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Noa Adler Jul 2019
I named my flowers
After you.
After all, there's strong resemblance -
Both of you are made of plastic,
Colorful and fake.

I named my onions
After you.
After all, there's strong resemblance -
Both of you had made me weep,
Blinded by the burns.

I named my scissors
After you.
After all, there's strong resemblance -
Both of you have torn apart
Endless hearts of paper and people.

I named my coffee
After you.
After all, there's strong resemblance -
Both of you held my consciousness
Captive in your hands.

I named my one-night
After you,
After all, there's strong resemblance -
Both of you took what you wanted
Then took off and never looked back.

I named my poems
After you.
After all, there's strong resemblance -
The amount of pain that you both made me go through,
Is just how far
I've grown.
Noa Adler Oct 2018
I was thinking roses,
Maybe lilies,
To lighten up the mood.

I was thinking walnut,
Maybe maple,
For my own box of wood.

I was thinking marble
Maybe Limestone,
To decorate the place.

I was thinking my name,
Maybe a poem,
To carve upon my days.

I was thinking Razors,
Maybe NyQuil,
To make me disappear.

I was thinking your love,
Cannot save me,
If I just won't be here.

I was hoping that you'd understand,
Everything in this world has an end,
And for my ending too,
Celebration is due,
But the only thing
that I left out
is you.
Sep 2016
Noa Adler Oct 2018
Holding on to my fragile heart
And I do not know
If they're trying to tear it out
Or stop it from escaping.

Calling out; "Come to me"
Calling my name
Giving promises upon promises
Of all the kisses that they offer
Yet they are laced with poison.

Staring deep into my soul
Pulling me in with their warmth
And I want to dive
But I have to stop myself
From drowning.

Standing there, silent
Behind the glass wall
And you can see me crystal clear
And I am standing, silent, too.

And I am left here, pondering
If to break it
Or to wait.
And I am left here, wondering
If you'll break it
Or you'll break me.
October 2018
Noa Adler Oct 2018
At the end of the day,
We all fall in line,
Like words in a poem,
We conflict and combine.

We huddle in verses,
We roll and we rhyme,
We shield our true meaning,
To be found out in time.

We hang onto the commas,
Because any day,
The writer could scrap us,
And take us away.

But once in a while,
The ink smears, the lines break,
And before they rewrite us,
We run - for their sake.
Noa Adler Oct 2018
Choose what you think
Will cause you best.
A thousand schemes
Will pay to rest
Their hands upon
This world of wonder,
So close your eyes,
Let your mind wander.
Imagine wings
And learn to fly,
And as you jump,
Fall into skies
Of other kinds,
Into the deep,
Low and behold
Your wrecked ship.
Noa Adler Oct 2018
I planted a rose
In the corner of my garden
To give me some color
On a gray, rainy day

And each day, at dawn
I would water and **** it
Warding off any other flower
To keep its glory in bloom

Red as blood were its petals
And tender they were
Almost as soft
As the touch of a lover

And it called out to me
And it told me to take it
It didn’t belong in the ground
But in the finest vase

And I looked at it, hesitant
Its words a blur to me
But its color was hypnotic
And I couldn’t resist

And I reached out a hand
And almost immediately
Red droplets flowed
The thorns breaking my skin

Breaking my heart
And my digits hurt
And because of a rose
My reality flipped

I looked at it, panicked,
And I loosened my grip
And it dropped to the ground
Yet my hand remained red

I frantically washed it
Forcing soap in the wounds
And as much as it hurt
I tried to go on

And it lied there, In bloom
Daring to look at me
As if I betrayed it
As if It was bleeding too

It said if I loved it I would have held on
Despite the pain
And the blood
And the tears in my eye

I said that if it loved me
It would have wanted me to bloom
And yet I stood there
Bleeding for it
September 2018
Noa Adler Oct 2018
They say that insanity
Is doing the same thing
Over and over
Expecting different outcomes.

So what exactly was I thinking
When I tried to kiss your lips
Not a second after they spat lies
Like knives into my heart?

What went through my head
When I tried to hold your hand
Just a minute after it left
A red mark on my cheek?

What did I think I was doing
When I tried to embrace your body
A short moment after it pushed me
Further into the bathroom wall
To muffle my protest?

And why, oh, why do I keep crying
Every time you walk away
When a few glances later
You crawl back to me again?

And by what right do I keep crying
Every time you lie or fail me
If my arms are always open
And I love you all the same?

And by everything I know that’s true
By the last bit of sanity in my mind
I swear this will be the last time

And not because I’ll get up
Or be strong or walk away.

But because you’ve walked all over me
And all over again
I find myself holding on
To something-
someone that’s not there.

And with your next step,
I might just snap and break
And fall apart completely,
Just for your sake.
June 2018
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