wrong with society
What's wrong with our country
Need to change priorities
The truth we need to see
Time to say enough’s enough
Time for lies to be rebuffed
Time for us to end this stuff
If you don't like it tough
How many more dead loved ones
Til we control our guns
Written after the latest mass shootong
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