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  Mar 2019 Rose Evans
Abigail Hobbs
Love was knowing our first touch
in that dimly lit room
just the two of us
and the sound of quiet charm
your lips meeting mine
and the way you gazed at me
Love was knowing you were there
Love was just the two of us
and our delicate touch
Love was...

Love was not this taste of leftovers
or my tears falling to my lips
or the way I crave a delicate touch
and the safety of your arms
or the comfort of your warmth
Love was not the way you abandoned ship
Love was not supposed to be like this
Love was to be around you
Love was how I fit with someone I barely knew
Love was...
  Mar 2019 Rose Evans
There's nothing more
Than knowing your
Own brain
Is telling you lies
You don't know what to believe.
It's the worst kind of confusion.
  Jan 2019 Rose Evans
Kara Jean
Vulnerable, is my fame
******* on my dreams
Acquaintances speculate, at my disbelief
Crucial moments,
I'll eat popcorn instead
Wasting, a life that was over spread
Blank raw abyss,
Left in loneliness
He picked me up,
****** tension,
Consumes our bodies
His pants fall,
Pleasure pounding
Curled in a ball,
I scream
Tension built,
My *******, I grip
Is it love or quality
Either way, we crave
  Jan 2019 Rose Evans
Slap me daddy, abuse me.
Bite my neck, spank me hard.
Pull my hair, make me scream,
show me who’s in charge.

Tie me up, pound me deep,
again and again;
violate me, you own me.
Smother me in sin.

Choke me, defile me.
Turn me over,
take me how you like.
If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.  

Now finish me,
I’ll have no escape.
Baby take what you crave,
I’m all yours to break.
  Mar 2018 Rose Evans
he drank his morning coffee with a drop of the sunrise mixed in
always one drop, never one more nor one less
just enough to hear the steam whisper
*good morning
  Dec 2017 Rose Evans
Amelia Pearl
You're like the moon.
Some nights you show your full beauty.
Just being present for everyone to appreciate and see.

Some nights you get anxious,
You hide a bit of yourself from the world.
Worried that people are tired of you.

And some nights you don't show yourself at all.
You stay in darkness, weeping.
Feeling better if you were just a secret.
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