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POEM 102

*It was the summer of ‘42,
her hair fell to her back,
streaked with sun light
and scented with salty air.
As her tanned toes
wiggled in the sand,
she turned and smiled-
a brown eyed, freckled smile,
pulling me
into a sea shell spiraling summer;
into a warm ocean’s kiss.

Aztec Warrior 12.14.15
thanks for reading... enjoy the music,
theme song from the movie, "The Summer of '42"
They say God’s got a girl for every man,
But where are You?
Will I meet you when I’m old and frail?
If so a dreadful waste.
Or maybe I’ve already let you slip
Between my fingers.
Fear of Commitment
Might have done its worst.

Ever the Lone Wolf
I seem to be.
A confirmed Bachelor
Running free.

My love of Star Trek says it all,
I’ll not be going to the ball.
The only ball I want to see
Is on Match of The Day: on my TV.

Seems I’ll never be a *******,
Too busy being a reader.
More to the point I’m one of those Writers,
No time for those little blighters.

So I’ll soldier on each day,
Living comfortably on my retirement pay.
Writing my stuff and drinking my whisky,
Good luck to those who’d rather get frisky.

Paul Butters
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
I still want to touch you.
Punish you for what you've done.

I still want your skin on mine.
I can't deny, we've had fun.

I still want to show you things that no one else has.
I still want you to be comfortable with only me.

I want to feel your nails on my skin.
I want to hear your breath in my ear.
I want my hands in your hair.
I want your intense stare.

But it's not enough to want you.
The pain that's in my heart...

You prefer shredded paper over art.

I like the warmth of your body.
I like your hands in mine.
I like how you make me tremble
When our legs are intertwined.

I want to kiss your neck.
I want to touch you there.
I want to laugh beside you.
I want to pretend no one else is there.

Even if it's temporary.
Even if I don't believe in love.

Even if you hate me.
Even if you hurt me.

Right now, I want you.
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
The world needs more lovers
With rose colored glasses
Forever worn
With glass hearts
And stoneless hands
With roses growing
Down their spines
And stardust
Coating their lungs
The world needs more dreamers
With centuries in their cells
And galaxies in their bones
With fiery passion
Boiling their blood
With trembling voices
And wonder in their eyes
With music in their souls
And freedom on their minds
The world needs more you's
Who are more than a number
And are wildly outspoken
Who have an insatiable lust
For knowledge
Who love endlessly
And dream all day
Who search for the beautiful things
Only our hearts can see
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
I listened to his heart beat
night after night.
I felt it beneath my ear
my hand
my lips.
I traced it and cherished it.
I even tucked my own away
inside it...

Few things hurt more
than the realization
that it doesn't beat for me
like mine does for him.
I can't be happy
Away from you
I am happy
Being YOU
I am happy thinking of you
I am happy LOVING YOU
I am happy that I met you
I am happy
That it was through YOU
That LOVE touched me

I don't mind sharing my smiles with the world
But that would be a dead smile
Without you my smiles are a dead dud

I have said you yesterday
When we were together
It 'was' LOVE

I will say it now
It 'is' LOVE

I will say it till I DIE
I am in LOVE with you

Not only the "romantic" type
That is not the LOVE I am talking about
All encompassing 'AGAPE' LOVE

I do not want you to hide away from fear of LOVE

I opened up to you
Like I never opened to any one else
Without hesitation
I told you all my inner secrets

I touched you and felt your love
You know -
I never wash my palm
The day I touch you

Your presence has brought me
Not only closer
But made me part of you
I am yours
You are mine
Everything of mine is yours
You consider it or not
You are my family and will remain so

I want you to know
I am YOURS...
And will remain so...

I care for you every moment
I spare a whole field of flowers
In your thought

Each word of your reverberates in my soul
I feel like dying away from you
When someone says your name
I want to be with YOU

Know it...

I still long for you
Every single moment
Every Milli-fraction of
Every second

And you too know
I would give
Nine worlds & nine lives
To Be with YOU
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
Just when I thought everything is over in my life,
Then came in an angel,
Different from the usual,
A girl who's so broken from inside,
Someone I want should smile when I'm around,
She shares a lot of things in common with me,
I think I've been waiting for her all this while,
She is someone I can not stop talking to,
A person for whom I again started staying up late nights,
Not even a week of knowing her feels like a lifetime,
I want to fix her up,
I want her to love herself again,
After all this is done, I'll stay by her side the way she would want me too..
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
That mask you wear,
I know you wear it.
I've seen you without it,
you look beautiful without it.

So, please, take off the mask,
there is no need for it.
You, just you, is all I need to
love you.
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