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Dec 2024 · 181
Sometimes the emotions just flow and how I feel becomes a river.
That river tumbles and splashes along and  meets the ocean head on.
It becomes a tsunami that cashes over everything.
Then when it's over, I'm left standing in the destruction wondering how I got there.
When all I did was allow myself to feel.

Sometimes I'm wrong even when I do what's asked of me.
Maybe because it's not done the way they want?
Sometimes expectations taint what is given.
Sometimes when someone tells you how they feel, they want you to hear them not fix them.
And sometimes being there for someone means doing nothing more than listening and understanding.

Sometimes we feel as if we aren't doing enough when we're actually doing exactly what's needed of us.
Dec 2024 · 282
People love in one of two ways.

They either love selfishly -
Where they love the parts of you that are easy to love, the light.
They use their love like a weapon to try and force you to change, to conform, to fit in the box that they deem appropriate.

Or... They love unconditionally -
Where they love all of you including the parts of you that are hard to love, the dark.
Their love is given freely even when it isn't returned and never do they ask you to conform.
They allow you to be free, to be you.

The second, sadly, is a dying concept. People have forgotten that we all have pasts, all hold darkness.
That darkness, those burdens are what mold us and create the foundation of who we are and will become.
It is a rare person who can see another, with their darkness behind them, spread out like majestic wings and accept and embrace all of who they are.

For years I have allowed myself to be molded, forced and made to fit into boxes too small to hold me for fear of loosing those I loved.
It is only now, recently, that I have learned that my wings, my strength and my foundation are always the things that others wish to change about me.

No more.
No more will I allow my greatest strengths to be deemed unworthy by those who are afraid to love unconditionally.
No longer will I allow those who love selfishly to dictate what parts of me are lovable.

I have always loved with all of me, accepted all of others (even the parts that hurt me) because I thought that by doing so, it would be returned.
I will continue to love in this way, whole heartedly and unconditionally.
I will just no longer stay when I am pressured to conform to another's standard of acceptable.

I have learned to walk away from those I love so I may be true to myself. One day, maybe I will find another who has learned to love and accept all that someone has to offer.
If that day comes, I'll be ready to receive what I have always given and grant another what they have always craved.
Untill then, I'll love truly for all of those who cannot, in hopes that they will see what it means to love unconditionally...
Dec 2024 · 271
Today I gave of myself so you could be okay.
I gave you the one thing that has made me worse and broken me more.
I hold no resentment, hurt or anger for this.
I  will always give so you may be happy even if it destroys me.

The thing I need to be okay, to recharge and to find my strength isn't something that you are capable or willing to give.

I understand this.

I understand holding onto your last reserves so you can survive.
Today I gave you mine.
I have used the last of my strength to give you what you need because your happiness means more to me than my own.

But now I'm sitting here,
Trying my hardest to find and pick up the pieces of my shattered self,
So I can put it back together.

I can't though.

I can't find them because I don't have the strength or the tools that I need.
I am terrified,
Because for the first time in my life,
I don't know how to fix me...
Dec 2024 · 211
The Journey, The Toll
I can hear the rain as it patters and pours,
To my battered soul it sings and calls.
With the promise to wash away,
To cleanse in the hope of a new day.

I hear the wind and it howles and roars,
To my demons it shouts and lures.
With the temptation to allow them out to play,
To give them the freedom they so crave.

I see the lightning as it flashes and crashes,
To the furthest reaches my broke pieces it scatters.
With but hints of bright beacons,
Quick flashes to find them.

My world is not the same as the one that you live in,
I think at this point, that's a given.

For I am a creature not born but made,
To stay in this world, its the price that I paid.

But there is a vail between my world and yours,
A shroud of darkness that I don't push away.
After what I've lived,
It has the right to stay.

My darkness has taught me so many precious things,
Far more than the light or joy that sings.
Your world is light with mottled shadows few and far between.
My world is dark with pinpoints of light that glitter and gleam.

