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2.2k · May 2021
Rastislav May 2021
and I
had No

and Oh Skies!
and Oh Trees!

and I
had No

and the Universe
was rocking
as if into
133 · Jan 23
A symphony of life
Rastislav Jan 23
In wonder, gaze upon each scene,
As if you're born anew, it seems.
Leave traces light, as if the last,
Tread softly, future's in the past.

Love fiercely, with the tender's touch,
As if this love means oh so much.
Live like it's the lone encore,
Never seen, and nevermore.

Marvel at the world with innocent eyes,
As if you're greeted by surprise.
Each moment treasured, never last,
A dance in time, a fleeting cast.

Leave footprints soft on sands of time,
A legacy woven in every rhyme.
Love passionately, like the first,
A flame that's endless, about to burst.

Embrace this life with pure delight,
As if it's your last, this very night.
Innocence, love, and traces true,
A symphony of life, composed by you.
66 · Jan 23
Rastislav Jan 23
In the symphony of life, where chaos and melodies intertwine,
A whisper in the dark, a plea that's all but mine.
Lost in the echoes of a tumultuous sea,
Letters dance like memories, elusive and free.

Fragments of emotion, a kaleidoscope of thought,
A cryptic ballet in the tapestry, where meaning is sought.
Fleeting and poignant, like tears in the rain,
Unraveling mysteries, a heart's silent pain.

A plea for solace, or a cry in the night,
In the cipher of emotions, where shadows take flight.
Yet, amid the chaos, a chance for clarity,
A poetic dance, an ode to sincerity.

So, let the words resonate, let the emotions unfold,
In this labyrinth of language, where stories are told.
For within the enigma, there lies a tale untold,
In the cryptic whispers, emotions manifold.

— The End —