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One day you wake up
Realizing that nothing you lived, was.
Everything one big deceptive illusion
of something that never was.
Misinterpretation, sensory misconception.
False believe, drowning idea before even coming to life.
Feeling cheated on so many levels.
After thinking it was solid ground
you were standing on.
Like a severe earthquake
hitting everything that was built fragile.
Hitting it with one blow away.
Still so much love inside
holding hands with deep sadness.
Keep going with the flow,
you just can’t drown now.
Living breathing life
while  it’s so suffocating.
Still smiling,
while everything inside
has been broken,
time after time.

Shell ✨🐚
Stay positive and hopeful no matter what.
It are the little things in life that  made it worth living for.
Eyes like a dead fish
A frozen smile
Throw a bomb or two
At innocent ones
Children, women
Let them flee there homes
Let them cry , have deep sadness in their hearts
All for  power and what comes along with it.
But you forget
We all end up the same.
A dead body wherever.
But then again deep inside
you are already there.
Alive with lifeless eyes.
Frozen heart.

Let’s all have a beating heart
Light a candle and pray.
For those in pain.
For this to stop.

Shell ✨🐚
Stop this war please
Will you be running over fields
Towards the hills
Towards the top
To touch the sun
To kiss the moon
To lighten up
So you can guide me
through the darkness.

Shell ✨🐚
We all need a friend in our life, one who does everything to make you feel good.
One we can count on all the time
Then all the lights went out.
I saw all stars above.
Heard the sounds of nature.
A white bird flying in the dark.
Coocoo calling owl, dogs barking.
Baby cry from afar.
I was at peace.
I had the light within .

A metaphor
Wear your past like a crown
Hold your head high
It’s what made
who you are today
What will make you
king tomorrow.
If you do it right.

The past is the fundament of who you are and who you will become!?
Sometimes even the sun is shy to appear
after watching the lovely moon at night.
It’s always hello and goodbye
Never a chance.
Love forever from afar.

Shell ✨🐚
Some are
the sun and the moon
Only meeting
at twilight
Forever lingering love.

Shell ✨🐚
Some people always love one another from afar.
Little blackbird back from heaven
How come you sing so fine
Your voice so clean
Is it your love you call?
Are  you telling what you’ve seen above ?
Or are you calling your baby birds,
letting them know you’re on your way with food and love.
Oh precious little bird,
high you fly,  you think you can reach the sky.
Letting know what you saw up there.
Telling me with your song so fine.
Making my day.

Shell ✨🐚
Blackbird sing your beautiful song and make my day.
One simple flower, a kind word,
a melody
a song, a smile.
From someone for someone
A hello, a goodbye
Can make someone’s day.
Be that someone today.

One day you are the one giving ,
the other day the someone receiving.
Two blue sapphire like eyes looking at me.
I felt myself melting.
A very little teddy bear like Pekingese pup.
He seemed a merry baby dog
with wiggling tail and all.
While caressing him with my eyes I saw a little movement in the corner of my sight.
That’s when I saw him.
The other one.
The brother.
Two shiny black diamonds looking at me
in silence.
He was just sitting very still.
With such anticipation,  it pinned me down.
There was an instant connection.
He was everything the other was not.
And I loved them instantly,
the black sparkles touched my core.

I took both.
Blue eyes died when he was nine.
My sweet black glittering eyes love
died last year .
He was fourteen.
I grieved a long time.
The sadness is still there.
Deep within.
Invisible pain
Like hidden translucent pearls
behind the eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
Let your pets enrich your life.
Looking at morning moon
In early light of day
Saw little hill like dunes
shining in moonlights charm.
The moon was in the center of this beautiful halo frame
Couldn’t stop looking
At landscapes in morning sky
coming to life  and making my day.

Shell ✨🐚
Always try to enjoy all of nature.
Makes you thankful and happy.
All was dark
no lights.
Then she heard a song
A tear fell from deep within
She remembered him.

Clear moments of our loved ones who are lost in their own.
Lucky are those who see beauty in all the little things.
Little things in nature.
Little gestures of the people.
One simple flower, a melody, a song, a kind smile.
A simple hello or goodbye.
When someone asks
How are you today?
Brings you a long way
can save the day.

Count your little blessings
See  beauty in all the little
things around you and
you will be happy
all the time.

When you look around you will find so much beauty in nature!!
Tell me everything
Tell me a lie
Tell me everything
but don’t let me cry
Don’t spoil the dream
I’m living in
Let me sleep
Let me dream
Let we  meet
In my dream
over and over again!!

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes the dreams are better!!
When you close your eyes you can go anywhere you want to go!
Blending gems of God’s creations,
creating Mother Nature’s painting.
Variety in so many ways
Different shapes and colors.
See life moving,
hear the sounds breathing.
Waters soft hymn’s
Whispers of the wind
leaves dancing.

