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11h · 39
A poem about water
Sam Harty 11h
You told me you
like poems about
water. I couldn't
help but grin.
I guess I have
a ***** mind
But making
you wet would
be so sublime.
But I quickly
changed my
And put my mind
to writing a
poem that would
The waves
washing up
lapping at
the sand
Seemed a good
place to start
Of course the
oceans always
in command.
It's strong
That body
of water is
fierce as it
pounds the shore,
I knew you'd
like that part
because a really
good pounding is
hard to ignore.
The wetness of
the ocean is a
cool spray that
engulf every grain
of sand at least
that's what they say.
With every individual
grain being Caressed
by the sea, I don't
know about you but
I kind of wish that
was me. ;)
11h · 35
Sam Harty 11h
She leaves bruises
like galaxies on my heart.
I look at her and I feel
the distant stars in her eyes,
pulling me into her orbit.
Is the fact that I'm falling
in love with her any big

She's the morning sun, and
the evening star that shines
and whose light guides my way.
She comes and goes like a
streaking comet, although
I wish she'd always stay.

She is my night and when I'm
in her space I can hardly breathe,
her kiss steals all the oxygen. It's
an attraction with no reprieve.

She pulls me to her and breaks
my gravity, I can taste the
Stardust floating off her skin,
her breath steals mine and I'm
lost in in her constellation
making my head spin.

She finally releases me to dream
another day, of her and stars
and galaxies and head spinning
constellations oh so far away.
11h · 23
This Paper
Sam Harty 11h
I can tell this paper
how much I love you.
Spill my ink like tears,
sorting out my fears.

I can tell this paper
how much I want you
My lips upon your neck,
All the sorted details
that make me such a wreck.

I can tell this paper
All the many things
that I can't tell you
And for now that
will have to do
11h · 28
Sam Harty 11h
You step out from the dark
the moonlight baths you.
Reflections dance against
your silky skin calling
out to me once again.

I find it impossible
to describe the way your
slow deliberate movements
mesmerizes and hypnotizes.

I watch you
and I try to breathe
but you've stolen the
air from my lungs
along with my heart beat.

You float towards me
like the Mona Lisa
or precious art
a look that cannot
be described because
the explanation is lost
in the viewer's eyes.

The same moonlight
that bathes you
surrounds me and
I'm so very lost in my own
desires that can no longer
remain secret with you
flaming their fires.

I can't make sense of my
normal rhymes and I'm frozen,
a prisoner in your time.
Words won't express my lust
and my ink dries
and crumbles to dust.

I raise my eyes to yours
hoping to be found
you open your flood gates
and I began to drown.

The world stops.
I'm lost now, so many years
of you playing with my soul
bathing in my tears.

By now, you're so close
I could touch you
But you know I'll never try
I can't move, or look away
I'm lost within your eyes.

I tremble for release
I quake in your proximity
Can't you see my darling
what you are doing to me?
23h · 40
Rambling Thoughts
Sam Harty 23h
I am not lost
I am not found
it's been years
since my mind
was sound.

I am not happy
I am not sad
I actually
that things
are so bad.

I am not young
I am not old
But after all
these years
my actions are
a lot less bold.

I am not yours
I am not mine
but strangely
I think of you
all the time.

I've not a poet
& neither am I
These words
don't make sense
I feel like
I could cry.
23h · 34
Sam Harty 23h
to the sea I stretch
from the sea I came
to feel one drop
from your waves
drives me insane.

to the ocean I'm strewn
from the ocean I reach
I find myself quite content
just being your beach. ;)
23h · 20
Sam Harty 23h
Your sand, my waves
you're every grain
hotter than one
can possibly explain.
my water
trickles to you
at first
just to tease
in urgency to aid
in your release.
before too long
my waves
crash against you
covering the ****
of your land
caressing it in it's
beautifully long span.
my wetness envelopes you as
I bury you in the splashes
applying wet thudding lashes
I pound your hot surface
with all that is my waves
because in the end it's only
you that I crave.
23h · 24
Sam Harty 23h
Sinking like a deep breath
A gasp upon the shore
Riding the waves
of long goodbyes
23h · 32
Sam Harty 23h
I am a glass of water
she sees right through me
yet nothing to her is
crystal clear.
I thought she knew me
but all my depths are
shallow to her, I fear.

