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 May 2016 LJ
Bobby Houston
Default Setting

I have changed my default setting
To be impervious to love
But the problem that I have
Is that love fits like a glove

It feels like second skin  
Underneath my own
But the more I rub it off
Is the more it is at home

I’ve tried Jif and Brillo pads
Rubbed till I’m really sore
But no matter how I try
Love comes back for more
 May 2016 LJ
The music is blasting out loud.
You can feel the bass diving into your body.
Sweating mortals, creating chaos in a crowd.
It’s here where nobody becomes somebody.

Fragile glass filled with colors of a rainbow.
The liquid’s job is to make you dizzy.
Turning strangers into people, you now know.
It’s here where lazy meets busy.

Wanting a good time but is being oddly exposed.
Intrusive questions, stirring up the tension.
Asking polite for the door to remain closed.
It’s here where admiration turns into obsession.

Light is out, except for the lighter’s flame.
Shattered bottles and broken high heels.
Skin meets ground, leading to tomorrow’s pain.
It’s here where your alter ego is truly revealed.
I am not the party type at all. I will always prefer staying home surrounded by nothing but silence.
 May 2016 LJ
I'll take your hand as I've had in many dreams
and together we'll fly in the night's sky
our love braided with the numberless stars
will make angels cry.

We'll find our place next to the moon
caressed by the light of the stars
I'll lay my head on your chest
and in the sweetest dream forever we'll be
tasting the joy of living
our bodies will float above the mortality
untouched by death's sour kiss.

I'll take your hand and fly with you to the stars
and there our souls will discover immortality.

*À gauche de la lune et parmi les étoiles
nous trouverons l'amour éternel.

 May 2016 LJ
She's as wild as a wolf,
As wanton as a whorish witch,
As wicked as a werewolf;
As woman's allure bewitched.

She rules the dark night
In magnificence of full moon
And reigns with sunlight
As glorious splendor of noon.

Eyes lensed with emerald;
Whose stare hypnotizes and kills.
Her synergy an evil herald,
To bloods of the souls she spills.

Her innocence's deceptive,
Her beauty men just couldn't resist;
Mistaken as being receptive,
Their unbridled lusts cease to exist.
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
On an abyss
and existence
No more fighting, **** the resistance
Time has got me synchronized with the grind so daily I will do what I signed up for at the front door,
                                                  the paper said, "get the chedda."
The Paper said, " It gets better."

Did it on the nimbus,
Cloud 7 headed demon
Went in and gave the clause to the auditor who said "Oh yeah"

"The time is now, and the will in dow so pick up speed as we proceed in now."

O well taking it, "the plunge", Yahwey greater than anyone.
So I know, for, where I go, I can be back because I Am arose.

Fully penetrate your skull, with a ****** mind that minds and takes you to the limelight or life a sprite can guide just like a bull can be a ride.

Just like a fool can be wise, just like the truth can be a lie.

As I sigh, comes out winds of fury that vibrate that which is all around,
Trees fall, burn, turn to marijuana trees. Fold up your hands because you can't handle these.

Bleezies sparked, breezes call at the front door of the impala and now I drive off she is wearing Prada odd life we might make it if we change but blight stays long hard to go away when you stay strayed in a daze the days we play ball with friends but now we stuck in a tarpit of ******* and hemp left the club to crash the Benz they chalked the **** out the cement when I died and got shot and the body burned but the most high saved me as I perish I know I am weary be aware that you will beware me stair into faiths victim I am left in a grasped hand from the underworld the fingers seem to expand around this man burning around this hand fire grasping life again, but even in that presence.

I know Yahyah can save and I know that I ain't senseless a mess but I reap that of faith when I lept.
 May 2016 LJ
Nathan Pival
You fell in love with my poetry
But does that mean you know how to love me?
Have you ever loved a poet before?
Do you understand it may take a little more?

We see things more vivid than most people do
We may seem distant sometimes
Because we are

Lost in our thoughts or daydreams
Beautiful things will sometimes make us cry
I am telling you this so you don't have to wonder why

If you love a poet
You must not be the jealous type
If you ever plan to make a poet your wife

Our poetry is for everyone, not just you
This is something you must understand
If you want a poet to be your man

Sometimes our words will come out better on paper
Than when we are speaking to you
Sometimes we still might feel alone
No matter what you say or do

Do you really understand what it takes to love a poet?
Do not let our words intimidate you or expect to heal our scars
Just accept us for the beautiful souls we are

We will love you like no other
And the way we will show it will leave you smitten
We will again and again proclaim it through the poems we've written

When you love a poet
Each kiss will be a masterpiece
Each embrace will be the first and last

When you love a poet
They will be a puzzle
And you will be a puzzle piece
 May 2016 LJ
John Donne
Elegy VII
 May 2016 LJ
John Donne
Nature’s lay idiot, I taught thee to love,
And in that sophistry, Oh, thou dost prove
Too subtle: Foole, thou didst not understand
The mystic language of the eye nor hand:
Nor couldst thou judge the difference of the air
Of sighs, and say, This lies, this sounds despair:
Nor by th’ eyes water call a malady
Desperately hot, or changing feverously.
I had not taught thee, then, the Alphabet
Of flowers, how they devisefully being set
And bound up might with speechless secrecy
Deliver errands mutely, and mutually.
Remember since all thy words used to be
To every suitor, Ay, if my friends agree;
Since, household charms, thy husband’s name to teach,
Were all the love tricks that thy wit could reach;
And since, an hour’s discourse could scarce have made
One answer in thee, and that ill arrayed
In broken proverbs and torn sentences.
Thou art not by so many duties his,
That from the world’s Common having severed thee,
Inlaid thee, neither to be seen, nor see,
As mine: who have with amorous delicacies
Refined thee into a blisful Paradise.
Thy graces and good words my creatures be;
I planted knowledge and life’s tree in thee,
Which Oh, shall strangers taste? Must I alas
Frame and enamel plate, and drink in glass?
Chaf wax for others’ seals? break a colt’s force
And leave him then, being made a ready horse?
 May 2016 LJ
its gonna make sense
i already buried my voice a long time ago
when i chose to be a poet
i buried it with words in papers
in ink of pen with blues*

it seems like
im so exhausted
of all the talking
of all the reasoning
of defending myself
so i remained silent
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