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Katie Parsons Feb 2018
Good morning beautiful girl
Are you ready to put me on?
Hurry now we are at the break of dawn
So wash your face
And pick up the pace
Let's finish this beauty race.

These are the words we love to hear.

Little lady, pounce in your foundation
We dont want to see any indiscretions.
Buff out your contour we dont want to look to sharp
Oh c'mon honey,  this is only the start. 
Wet your brush its time to shine
Apply that highlight so we can blind.
 Now its time to grab that golden shadow
The one that reminds you of your mama. 
As she would tell you "blend baby girl".

Finally, pick out the maroon lipstick she loved on you
We all know she wouldn't want to see you blue.
Braid your long dark locks of auburn hair
Because she is with you everywhere.
Just go look in the mirror.
You'll see her face smiling back at you.
  Feb 2018 Katie Parsons
you are my sunshine
you brighten my day
take the coldness away  

you are my sunshine
wherever you are i can feel you
you make grow and stand tall

you are my sunshine
through all the worn tissue
i know it’s clearly you

you are my sunshine
and only that
my everything
Katie Parsons Feb 2018
Oh no what have i done.
All i wanted was to not have to bite my tongue
But for some reason i still continue to do so.
But why?
Fear of hurting you?
Fear of breaking your heart.
All i know is im surrounded by crowd
But all i wanna do is quiet the loud.
Sometimes the noise is comforting
Others the silence is deafning.
The bruises on my heart are weak and naked
I dont wanna let you go we are supposed to be forever.
My brain is in shreds
My heart is a mess
But still, i love you.
You dont understand and i dont expect you too
But this pain i feel is too soon
The loss of my mother
The loss of my father
Its is like i have forgotten all of who i am.
I am a girl.
I am a woman.
I am a child.
But i am not whole.
The thought of losing you is a knife to the throat
But why do i feel like im barely afloat.
I mean cmon. We are young lovers wild and free.
Then why is all the trouble with me. I dont know.
I dont know.
I repeat these three words as i plea, please stay with me.
I cant lose you too.
Your love is beautiful like that of a song
And your warm touch gives me this feeling of being wanted.
Thank you for loving me.
I love you too.
Katie Parsons Feb 2018
Ceilings up above me
Oh where do you lead us?
Cold air on my feet
Where may i walk?

Walls all around me
What is outside?
Door handles jiggle
But why can't i escape?

Black vision full of serenity
But why the nightmares?
Windows glisten with raindrops
Why is the thunder in my head?

Sheets lay bare on my body
But why do i feel naked?
Mattress forms to my body
But yet im all alone.
Katie Parsons Feb 2018
Speak quietly
Conjugate words

Show teeth
Stick out your tongue

Scream loudly
Hold breath

Taste flavor
Pleasure him

Speak eloquently
Say ahh
Katie Parsons Feb 2018
The sounds of church bells and the pleas of pastors saying "do not fear for God is near" echoes in my ears as i watch my father leave his temple to walk with the almighty.
The warmth of his hands began to fade into cold, and lifeless limbs i did not recognize.
Lingering sounds of a flat line accompanied by your voice of despair to let my father go.
That was when the first few petals fell.

Your vivacious smile accompanied by your long midnight hair was buried within the garden under the dead apple tree. 
The whispers of silence were deafining to your ears as you wet your pillows with the taste of brandy on your lips and the black streaks ran down your cheeks.
The once so full flower was beginning to thin. 
My hands turned cold as yours pulled away into those of another who was not my father. 
A rose petal fell. 

Time ceases to stop or slow down except when we are feeling melancholy.
But time with you was like taking roses off of a thorny bush with your bare hands; delicate and painful.
Just like you and i.
A child was left for the elders, but little did they know, she was an old soul.
I saw the sadness projecting through your eyes as you were trampled by this concept we call life.
I attempted to be of aid to you mother, but the demons wouldn't let go.
Little did i know your demons could wither a flower.

White oleander ran through your veins as you put those little white pills into your mouth.
A rose petal fell.
Then the day came where you were flying high. The sounds of white noise and tear drops hitting my skin haunt my dreams as i learned of the rose being taken away from me.
But did you know mother?
Did you forsee the quick end to a great future?
I did not; however, i knew there was not going to be much of a story to tell if you did not stop playing with the thorns.
But like a flower, you were delicate.
I guess that is where i get it from.
With every beautiful flower comes a root.
The last rose petal fell.

All that is left is a seed and thorns.
But to make a new flower, you only need the seeds.
A rose is like a Phoenix; the flower dies, but the seeds are reborn.
You left me with a seed of your life that i can use to continue to blossom into a beautiful rose like you.
And one day, my petals too will fall and wither. 
But my flower wont be made weak with thorns, but strong with them.
The thorns i have will be my story even as my thorns watch my petals fall to the cold damp soil that is my pillow.
Every petal falling is a different ending.
Your rose died with you.
Just like my fathers died with him.
But my petals wont fall.
My petals will one day wither to only be replanted again.
Katie Parsons Feb 2018
It started out with a small white pill
Into the mouth and down the throat
Who knew something so little could ****
The body dissipates into nostalgic rhythm

Down the throat into the mind
Fading into a darkness that can't be stopped
We dance with colors that make us blind
The brain sleeps while the body twitches

The empty orange bottle falls down
Tears follow as she sweats from the fear
She weeps in her pink and white gown
The stomach begins to turn and ache

The aches cause scratches on her skin
A pain only a fix will get rid of
Nothing can stop it, not even men
Her blood boils for her dealers rescue

Why does hydrocodone close your eyes?
Mama wake up.
The tabourine man knows you cannot die
All that was left was a body, and no soul.

— The End —