i had moved from the bedroom a few nights earlier
i knew i wasn't escaping the giant red spider made of neon
or the spirit that awakened me by slipping into the other side of my bed
or the whispers just before fading off
no, i wasn't escaping at all
and on this night i was made aware of this fact
first the hair on the arm
then the awareness
the clarity and cognizant knowledge
of someone else
next to me
have you ever touched a low voltage fence
that surround livestock or horses
imagine a finger with that voltage
touching your ankle
then your knee
before ending at your wrist
this was no nervous twitch
no dream state imagined psychotic episode
this was my spirit friend telling me
you cannot run
you cannot hide
and you can no longer deny
my presence
this is my home
and you are my guest
sleep tight
I lived for 2 years in a renovated library that was built in the late 1800's. there is more to the story that I cannot reveal at this time. I am currently working on a book that is an autobiography with emphasis on my spiritual experiences among other phenomenon that came my way.