It's cold out.
I have my warm winter coat on,
and it's only just fall.
A gust of wind blows from behind me,
my hair whips around my face
stinging my frozen cheeks.
I'm cold
and i'm tired,
I wish I could just lay down
and not fall.
I close my eyes slowly,
the wind seems to blow even more now.
I lean backwards,
i'm exhausted.
Small tear drops roll down my face,
they leave behind a tingling feeling.
I keep leaning,
letting the wind support me.
This cold, driving force,
is supporting me
when I need it.
My eyes stay closed
and I wonder what it would be like,
if I ran with the wind.
I entertain the idea,
the wind pushing me forwards,
as I sprint.
But the wind will always die down.
It'll leave me surprised and falling.
But right now it doesn't let me go,
with it's consistent cold blowing,
it let's me know it's always there,
and for some odd reason,
it makes me smile.
© Tatiana