I drown
in my own feelings
gasping her name,
but she cannot hear
that it's her
I'm calling out for
all the same.

I ache from words
forced to stay unspoken
until the space between us
spans out of our control.
Until who we were is lost
between the gaps and gasps
of feelings she was too
naive to see and I was
too afraid to speak of.

what will it take
to make her see me?
to make her feel my love?
for me to finally
become her ocean?
**my all time number one favorite poem!
23h · 26
Sam Harty 23h
I want someone I cannot have.
same story, different tale.
time spent with her, I'm elated
time apart, a bitter hell.

I want someone I cannot have.
her beauty takes my breath away
but she belongs to someone else
it be unconscionable to stay.

I want someone I cannot have.
so I try to turn and go
but every fiber of my being
just screams, "NO".

I want someone I cannot have.
this will **** me in the end
so I'll try to flip the script
and make her just a friend.
23h · 27
Sam Harty 23h
Spring is almost sprung.
The flowers await the rain.
I understand their longing
because the time I spend
without you drives me
quite insane.

Spring is almost sprung.
With the silence of the leaves
and the smell of honeysuckle air
my soul smiles remembering
the last time you were here.

Spring is almost sprung.
Life thaws and wakes
Mother Nature to start anew.
And I remain patiently
waiting for you.
23h · 27
The needle trick
Sam Harty 23h
Put a nickel on the needle
Hold me down so I won't skip
Spin the red top round and round
Catch me before I hit the ground
You sunk my battleship
You knocked my block off
You catch me quite off guard
Should you ever breathe my way
You'll wreck my house of cards.
Sam Harty 23h
No matter how hard I try to
It's the worst kept secret
the fact that I love you

When you enter the room
I attempt to deceive
for when I look at you
I can hardly breathe

God forbid you should
notice me looking
my attempt at being
is hardly working

So we'll go on ignoring
how my heart skips a beat
every time our eyes meet
23h · 15
Water's edge
Sam Harty 23h
I stand
by the
water's edge.
I see you
sword in hand.
you ******
the blade into me,
everything I am.
I bleed
for you today
my love
red droplets
color the water
oh so deep
But in my death
I notice that you
don't even weep.
23h · 18
Stay awhile
Sam Harty 23h
come to
my window
have a glass of wine
you must see that
I think of you most
all of the time.

join me
in the garden
come sit and talk awhile
and I'll try to hide the fact
of what you're doing to me
with your smile.

stay awhile
but I warn you
never touch my hand
because then everything
I'm feeling you'd easily
23h · 29
A Declaration
Sam Harty 23h
I decided I want her.  she that with a raise of an eyebrow can give me a good day or a bad day.

I'll take her piercing eyes and that smirk, you know, the small laugh that she gives me when she thinks I'm being ridiculous or the flash of anger that tells me the subject is over, ended.

I'll take her lips, full and so soft against my brow,  along with her sweet voice that tells me everything's going to be OK when I am not always sure it will be.

I'm OK thinking about it now, but when she walks into the room,
I can't breathe, her beauty blinds me and I'm surrounded on all sides and at that very moment there's nothing in the world but her
Sam Harty 23h
There's always a whisper of madness,
playing in my brain as I struggle to get
loose from it's refrain and the constant
pounding me to comply makes me feel
quite insane.

Disaster brewing behind blue eyes
bits of chaos that won't be denied.
They tell me the choice is completely
mine but they don't see or feel how
I'm bound up inside.

Touch the people and watch them fall
knowing the horror to come,  the pull
to cause pain,  is the worse of all. I'm
the bad man says the song,  but they
don't really know bad, no, not all.
23h · 17
To the bone
Sam Harty 23h
You left
in the night
a ghost
a shell
of who
I once was
in a fresh
kind of hell.