Your darkness you avoid while I live in mine.
It's why I can truly appreciate the light when it shines.
I never take a single glimpse for granted,
Because it's more than what I had when I first started.
Dec 2024 · 165
My Darkness
The world rejects the darkness I hold.
Always I am told it's wrong.
I'm told to hide it, get rid of it.
Don't let it fester,
Destroy it to be better.

My darkness is only labeled so because of the world.
It's just another part of who I am to me.
What if the world is wrong about what's okay for me to be?
Should I hate half of me because they said to?

Well, skrew that!
The side of me they hate, I love.
Where they say it's a flaw,
I say its my fight.
That darkness that they so despise is why I'm still alive.
It's made me strong, been my comfort and taught me what I'm worth.
The dark is my friend, it's held me through my tears and coached me through my fears.
For my darkness isn't something for you to rid me of.
It's my home,
My kingdom,
Where the weak go to die;
And so they fear it.
Dec 2024 · 174
Falling in love
If you say "I'm falling in love", people assume two things:
One, that it's romantic love.
Two, that it's new, tentative, small.

I have been falling in love every day for the past 11 years.

It started when the stick turned blue,
The two lines,
The plus sign in the window of a little plastic test.

I fell in love more with every flutter,
Every kick,
Every morning of being sick.

I fell in love more with each contraction,
Again with every suture used to close me up.

I fell in love with every spit up,
Every sleepless night,
Every laugh
And every scream.

I am still falling in love.
I fall in love every day all over again.
I fall in love every time I hear them say mom,
Every time I look at them.

I fall in love every time they learn something new
Or whine about what I've asked them to do.
Everyday I am falling in love with who they are
And who they're growing into.

No one can fall in love the way a mothers do.
Dec 2024 · 49
Brain Spew
He uses songs and lyrics others have written to voice how he feels;
to make it real.
I write my own in verse and poem, lyrics and rhymes.
They aren't always pretty and rarely shine;
but they are mine.

I thought that I was fine, that I was alright.
After all, I've been here before.
Been there,
Done that,
Got the t-shirt,
So I should be okay, right?

Anger, grief, shame and fear are never that easy though;
I should have known...

Yet what happened isn't what's on repeat in my mind.
No, what's on a loop inside my brain is a name;
Always the same.
A name that carries with it so much joy, pain and peace.
I know...
I know that if I talked to him that I would stop reeling.
Yet I can't.
Can't call or message, besides, what would I say?
"I'm sorry, I'm broken again?"

Maybe I would tell him the truth, the whole horrid truth about that day;
I know he'd agree to listen and keep the fear and pain at bay,
that was his way.
I know.
I know that he would make it easier despite not being his burden to bare.
I can't call or message the dead,
So I guess I'll just keep repeating his name inside my head.
Repeat it until I'm no longer broken,
Or until I join the life that was stolen - Dead.
Dec 2024 · 281
Did you... Nevermind
Do you even know it hurt?
Or how it broke my heart?
That I gave you my everything while you pushed us apart?
That for a month I said my thank you's
And with distain you did it once.
Like you couldn't stomach showing gratitude to the one you supposedly loved.

Do you even know it stung?
Or how it ripped at my spirit?
That you said you wanted my story yet at the end of it it grimaced?
With your face turned away in disgust
For cards delt different from your own;
Disgust born from intolerance of anything not 'status quo'.

Do you even know it hurt?
Or how it shredded my soul?
To know that you didn't love ME only the woman your mind could hold?
The woman who stood before you didn't match the picture in your head.
So you let disappointment and then disinterest guide you,
Until that's all I felt in the end.

So, did you know it hurt me?
Or how you made me feel unworthy?
Were you so caught up in you,
That I was someone you looked right though?
I suppose now it doesn't matter because I am a galaxy away.
Floating in the light of stars that I myself have made.
Dec 2024 · 196
What it is to be a Woman

Have you noticed how from the moment we are born we are given names.
Descriptions that bare the weight of expectations placed onto tiny shoulders that cannot yet hold up the weight of the body they have?
As we grow those name, those descriptions they grow in number and become heavier too.