Shell ✨🐚
See and appreciate Earth, this world and each other. Make it a wonderful World.
Stop the wars! Please.
So many people frustrated
and locked in. No income.
They don’t know what to do where to begin!
Now it’s the time to read a book
What’s inside you , take a look
Write down what and how you feel
Gives one a great relief and can save a soul.

Shell ✨🐚
Writing can heal a soul
Sometimes out of the blue
it hits you.
This special feeling coming over you
from long ago
when you were a child
When you were home
A longing for what was
but has gone by.
It’s still inside you.
makes you happy
makes you cry.
It defines who you are
and why you are
the way you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Nostalgia, sometimes when you close your eyes you can feel exactly as you did when growing up. In your home!!
What will this world be
Now that I can’t hear the melody
The song that was out there
Never more.
Intense sadness
Robbery of joy
Missed chance of knowing you
Leaving an emptiness inside.

Loving friends
Like music, giving extra meaning to be
Happiness to have a song inside
To share
a smile or tear.
Now that you’ve left silently
tears are falling.

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes you make friends online, talking to them without meeting and then they die.
Time after time
beautiful pastel dream I have
Sitting together with the one I lost, sweet child of mine.
On Jordan River to paradise
to never let you go.
While I hear a soft melody
Wind of the deep Valley
Like waves close to me ,
it’s the pain  deep within
Theme of life since losing you,
forever in my dreams.
Looking over Kings gardens
at eternal mountains high
where real beauty begins
where no one dies.
Where I know you are safe
and free.
Playing in the fields of heaven.
Sweet child of mine.

I’m often being confronted by the lost of a child. The feeling of helplessness, the overwhelming sadness.
It’s for those parents. I feel the pain everytime too.. I want to comfort you and share your pain.
Precious was the touch
Deep but fragile
Memories, light
filled with darkness
Love we once had
Forever lost.
Longing remains
For what once was.

Shell ✨🐚
Like parfume of the cherry blossoms
Rising up to heaven
Walking through the streets
memories of what used to be
connected with all senses.
A long lost melody
bringing  everything back to life right before my eyes.
Pleasure, pain and delight.
All feelings
You are
like music, a song, a prayer
Forever on my mind.

Scent, a melody, a song bring back memories of lost loved ones
When you are all alone
Everybody left
Last man standing
Lost, sad…
My friend
Let me hold your hand
and walk with you.
Till the end of being.

Shell ✨🐚
We all get lost from time to time.
Sitting alone in the dark
In this time of light and care
Only thing that sparkles here
are those silent falling tears
For whatever reason
So much sadness deep inside
While we celebrate
Think of them when you pray.

Shell ✨🐚
Many are very sad around this time of the year. First time without someone
People of the war
People who lost everything in flood and fire
Children without a home and loving parents.
First you pray then you sing.

When you’re down
think of all the colors of bloom
The different skies above you
Hug someone.

Shell ✨🐚
Only love will save humanity.
My love for you
is like a pearl
inside a shell
Safe, shiny and pure.

Shell ✨🐚
Love lives in the heart. You don’t have to talk about it.
The beauty of love
It’s inexhaustible
It’s free
It’s pure
Knows no distance
All it takes is a good heart
Happy Valentines day to all HP writers
May you give and receive love
Happy Valentine’s Day!!❤️

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s love each other! Love is all there is .
The beauty of love
It’s inexhaustible
It’s free
It’s pure
Knows no distance
All it takes is a good heart
May you always give and receive love.

Shell ✨🐚
Love is all it takes to make this world a better place for everyone!
When the seed of love is planted
Taking care is what makes it grow
Some love survive the hardest circumstances
Some just give up look the other way.
Love will always be a give and take.

Give and you’ll receive.

Shell ✨🐚
Snow globe moon is here.
Christmas is near.
It’s that special time again.
Cold weather, coziness.
Cinnamon scent fills the air.
Lights everywhere……
Let it come trough.
Let it be Christmas in our hearts

Shell ✨🐚
Please stop the wars for the sake of our children.
Snow globe moon is here.
Christmas is near.
It’s that special time again.
Cold weather, coziness.
Being together.
Cinnamon scents fill  the air.
Lights everywhere……
Let it come through.
Let it be Christmas in our hearts
Love, don’t hate.

Please stop the wars.

Shell ✨🐚
Can’t imagine that people throw bombs on Christmas Day, any day.
Through red glasses I see
Day in twilight zone
Nightlife purple,
White rose disappears.
Red roses everywhere.