I'm stripped.
cut down
to the bone.
yes, this is me
you've been

I"m starving
for you
your touch
your breath
my skin
a whisper
the cure
to put
me back
together again.
The summer was always so much fun
-- When we were young --
We'd jump fences and run through backyards
-- when we were young --
Boys were icky and really gross too
-- when we were young --
Best friends were forever and ever
-- when we were young --
A pinky promise was sacred
-- when we were young --
and now in my 60s I want to go back to
-- when we were young --
1d · 21
Missing you
I miss
your smile
that starts at
your eyes
and ends up
on my lips.

I miss
your eyes
how they'd
pull me in
and capture
my world.

I miss
your voice
the way one
word from you
you numbed
all the pain.
NO exact
will do
my Poetry is truly
other times

You definitely
    want to
Start with passion
mix it with loss
a dash of pain
from her deceit
a pinch or two
of how
I paid the cost.

Blend in tears
we wouldn't want
it to be
       D R Y
toss that together
with all the
of Times I asked
her WHY?!?

Poetry needs to sit
i n s i d e  and Rise.
each new batch is a
Learning experience
and bound to make
You W I S E
1d · 8
City lights
the sights and sounds
where the nightlife abounds
a thousand people screaming
"just one more round!"

the drunks, the punks
the pushers and their drugs
the crooks and the thugs
all part of the nightlife
they all creep out after twilight.

All of this when the city sleeps
with the crime and the grime
it's enough to make you weep as
you wade through it knee deep.

but like a promise morning
always comes, the sun shines
flowers bloom and children play
because in the city it's just
another day.
1d · 18
Earth's plea
O Brave Sun
again the Night away
until it's
Persistent Return
*form Gogyohka
1d · 21
Time to put my armor on
the enemy approaches
and this won't be fun.

Time to put my armor on
She'll be clad in armor of fire
Girded in the knowledge of
every one of my wants,
needs and desires.

Time to put my armor on
Equipped with the sword
of allure she'll cleave my
heart and they'll be no cure .

Time to put my armor on
and March myself to war
it's hard to fight an enemy
that I adore.
1d · 16
Cry for help
In the estates a baby cries.
In the streets a young man dies.
In the alleys they'll sell you drugs.
In the schools kids now use guns.
In the world there's so much need
Why won't the government intercede?
*form anaphora
1d · 14
I create. And it's more than just
words that rhyme, if I could I'd
write all the time.

I can make words fly or crawl
or dance, Be the Romeo in a story
of my own romance.

I build ships that sail the ocean
or fly up to the moon. I  can help you
feel the wind or help you hear
the greeting of the loons.

I create. And it's more than just
words that rhyme, if I could I'd
write all the time.
*form ars poetica
1d · 21
Tall Oak
I was once a tall oak tree
as tall as the eye could see.
I lived in a lush green forest
full of animals, trees and plsnts
we had every species from
an elephant to a badger to an ant

One day men came into my home
I hoped they would leave us alone
but they had an arsenal of chain saws
and, axes and it was then their intent
became clear,  they meant to cut us
down which filled me with utter fear.

Then they stack us up log by log,
one by one until the deed was done .
Next they took us to a processing area
where they fashioned us into planks,
boards, tables, stools and chairs.

And although I'd rather have stayed a tree
instead of furniture and other means
of utensils, it could have been worse
at least I can tell my story because
they made me a pencil.
1d · 28
you explode
into my brain
I don't want to
sound crazy
it's not like
I'm insane.
It's just
every piece
of you is
into me like
shrapnel from
an explosion
where you
blew apart
and became
embedded into
my heart.
1d · 15
I can travel on paper. Visit unknown places. Gift barren lands
with lakes and rivers, the poor with gold and silver. I could
run a marathon and be the winner.

I can travel on paper.  I'd finally go to London, meet the Queen.  Discuss life with her and everything. I could fly to the moon and back in one day. Learn piano from Beethoven, and a sonata I'd play!

I can travel on paper. And leave this old, frail body behind, I'd run through fields, climb mountains. Pen the most perfect rainbow by day and the most beautiful stars in the sky by night.

