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LifeBeauty13 Jul 2016
When life shows the ugliness of Man
we must find and present the Beauty of Man.
When facing our fears it does not mean
we no longer feel afraid,
it simply means we must take a leap of faith and courage
and hold on dearly to the Light of Hope.
Fear wins when we give up.
If we find ourselves in a moment of losing to fear,
take a deep breath,forgive ourselves,look to Heaven for strength,
allow the Light of Hope to raise us up,
dust ourselves off and begin walking again
on this Path we call life.
Don't give up.We can face our fears.
LifeBeauty13 Jul 2016
My body...
how I remember no pain,
just day to day goodness and imagination
being,doing, I was free.
Then the bonds came.
Why do I deserve this,what have I done?
The pain ripples through my body like a pebble in the water.
Tears please stop...pain please stop.
Someone please help me...anybody?
Can you help?
I want to hear the bell of freedom,
the soothing melody of mercy,hope, and peace.
I dream of a permanent solution,but there is a spark,
a spark of light that says don't give up.
Especially like that.
Tired of fighting to be strong,
this moment of weakness feels like forever.
Must fight...why is that again?
He needs me he says,
is that enough to stay stalwart?
Just live this moment out,
If there was no hope,their would be no me.
  Jul 2016 LifeBeauty13
James M Vines
When life does not make any sense and all things seem to be against me. I often get confused and disheartened. In moments when all that I hold dear seems to slip from my grip and confusion is all I can see. I will fall to my knees and become silent. I will listen for a still voice in the storm. In these moments I find refuge and solace. I hold on to the masters unseen hand. When I have no compass to guide me, I will walk forward into the night. For this is when I am truly tested, when faith is all I have.
  Jul 2016 LifeBeauty13
Seán Mac Falls
.Youth is light,
Breaking across
The tired world.
Light is sharing,
In youth like the air,
Each breath a bloom
From some new flower,
Lost in true wilderness,
Of light, each cut shine,
Is sheered with others
Youthful as enlighted
Ones under heaven.
And tired souls smile
As they watch light
Grow, for tired light
Knows, each day
Was a gift of sight,
As the elder beams
Slowly fade into so,
Such, a western sky
With old mellowness
Of promised comings,
Weary lords to make,
Newborns, rebirthed,
Freshly, rawly on high.
LifeBeauty13 Jun 2016
How are you?
Are you them?
The light to eliminate the darkness
to take care of me when I hurt
The One to wipe the sweat from my brow
To absorb the tear drops in your finger tips
Embracing me when I am afraid
Encourage me when I am low
Hand in hand,hand in mine
Fingers completely intertwined
My spirit to your spirit God carves into time
Your my home through out eternity
Remember I through the light of the stars
And the courage of my bravery
It all started with a “Hello.”
Be brave...say hello. Tomorrow's friend could be lifetime's Love.
LifeBeauty13 Jun 2016
Hope helps me to do more than survive
it can help and lead me
to live and breath
No more holding my breath
out of fear of what the next moment holds
have my heart beat so fast that
a simple breath eludes me.
Hope gives me hope to take
that leap of faith filled courage
in spite of the fear
of the fall,
or the falling
that will never stop.
I must hope
because the fear
is consuming
my dreams.
So I shall hope in hope.
I am so tired.Tired of the anxiety attacks,that fear that fills me that I feel like it won't stop.That I won't ever be able to breath normally again. The fear is this heavy cloak that strangles me.This has to stop.I can't keep living like this.Change must occur. I also feel for those who understand my plight. Let us all be freed.
  Jun 2016 LifeBeauty13
Austin Bauer
Burning gases of 
Tens of thousands of
Degrees burn for You.
They shine and spin, 
Swirling, dancing like 
A professional stage artist
Interpreting Your love.
Yes, Your love brings out
The very nature of nebulae - 
Passionate fire-dancing 
That will not cease 
Until the one with burning
Stars for eyes returns.
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