Placed upon our shoulders is the weight of every person we care about.
We, as females, are charged with caring for them all.
This is what the world expects from us.
Perfection is what we try to force from ourselves on behalf of everyone else.
Often we loose ourselves in the fray,
always expected to make it work,
sort it out,
fix it,
and so much more.

Yet for all of this, when we have little left to give;
when the weight becomes to much and our hardened shells crack,
letting out a little of what we ourselves feel, we are told we're
over emotional,
To just calm down,
it's not such a huge deal.

Except that it is...
While we are everything for everyone, more often than not we are alone in our burdens.
So while we give others what they need to be okay;
we do not get the same in return.

See, being a good woman is the
thankless job
that society has given us...
Dec 2024 · 66
Used to Be
I used to be the girl who wrote to the one she loved.
Painstakingly worded letters overflowing with my love.

Letters handed off in perfectly folded hearts,
By hands soaked in tender care to hands that dripped with hurt.

I used to be that girl,
That girl that is no more.

No more because of letters gathering dust in the bottom of someone's draw.
Letters that were thrown away
And letters never read.
Due to people who've shown me time and time again,
How little my love has meant.

Now I keep it all inside,
Planted in the soil of my soul.
Waiting for the one who will water it
And allow my letters of love
To grow.
Dec 2024 · 70
Miss You Most
Time heals all wounds.
We've all heard this saying, some even believe it.
I don't.
It's one of the biggest lies I've ever heard,
right up there with 'It'll get easier' and 'It won't hurt forever'.

I know that they are lies
because I've spent more than half my life
living in a world where you no longer breathe;
a world where your heart no longer beats.

The truth is that time heals nothing,
it doesn't get easier
and so far it has hurt forever.

Loosing you hasn't gotten easier,
I've just gotten better at putting my pain and longing into a box.

Packed away in the back of my emotional closet
and hidden from the world.

It doesn't hurt any less today than it did seventeen years ago.
It's not easier,
it's not less painful
and I sure as hell don't miss you less.
In fact,
I miss you more.

I miss you more
For all the things I cannot tell you and share.
I miss you more
With every thought of you.
I miss you more
For my children that you'll never meet and
who'll never know the amazing uncle you would have been.

I miss you more for all these reasons, plus a million more;
each reason is salt
in a gaping, never-healing wound.

I miss you more
even when I pack it back in the box
and hide it away again.

Every today, I miss you most.
R. E. M Heslop
Dec 2024 · 203
Soul Deep
Broken promises are like shattered glasses that aren't cleaned up.
Eventually there's nowhere left to walk without getting cut,
whether you broke them or not.

Broken hearts are like drying puddles in full sun of a desert.
Eventually they wither away and dry,
leaving only a cracked, unmalleable surface.

Broken souls are like colors faded to grays.
Though beautiful they have no luster and life they cannot sustain.

Broken promises
lead to broken hearts
and broken hearts
cause broken souls.

Only the truely strong can survive a real broken heart and not let it touch their soul.

Can you?
Can I?

I guess in time we'll know.
Dec 2024 · 80
Words of Wisdom
"I can love you and still not like the choices you've made."

Did you know?
Did you know that I didn't understand when you told me these things?
That I was too caught up in teenage angst and feelings?

"You can hate me, that's okay because it isn't my job to be your friend."

Did you know?
Did you know how much it would hurt to learn these lessons?
That though you told me, I would need to live them?

"One day you'll understand, Fire Heart."

You knew.
You knew I wasn't one to take the short cut.
That some things just had to be learned the hard way.

"Life isn't always fair, Fire Heart."

You knew.
You knew how painful those lessons could be.
That's why you tried to give me your hard earned cheat sheet.

"Sometimes you just have to smile until the world is bright again."

Don't worry, Mama.
You did right by me.
You gave me all the tools I ever might need.
Some I used to get to where I am,
Some I use daily to just keep me sane.
Still I know that the rest will have their time and place,
to guide me through life's maze.

"One day you'll have children of your own, you'll thank me then."

So thank you, Mama,
For not being my friend.
For raising me right so I could be the person I am.
Your wisdom is passed on as it's needed,
To the tiny people that I've created.

"You'll never know how strong you truly are until you're faced with the impossible and still refused to give up."