I can travel on paper. I can go to a place and time when she loves me again and is mine. Yes, I'd pen the love I'd lost fully restored. Come to think of it, who could ask for more?
form arspoetica
1d · 24
So she lied
she didn't tell me so she lied
leaving me with thousands of
tears over the years I've cried.
Now in hindsight, I understand
the sudden trip to Disneyland,
Of course, I was a fool because there was
a reason I was missing so much school.

she knew but I did not so she lied
I was oblivious in the worst kind of way
selfishly unaware
and I blame myself to this day.
Trips to the mall to buy a new dress,
so easily forgiven when I made a mess.
A new sound system,
Mounds of comic books,
My very own TV.
But she told my brothers and not me
thus stole my chance to live in reality.

She thought I was too young so she lied
had I have known, the questions would
have poured out of me like a flood
instead she left me with so many
unanswered questions about the secrets
of all life's greatest lessons.
See, I didn't need toys, prizes or trips abroad,
Those aren't important now that she's gone.

She wanted to spare me the truth that
she was dying, so she lied.
Decades later I'm still angry inside.
So when all was unsaid and done
all she really left me was
A Beethoven bust,
A lot of broken trust,
The love of poetry,
Tons of insecurity,
years and years of acting wild
but mostly she left me
a motherless child.
1d · 19
My life is a collection of hues brilliant and inert partly painted with pain and blood, a hodgepodge of wine and dirt.

Fold in the deepest oceans with a splash of goodbye tears mix with hot burning coals of a 'please come back' yearning that's lasted all these years.

I'll never be the freshly pinched cheeks of babies like the color of a rose, or a bright good morning sunshine, no, I'm neither of those.

I'm more like a starless night or hot desert sand beneath your feet, I'm not a crescendo I'm more like slight discomfort on repeat.
1d · 22
Tell me
tell me about your life
tell me about your youth
tell me all the times
you didn't tell the truth

tell me about your loves
tell me about your pain
I want to keep you close so
please start over and
tell me all of it again.
1d · 28
Time is heartless.
It will not stop and
wait for you to ponder.
Nor will it turn back
when your tongue
slips and hurts another.
1d · 26
Ever you feel like the rain,
falling uncontrollably amidst all the thunder,
unable to go back the same way you came?
1d · 19
You put the wind in the sails of my soul
1d · 23
Poem poem
On nights when she's away
I don't seem to care
what the world has to say.
I hear everything,
yet I hear nothing.
Crickets chirp, chirp
Faucets drip, drip
I can't seem to stop
thinking of her lips.
The wind ROARS.
The night whispers.
I feel so alone
when I'm not with her.
Frogs croak.
ribbit, ribbit
a horn goes off
honk, honk
down the street.
I want to lay
down with her
and hear the
thump, thump
of her heartbeat.
1d · 40
I miss you.
I'm dying
the slow death
drowning in a sea
of people I don't know
never wanted to know
because there's only
ever been you
who sings to my soul
calling me back
yet never quite
wanting me.
I struggled
through the crowd
to find you
full well
you don't
want to be found
at least
not by me.  
I feel my
waning away
my mind
pulled under
by unknown voices
my body ******
into an
unfamiliar crowd
I close my
eyes  imagining
your hand
as a Lifeboat
pulling me to you
but you're not here
not really
and I sink slowly
into a loud yet
voiceless crowd
Original version and also one of my top five favorites
1d · 20
Nature's plea
Fall forward my leaves
Gather round me like children
Let's pray to the sky
I miss our ***.
So fast
we'd do it
in the
bed, sure.
but also
on the desk
the couch
the dryer
in motion
with paddles
and all
kinds of

But now
you're gone
and I know
you gotta
miss it.
come back
and tell
where you
want me
to kiss it.

I mean
are we
Not even
one last lick
let's throw
up against
the counter
and see if
we stick. :p

act humble
stay silent
dress pretty
don't frown


totally invisible
permanently mute
hallmark like
someone else


I should try to be unseen
I should watch my every word
I should always look perfect
I should smile even when in pain


I learn to hide myself in plain sight
Songs speak the words I could never say
Food never stays inside me for  very long
I just want to get through another day
1d · 34
You're gone
I will never
see you
touch you
breath you in
again. But
in my words
you will be
I assure you
my darling
that with my pen
as my witness
you will be painted
in deep strokes
of ink to lie penned
onto supple paper.

