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Lucas Mar 2021
Allies: absent /Beauty: botched /Curiosity: crushed
/Dreams: defeated /Energy: extinguished /Friends: forgotten
/God: gone /House: haunted /Ideas: idle /Journey: jinxed
/King: killed /Land: lost /Memories: mangled /Names: neglected /Opinions: opposed /Prayer: prohibited /Quest: questioned
/Reason: rejected /Smiles: stripped /Truth: trampled /Update:

Lucas Mar 2021
She held me tight
She held me close
Her face so bright,
So rose

We joined our hands
Bathed in the light
Nothing could've stranded
Our delight

But her smile cracked
Like glass
Glowing teeth of lies
Chaotic words, emotionless
Angry flies

Then she kissed me goodbye
And by the end of spring
I began to die

Now I sit in the dark
Wishing for her eyes,
To hear once more her words' spark:
Sweet, sweet butterflies
Lucas Mar 2021
"Let there be light!"
And thus the first shadow was born.
Lucas Mar 2021
A rose and a cactus fell in love.
They understood each other's thorns.
Lucas Mar 2021
When the winds blow
The tree loses
a leaf
But the leaf loses
an entire tree
Lucas Mar 2021
the very roots
that nourish
also prevent
the tree
from moving
Lucas Mar 2021
There is a beautiful world
Full of life and love and lust
A land in which dreams unfold
I will, I do, I must


There is a world of masks
Full of lies and lows and rant
A land of troubles and tears and tasks
I won’t, I don’t, I can’t


These worlds are one and the same
All it takes is a little peek
To see, beneath the veil, the shame
There is nothing like what we seek
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