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  Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Druzzayne Rika
I am a small part of big
it comes from within
every cell of the body
working together in unison
to make me do what I make do
every each equal part
all through the heart,
neurons and veins.

a rebirth in the breath
same with the death
to openly give
lay arise to have and hold
simple things are gold
all the moments made
never will be sold.

a figure to figure
a passing second to record
the choice my made
and the lies I said
echoed in the universe
came back pronounced
it faces me the ugly side.

Who really knows
the knowledge of eternity
a purpose, wishful destiny
a very green envy
my own construct life
my existence roots
disrupt others
  Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Poems are born and given
names like people are don't they?
   vested with special brainy wings right? then ejected!
 as if birthing slides
help push them through
a cyber time machine
computerized world

poems seem to travel
as in rockets to space
yes that fast!!
Others ballooned by air
in baskets moved slowlier
or in simple rainbow sorted
balloon batches and
then gone with the wind!
inflated by helium air
initials inscribed on each
from the parent poet or poetess
"A lot more happens
to poems"
Lucky few reposted by the
holy sages of H.P
a few more seem air lifted in
an eye blink secluded in mysterious arenas
Jack in the box boxes!
private uncirculated rooms
there reveared?
All poems in my world
seem firstly inspected by
the same compassionate
doctor, few masked Knights
powerful mystery kings

birds of song, purring cats
even angry dogs all sorts

same crafty nurses seem
to eagerly revise
their parchment scrolls
and from there nothing
is heard of these
baby boomer poems
or if ever are read by others again who can tell? It's unclear unless a fee is paid
its like having children
really isnt't it?
that must be sent away as in
time machine missions once named treasured revised
adored then freedoms grant'd
some poems will make it explored reapearing loved reposted moving priceless!
other poems perish
by green with envy
other muses hubbering
curiously around
lizards wizards snakes
all sorts.
Poems seem to travel  
dead silent through
a cyber mirror
Twilight Zone
people's life small or great is the life of poems
naturally all poets and poetesses understand this is true i just wanted to agree with all of you
with this little ink just to greet you all.
Pagan Paul Jun 2019
… and the look of fear
co-existing with pain
     on a contorted face
that knows
it is in mortal difficulty,
as ragged fingers



at a fire they cannot reach,
ripping agonies react,
     to an enforced cardiac episode,
as blackness closes in
gravity heaves its hardest,
but the fall is fake,
a red herring in the event,
     and the weight of the world

presses down, searching,
presses down, searching,

as breath is given freedom
in exhalation to the light,
     that slowly rolls back
the pitch hue of the void,
returning back images,
a new belief,

          and the fire inside quietens,

                    and the fire inside quietens,

to the intense glow
     of a burnt aching heart.

© Pagan Paul (2018)
This poem was actually written during a panic attack I had last year.
I have suffered from them for most of my life.
  Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Call me change joining
                  goddess art of
one of nine arts
       changing muses among
many several other arts mine are            
           memory at best!
I am changing my art
            and mouse
                   to include
          the beauty I see in many poets and poetessess
                on here H.P.
you are like gods and
    possessing nine glorious arts expressing
             diverse entertaining
inspiring muses
         memory commedy
idylic poetry
             beauty dance
                          grace allure
              a great poet showed me
to unstock from my
                   same old muse rhyme
to "fly free to glide soaring"
               exploring my mind
into change
         applying other arts
                 So I read your various
arts diverse muses from
             many of you
                  on here H.P    
                     greatfully learning
the many glorious poetic arts
                diversity humility
treasures best
                  to stick around
  H.P when the going
                         gets tough
         my ink flows freely
my best commedy mask's on!
                 shephesd's crook!
wreath of ivy!
        beauty grace in all of yours!
is here to stay
Inspired by great poet
 Pagan Paul to use
                       my other arts  
             changing muses
updated 06-12-19
Gratefully yours.
               Thanks everyone.
          here on H.P. reading liking.
loving reposting.
        All of your
Art inspires me.
K.X X.
Pagan Paul Jun 2019
is being in the right place
at the right time,
coinciding with the orbit
of another searching
the aspirations that you to seek.
A connection needs attention,
a compliment, a smile,
an enquiry of mutual interest
that engages instantly.
The abdication of convenient norms,
a shift in behaviour,
adopting a new travel direction.
It requires no discrimination,
but an open welcoming mind,
conjoining parallel convergence,

© Pagan Paul (2018)
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