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 Mar 2021 Richie
Noah Libitsky
Under the water
Where the fish roam
Nothing could be better
Animals may call home
Many of the fish are fearful
Others are not
Because they are plentiful
Many will be caught
All have a sense of location
In the great deep blue
I really have a temptation
To come and find you
This is a poem that I wrote as an amateur poet. I'm Noah Libitsky and I'm in 8th grade. An idea for a poem just popped up in my head and I decided to work on it. If this goes well I might go into writing poems professionally.
 Mar 2021 Richie
Society is a being,
A breathing, living thing,
It’s skin is always cold,
It does not wish to let me be known,
For it needs me to fulfill its will,
But I want to abandon it so,
For it’s claws are deeply rooted
Into my fragile skin,
It does not care if I bleed,
But I cannot find myself in leave, for
It’d tear me terribly thin.
Freedom is an indifferent escape away,
But until one jumps, all will stay,
And so I will live out the same day,
Over and over again,
Thus is the wail of the proletariat,
Living as undying strays.
 Mar 2021 Richie
to wake up is a chance
at what you want out of this
don't treat it with haste,
don't let it go to waste.

to breathe is to be present,
here, in the trenches of today.
don't let outside voices stay,
don't listen to what they say.
live for today,
live it out your own way.
 Jul 2020 Richie
 Jul 2020 Richie
I wished for you to be near
And now that you are here
It seems like you're even further
Further than we've been
Now I'm struggling to get the words out
Don't you fear, my dear
I've been through this before
Became an expert at hiding what I feel, when I was a kid.
You won't realize a thing
Life will go on like this
And soon you won't turn back to see
What it could have been
Maybe being together isn't for us
But if I ever get to escape my self-built cage
I will surely tell you my tale
Maybe then we might prevail
Maybe then we might prevail..
 Jul 2020 Richie
We were bred in nuclear captivity
Raised behind the safety of stained glass.

We learned to follow the leaders,
memorize the Billboard Top 30,
sleep on apparently royal mattresses,
make love in forest green colored cages,
make money by counting other people's money,
track the number of times our feet hit the pavement,
and then die on a 700 dollar couch.

Still unable to believe in a god other than this one.
 Jul 2020 Richie
Trusted on sight
Lost in words

I wonder what colors he would use for me?

Like an expensive painting in a museum
You intrigued me,
Stopped me dead in my tracks

Such intelligence wrapped in delicacy
Careful words change to careless laughter
You are the most astonishing piece

Nervous fiddling
Strangers once maybe

I could feel your soul reaching
Digging deep for something unknown to you
Let me help,
I have a light

Eccentric and living golden
In a land of mountains and wind

My light stayed lit
As I said nothing
You worked, you searched
You paused and looked up

By accident, our eyes met
And I've been wondering ever since

What colors would he use for me?

 Jun 2020 Richie
 Jun 2020 Richie
is hiding easier
than telling?

is secrets
the best solution?


I suppose I'm not better
all I do is hide
the proof I find

I don't want to keep doing it

I can't
I love like a fool
 May 2020 Richie
Verdant Quo
like water
I poured myself into her until she was overflowing at the brim

like reinforced steel
I bridged my heart to hers and welded myself to her soul

like the sun
I filled myself with light to cover her darkness

like a blanket
I shielded her from the harsh world underneath the covers

like magnets
I orbited her aura until we inevitably collided

like a seed
I felt myself growing up from her

Then, like an idiot
I could tell she felt nothing.
 Apr 2020 Richie
Emptiness reflects off the mirror
An eternal truth rests in my empty bed
Propaganda flashes on the tv screen
The unclean window shares my view
And the drain knows my dreams
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