Thank you, Mama,
For your wise, wise words.
For the cheat sheet that you passed on with love and care.
These are the things that helped me survive,
In a world that tries to eat us alive.

"Circumstances don't define you, Fire Heart; your choices do that."
For my Mother, who put up with all my crap.
Who taught me everything I needed to know.
Dec 2024 · 203
I see the darkness surround you as it opens it mauw.
Watch you struggle to get out before it closes the door.
The light I have to give could turn the tide in your battle.

I give you my light
and let the darkness have me.
I do not fear the dark the way that others do.

While they watch and think me drowned,
I return it's embrace.
The darkness doesn't consume me,
it bends and obeys.

Darkness is my kingdom where I create and I thrive.
I don't need the light for which you fight and strive.
All I need do if I want light,
is to make it.

Do not fear the dark when it is your friend.
A hard one I admit,
for it will teach you to never bend.
The dark will teach you to thrive where others always fail.

Come play in my kingdom and I'll keep you safe.
I'll teach you the land and the best places to play.
Show you its wonders and all my favorite spaces,
that taught me how to live in both places.

find the other half of your soul
and together we'll stitch it, mend it
and make it whole.
For you are neither darkness nor light,
you're a blend of both, as it right.

So do not hide who you truely are,
for within you
lies power unmatched by far.
Join my kingdom and I'll teach you to rule,
I'll show you the magic you have within you.

Come, lost soul and take it all in.
Your creations are waiting for you....
to be happily blended again.
Dec 2024 · 144
Shattered glass litters the ground,
Crumpled metal all around.
A ****** that won't stop blaring,
Sirens and shouts make a cacophony of sound.

I walk the grass strip between two roads,
Sorrounded by death and destruction.
I know it's loud but my mind can't process,
I'm stuck in a movie that has been put on mute.

The paramedics pull your body from your totaled car,
I cannot pull my eyes from the wounds that will never heal or scar.
The world moves in doubled speed but I can't keep up,
Like using a bycicle to follow a speeding truck.

I squeeze my eyes shut to keep the officials at bay,
Maybe if I can't see them, they'll go away.
I can't stand to be told what I already intuited,
I'm not ready to face a world without you in it.

If wishes were leaves then mine would have come true,
I'd still live in a world where there's a living you.
But wishes aren't leaves or raindrops or coins,
And miracles are stories made up by grieving little girls.
R. E. M Heslop 💔
Dec 2024 · 178
Words and Blame
Your words bounce around my skull in the silence of night.
Headphones, music, full volume just to try to drown them out.
Even when it's so loud that my brain pulses to the rhythm of the bass, your words linger; plague.
Platitudes and half excuses for the things you didn't do.
Always trying to shift the blame that you placed on you.
I have no need to place blame, I forgave your failings, like any who loves another would do.
I listened to the words that poured from your mouth, as you spewed hatred for the love of my life.
For years I spoke kindly and made allowances for trauma that triggered my own, yet you could never see that I was right there; standing in your corner.
Years and still you haven't learned; Self-blame can't be shifted and doesn't go away...
Until you figure out why you hate yourself and see that loving is the better way.
Honestly not sure if this is actually finished.
Sep 2023 · 31
Different yet the same.
I wonder...
If I stand before a mirror and gaze upon my refection, will I look different?
When those who know me, see me, do they see the change?
I feel different.
Not like I am changed, I am the same me I have always been. Yet somehow, I'm not...
I feel changed.
Not like I am different to how I always am. Yet somehow, I am.

It feels like somethings shifted, moved from where it was to where it should be.
Almost like a puzzle piece that has clipped into place.
It feels like I've been waiting for something and it's finally arrived.
Anticipation that's reached its peak.
I feel the way a summer breeze looks when it skims across a clear blue lake.
I feel the way snow smells when it's freshly fallen on frozen ground or the way that first bite of fresh fruit tastes.

I feel like I'm meeting myself for the first time while meeting you.
Getting to know you is like learning to know me all over again.
It is pure calm in the most exhilarating way that even my trusty words fail to explain.

— The End —