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Azarel Feb 16
Cowards cloaked in the safety of shadows,
Hiding behind fictitious names,
Preying upon fragile hearts,
Words laced with venom,
Their hands stained with tears.

What kind of monster knows the wound
Yet rips it open?
What kind of soul sees a fractured heart
And snaps it further still?

I dream of justice
Not swift or merciful,
For that would be too kind a punishment.
I dream of a slow justice, slow as molasses,
Seeping into the safety of shadows they know,
To bring an inferno, unyielding, relentless
To mirror the agony they sowed.

I will tear down the heavens,
I will shatter the earth
To find them, to use them,
To be used as kindling,
To remake the world in flames.

For the world has been far too cruel.
Every ember would sing of her freedom,
Every ash a testament to their sins,
Every cloud of smoke a warning to them all.

Your suffering will not be quick
Oh no, death is far too kind.
You will feel the weight of despair,
The suffocation of regret,
The searing of your sins
Carved into every breath.

And when I hear them plea and beg,
Cry for the Lord to save them,
I’ll ask if they think their penance was enough,
If they regret what they’ve done.

And when they say yes,
And ask for the sweet release of death,
I’ll rejoice as I am the last thing they’ll see
The gleaming smile looking back,
As their light leaves their eyes.
Azarel Feb 7
As we sit, take our seats in the banquet hall,
everyone rushes to be the first to feast,
while we’re left choking on the past.
Does no one hear the wind,
wailing against the stained glass?

Silver goblets raised in mock celebration,
filled with the essence that I poured.
Gleeful toasts echo against fractured stone,
laughter filling the banquet hall.
Does no one see the blood,
dripping down these chains?

A little too late,
they finally look around.
The stained glass has cracked,
its stories bleeding out onto the marble floor.
The drapes now hang in tatters,
lace left ripped in shreds.

Is this what you wanted?
The desecration of this citadel?

As walls begin to tremble,
pillars groan under the weight of decay,
no one stays to help.
They run.
Feet that once stood in reverence
trample the sacred,
careless, unburdened.

But I remain.

Veins of frost cover the walls,
the ceiling yawns open, snuffing out the light,
and I cannot move.
Not as the glimmering chandeliers fall,
not as the stone gives way beneath me,
not as the ruins cave in.

As the winter chill creeps in,
the dust now settles.
Within the silence
of these hallowed grounds,
the echoes of laughter now lost.

As I watch from beyond.

A ghost draped in apathy,
watching the remnants of me buried,
watching the last echoes of my warmth
fade into cold ash.
Wondering if I will ever
rise back from the ashes.

No hands reach
into the wreckage.
No voices
call my name.
No one mourns.
And maybe
they never will.
A poem on the loss of identity, loss of self
A poem to mourn as you watch a forced change
Azarel Jan 8
Hush, little rose, the night has been long,
Petals bruised and battered, yet still, you grow strong.
The care you seek will one day arrive,
But for now, your stem stands poised, alive.

Hush, little rose, though your storm feels unending,
Allow me to offer you solace and shelter, unbending.
Your thorns don’t scare me; I’ve bled before,
For scars tell a story that resilience bore.
So let me hold you, even if just tonight,
For in your tempest, kindred spirits unite.

Hush, little rose, forsaken and astray,
By gods who turned their backs and looked away.
Together, we can carve a new way,
No longer lost, we’ve found our light,
A quaint ember burning through the endless night.

Lean on me, and I’ll never let go,
For in your pain, a part of me continues to grow.

Hush, little rose, there’s no need to stand so tall,
Release yourself from the scars that shackle all.
Remove the mask you wear, let your weary soul rest,
If only for tonight, let me bear the weight in your chest.
Crumble in my arms; I’ll keep you whole,
You can break apart knowing I’ll guard your soul.

Hush, little rose, let the darkness seep,
I’ll hold you close when the shadows creep.
For you are not your storms, nor your fears—
You are the quiet strength behind your tears.

Let love be gentle, let it unfold,
Not the fire that consumes, but the warmth that holds.
There’s no need to burn for love to be true,
Let it be a love that softly cradles you.

Hush, little rose, the night has been long,
But in our shared silence, we’ve found a song.
No longer alone, no longer astray,
Together, we’ve forged the dawn of a new day.
This was a poem written for someone special. Someone who has had struggles understanding what love could be. Along with going through an incredibly difficult healing journey. To really show support towards them.

— The End —