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Donna Bella Sep 2015
I was so busy living in a fantasy
I forgot about reality
My fantasy felt so right
But once it was over reality came with no reguards
I feel so empty, because I'm not where I want to be
My family loves to say they're are here
But in reality there not
Sometimes I wish I can rewind life and start over
Everything will be different
Donna Bella Aug 2015
Y'all ever have two good choices?
When choice one is awesome
And choice two is awesome
but you can't choose one
but you can't choose two
So you're stuck debating on which one to choose
And you have to choose in a day
But you're as indecisive as a mosquito
So you're just like .............
And choice one is waiting on you to choose him
And then choice two is waiting on you to choose him
But really they're both so good and I both like them
But I just can't choose
Donna Bella Aug 2015
He kissed me on my neck
I said "No temptation"
Deep down I'm already tempted but it doesn't work like that with me
He said he had to tell me something
So can a kiss tells you what a person is thinking?
I don't believe so
I said tell me to my ear
He kissed my ear
I said "No temptation"
Is this the devils way of trying to tempt me and distract me from my goals?
Is it?
Because if it is, its not going to work
Donna Bella Aug 2015
Y'all ever feel hopeless sometimes
You're around so many people who don't believe in you
Can't see far enough to your dreams
Don't believe in your words or could understand it?
Y'all ever feel alone in a room full of people and feel better alone.
Sometimes I'm ready to go but I can't go just yet
If you're reading this, your reading how I've been feeling lately.
I haven't been writing because I feel uneasy, its just so hard to live your life pleasing others, and its very hard to express it
Anybody who's out there living for others, STOP NOW! And live for yourself
Donna Bella Aug 2015
look at me
tell me what you see
tell me what you see that i don't see
because i don't see a lot
do i look broken from the outside as i feel on the inside?
am i ugly on the outside as i feel on the inside?
can you tell me how to be happy?
can you help me get over depression?
can you just tell me what i need to know?
Donna Bella Jun 2015
Mentally dismantled
Spiritually a bundled
Cranium tasseled
Failed attainment
Craze by the crowds
Oh how I feel demised
Trained by the master
Hidden intellect
Chosen few has heard
Chosen few has experienced
Life changing words
Brain is so superb
Tongue twisters is a love spot for the genuis that is her
She is her
Her is me
Her is you
Her is us
Her is many
Many of the intellects
Many of the power holders
Many of the strong
Many of her
Donna Bella May 2015
**** her
She's like a raisin in the sun
She's all dried up
Can't stand to look at her
All I see is her demon eyes
Can't stand to talk to her
All I hear is trash
Oh she's quite irrelevant at this point
But she did it on her on
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