Shell ✨🐚
Low hanging flower
From the sun you hide
Afraid losing yourself  completely
In butterfly eyes.
Sharp pain deep within
when true love stays hidden from

Shell ✨🐚
Walking  through a field of flowers
Where time stands still.
Where there is no yesterday nor tomorrow
A silent promise to fulfill.
Where there is no pain nor sorrow.
A soothing feel is all you
The hope to meet  you  here and always
Where peace begins and love   prevails.

Shell ✨🐚
Garden of love, a field were time stand stills.
Feeling innerpeace in the presence of love!
In the garden of my dreams
I dance amongst the flowers
In anticipation of the one to meet
Who will visit my dream garden.
Many flowers with different colors ,
up to heaven their scent will rise
Flower’s gateway to my lover’s heart leading  me straight into his arms.
Garden of Eden in my mind.
Hear the song of passion playing
Calling me in my sleep to hear
I’ll meet you there  in lover’s garden.
Be my Adam I’ll be your Eve.

Shell ✨🐚
Romantic feelings
Deeply in love,
Heart beating fast
Butterflies everywhere
songs in my heart.
To be taken by waves of sea
Where heaven meets earth
I lost all control
lay down on a cloud
Bringing me to my lover
at lovers gate.

Being in love means losing control.
Through twilight’s fields
We walk this Earth.
Until we meet our beloved.
Kiss me gently,
before nightfall.

Shell ✨🐚
Life in twilight
Love in twilight
In twilight Silhouettes to see.
You have to fall in love with living first,
with moon and sun and stars.
With all kinds of human beings,
to make this world
overcome all kinds of fears.
To be able to dance.
Dance with you,
dance with you all night long.
All night long under the light of moonshine.
Until the twelfth hour.

Shell   ✨🐚
Love living and everything will be okay.
To be loved deeply, intensely
you yourself must
love deeply, intensely
Faith deepens faith
Love deepens love
Tenderness evokes tenderness
Love tenderly.

To give love
you must have love inside
To be kind
you must have kindness inside
Love yourself
Be kind to yourself
You can’t give what you don’t have!!

Always be good to yourself and others!
I thought I come by
take you by the hand
To bring you home
Little did I know
I was just another friend
Didn’t know you were already home.

He looks at you from afar.
Sometimes afar is right next to you.
Let love touch your heart.

See what is right in front of you
Loneliness is sad
Togetherness is happiness
Love wins

Shell ✨🐚
With love in our hearts everything is possible
Deep inside me is this seed
In search of light and water
to grow, before it’s soil runs dry.
Deep inside me is this dream that wants to awaken
to make itself come true,
before the sleep is over.
Deep inside me is this love in need of someone else’s love
To go hand in hand through life,
before horizon’s dawn.

The seed is in the dream
The dream is in the love
The love is in my being

The seed becomes a tree
The dream a shining light
The love the carrier of peace.

A metaphor.
We are just like trees in need of love and light.
Let’s save ourselves, let’s save this beautiful world.
Raven black from lightless land.
God made fallen angel.
Important messages you bring.
Leave us broken minded.
Lost, still sincere  you are.
Sculptured like a twilight.
Representing what many of us are.
Two in one.

Shell ✨🐚
We all have two sides . A bad one and a good one
We all have a little bit of female and male inside
We all are  created by one Creator.
So don’t judge no one.
What you are today I can be easily tomorrow.
When midnight is here
Christmas trees are coming to life.
All the angels are humming, watching universe lightening up while reindeer fly higher and high.
Eyes delight.
Heaven opens sending blessings to a world in need.
It’s the wonder of birth of our Savior.
All planets are silent.
Observing caribou like creatures without wings, flying.
And Christmas begins….
Close your eyes,
Pray and sing.

Shell ✨🐚
In this time it’s very hard to believe in the magic of Christmas.
Still let’s be positive and keep praying.
When the sun is leaving
magenta colored sky
Brilliant like stars are finding their way before nightfall
Over surface of sparkling waters they go
Creating violet branches
Where water and land become one.
Nature’s wonder,
nightfalls birthcanal.
Twilight in heaven
and night falls.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful twilight
I dance the dance of long forgotten flowers
Field of white marigolds
The beautiful sight makes me happy, makes me want to sing and glow.
I am the mary of my garden, sweet mary gold.
I will swirl in the the dance of lovers  up to heaven
Up in golden dress I’ll go.
To a place where all the light is
Where my lovers love will grow.
Flowers gate to lovers heaven
I am mary,
all the way I dissolve and go.
Leave golden sparkles behind me on my field of marigolds.

Nothing can hold back
pure waters breaking through the cracks of rocks
and flow the natural way to eternal waters.
Set free body and soul
Let the divine carry you.

Shell ✨🐚
Quote:  If it’s meant to be it will find a way
Like the wind whispers everywhere
Caressing everything while passing
Such is the essence of this life
enlightening of heart and soul
to come to  peace of mind.

Shell ✨🐚
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