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Pagan Paul Aug 2017

Major Haiku (7-9-7)

The dance of lovers in heat
mysterious communication
Pandora's box of feelings

Standard Haiku (5-7-5)

Green leaves on the tree
pretty in the summer sun
light accenting hues

Minor Haiku (3-5-3)

Time is here
fleeting passing gone

Mini Haiku (1-3-1)

on the wing

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
Pagan Paul Aug 2017
I have a way with words
that is why you took me home
that is why you cooked me breakfast
that is why you asked me back.

I have a way with words
that is why you are there
that is why you hold me tight
that is why you never judge me.

I have a way with words
that is why you stay around
that is why you laugh at my jokes
that is why you miss me.

I have a way with words
my only regret is... will never get to hear them.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
Old Poem
Pagan Paul Aug 2017
Have you ever wished
that the sun didn't shine,
turned to the dark and said
'Welcome friend'.

Have you ever stared
at the candles bright flame,
turned to the light and said
'Welcome back'.

© Pagan Paul (31/07/17)
Pagan Paul Jul 2017
I want my poems to scream of ***,
of lust and of carnal fuckery.
To ******* the seeds of words,
****-splashed on a page of muckery.

And teasing those clitoral synapses,
along nerve lines of innuendo.
Lapping verses in the valley below,
raising fantasy to literal crescendo.

I want my words to make you ***,
and ache over and over again.
To shriek my name and fall in love
with my purple tipped pen.

And with my seminal inky spillage
'pon your creamy sheets of vellum,
remember now those ***** stanzas
****** deep into your cerebellum.

© Pagan Paul (24/07/17)
Pagan Paul Jul 2017
A warm wet circle on my cheek,
all that remains of your presence.
In a cold grey room so empty,
that no longer holds your essence.
My skin and bones have turned to dust,
a heart dripping to pools so dry.
The fibres of being are unbound,
as you walk away and say goodbye.

© Pagan Paul (23/07/17)
Just trying to recall what its like to have a love to lose.
Pagan Paul Jul 2017
Tears like raindrops roll down my face
as I start awake from another dream.
The stark isolation set in another place
reflecting the here by subconscious means.

The wind whistles a gale of fury
whilst I squat on the mountains summit.
Bracing my heart from an angry jury,
whose purpose is to find me unfit.

Not worthy, by proxy, a foregone verdict
delivered eloquently from myself to me.
Scything confidence away, I've heard it.
Raindrops taste like tears to the lonely.

Shutters and barricades drop, my armour,
holding back the bad, and the good.
Protected, the gale blows much calmer,
the stark isolation accepted and understood.

But the dream persists, always the same,
a looping litany whilst I lay asleep.
The withdrawal is but temporary in name
until I locate that which I humbly seek.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
Pagan Paul Jul 2017
Three meet upon the moor.
Clouds boil, the thunder roars.
Magick crackles about the tor,
voices raise to chant the call.

Fires at midnight burn with power.
Time stands still in the witching hour.
The moot works in the night to devour,
to catch the moon and starry showers.

Mystical nets float way up high.
Glowing globes with which to scrye.
The howling wind screams its cry,
as ancient powers steal the sky.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
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