I will describe
your laugh
your eyes
the way you
tuck your hair
behind your ear.

You will and
have already been
and yes,
cried over
page after page
in tears and ink
hundreds of times.

Some will see you
as a Villain while
others will swear
you are a Goddess.

And always
when you leave
as inevitably
you always do
I'll beg for
your return
But you'll be gone
but I promise
you'll live forever
always as
the only story
that ever really
*in my top 5 favorites
1d · 28
Moral Poverty
He gives money to his church
Fistful over fistful
I think he's Lutheran
or maybe Episciple
he talks about God
with words of silk
but he also talks about
"those type and their ilk."
I told him about a friend
who died of A.I.D.S .
where I live up here
and he told me
"I'm sorry Sam
he kind of asked for it
because he was a queer."
1d · 14
I'm fighting
against it
tugging at me
trying to kidnap
my mind
unless maybe
I could dream of her
That would
make it easier
for me to give in
close my eyes
and let it
take me
far a
1d · 16
I know misery, she haunts me
2am, 3am sleep eludes me
A song I didn't need to hear plays
invoking unwanted memories
everything sounds like her
everything looks like her
although nothing is her
because she is gone
gone yet eternally present
between my ears
living in my tear ducts
crowding my brain with
memories and regret
should I burn her letters
tear up her pictures
like that would banish her
from my brain
from my heart
nothing does that
she's always with me.
* In my top five favorites
My words have lost all meaning since  you left
I've absolutely no more passion and
I can no longer count all the times I've wept

I have more tears than words these days
it's like all my words have dried up
who needs words anyway
give me liquid courage in a cup

Am I still a poet? I don't know
or were my words all spent
and you took them as you went

I'm alone now and I ponder
can anyone still hear me I wonder
she spilled all my ink when she left
me standing here bereft.

AM I STILL A POET??????????
1d · 12
Without you
My soul lies
An inner
In time
Of  fallen
Ash and
Century old
Inside me
Could have
Should have
Would have
Alive and
A volcano
Of love
Our volcano
From us
Our very own
Carnal Pompeii.
So come back
To me
Bury me
With the
Of your core
Be my
And leave me
1d · 34
Pick A Part
Pull me apart
go ahead
I can't think
so I don't need
my head.

And oh my heart
take it too
it's dead inside
all shriveled up
from losing you.

Take my lips
I need them not
they've gone cold
a lonely pair
that misses
kissing your
Raven hair

My hands?, Yes,
they can go too
they're really
quite useless
if I can no longer
touch you.

These legs of mine
serve me no more
because with
the weight
of my sorrow
I can't even
walk to the door.

Let us not forget
my eyes of blue
all they do now
is cry and ache
to see you.

So go ahead
just pull me apart
my heart is dead
my soul shattered
take everything
that ever mattered
see if I care
just take it all
down to the
last hair.
1d · 18
my heart erupts
in a volcano
of disappointment.

she's gone.
there was no lava,
no ground quaking,
just a thud then
hot flowing tears

it's more like I jumped
into the gaping hole
left in her absence.
1d · 20
lavender ribbons
from your hair
lay against
the pages
I love to read
so much
and as I turned
the pages
the smell
of your hair
makes me
love the words
even more
as I envision
our last touch.
Such was ours a
which was so
for me to
because my darling
for me you were
a romance story
but for you I wasn't
even a bookmark.
sudden snakes in my brain
what a waste are my inaudible cries
mental welts i give myself
because i made you leave
now you hate me
**** my life
it's all just too hard to believe

inaudibly i crumble and fall into the dirt
don't bury me,  just leave me here
dead inside, inert
i died the day you left me
i'd never felt so hurt

hope in the shape of Zoloft
just isn't doing the trick
i read our chats over and over
and the flogging bud of failure
knowing how much I lost leaves
me feeling sick

you said i was toxic, maybe that's true.
i only know i've never loved anyone the
way i love you . my mental mosh pit, my
hodgepodge mind I feel so much that i'll never
say and the snakes in my brain will probably
never go away
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