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 May 2016 LJ
I Am You
 May 2016 LJ
I could not be a stranger to you
Our story becoming lore, and dinosaurs
Our bones in the ground still telling stories
Still loving each other after all the skin is gone
You are my imagination as a child
The way the sun shines music on my skin
And all I hoped for in my darkest hours
Was the moment I met you
So hold my hand and make me see
Become the path I walk
My future and my history
My destination

A stranger life I never knew
A life I never knew you
We live a life

We couldn't  ever be strangers
Because with your fingers I touch
And with your skin I feel
And with your most beautiful eyes I see
The world as it should be
Where my arms will hold you
And my chest where you lay your head
You become my heartbeat
So hold my hand and don't let go
Hold my hand because its your own
And everything you've seen
Has always been a part of me

We could never be strangers
I loved you before I met you
I am you
 May 2016 LJ
brightest star
 May 2016 LJ
I feel somehow the star that shines brightest
Is too far away from me to see

I love the brilliance of the sun in the morning
Blessing us with benevolency

But I know that its light will just conceal
Stars shining in a way I want to feel

But I can't live on strangely constituted belief
And stars I'll never reach

So burn for me outside of my horizon
As the most beautiful star

And even if I can't see you with my ever searching eyes
Know I will always want you

Be a star in the night outside of my sight
But still touching my soul
 May 2016 LJ

And there he lay dying
In a pool of his own blood
He drew a symbol of the cross
alabanza a usted, el quien es dios, jesucristo

So far away from home
With brothers at his side
A lust for gold
A taste of blood

He came flying off the water
He went marching through the mire
One hundred and sixty faithful men
Fighting an empire

So far away from home
With brothers at his side
A lust for gold
A taste of blood
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
There's a pounding in my brain
Keeping me awake,
And it seems to intensify
Every time I close my eyelids.
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
The night casts its long shadow over my flesh and blood
Yet, my body chooses not to fall into the natural rhythms of slumber
My eyelids are made of stone and are locked securely in place
My imagination runs amok and dreams fill up my void
The song of crickets punctuates the conversation with myself
Days long since past are still fresh in my memory
I feel like ideas are surging through my head ready to burst through my eardrums
But my arms and legs do not match my metaphysical wishes
They are numb and useless
Like a slow river, the bed seems to carry me to eternity
Gently taking me to a place far away
I need to rest so badly
The pangs of responsibility echo through my being
I have things to do; I have people to meet
It’s a curse
To never be able to match the cycle of the light
To bear witness to the passing of time
Locked in a coffin of consciousness
Ah, the sun is back; time to drag this empty husk out of bed
Light pours through the blinds, in an endless stream
No, arouse yourself from this folly
The shadow still remains
You were always wide awake
Hopelessly thinking of tomorrow
Pondering this night until daybreak
 May 2016 LJ
Keith Manzano
The same.
 May 2016 LJ
Keith Manzano
You live in the same world as me.
Your eyes are the same as mine.
You're the only person I could find,
That I know for sure,
won't leave me behind.
You know why?
Because the way you think
and the way you cry....
resembles mine.
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