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 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
Eitten S
Warrior of Wind
Stands on a cloud and looks down
from the big, blue sky

She watches for all
Waiting for the day that she
Can reveal herself

For now, she must hide
Until the gods themselves come
From the big, blue sky

Then when that day comes
She will soar across the sky
Bringing gusts of wind

She can't wait to fill
prophecies foretold of the
Warrior of Wind
5 Haiku poems combined. I'm not sure if there is a Warrior of the Wind, but if there is this is how I imagine her. Standing on a cloud, watching the world and waiting for the Last Day.
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
I think I'm invisible
I look in the mirror
I'm still there
If only I could be you
Then I could forget I exist too

If everything is going well
then something must be wrong
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
I said to a chair
Can you please stop
touching my ***
It said no no no
it's so much fun
:)) silly one
I said no to drugs once.
I looked a bag of **** right in the face
and, like a loving but firm father,
I said, "No."
I was really high.
I want to go home, to where the buffalo roam
Where the sky collides with the sea
I want to climb over mountains
Swim in the streams
And sing as I swing through the trees
I want to wake under heaven
Feel autumns breeze
Sit by the fire
Telling scary stories
I want to hike through the forest
Feel vibrant and free
Fly like an eagle, buzz like the bees
Theres no time to lose
Only board meetings to leave
Just alone with my thoughts
In good company
To be at one with nature
Amidst the foliage and leaves
Scour the land
Come and go as I please
No strings attached
Seek out inner peace
Just as I envisioned
Just like in my dreams
No more deadlines to make
No boss to appease
Instead, explore nature
See what’s to see
And remember to smile
Last, but not least.
Free yourself and the rest will follow
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
EJ Lee
The strength of the waves
Caused by other boats
Makes mine rock
Back and forth
Side to side
Making everyone lose their balance
Causing objects to fall and crash
Doors to slam
Against the wall and frame
This is my sanctuary
The place that I can all mine
in the morning stops
my groggy yawning. Has me bright-eyed
and bushy tail, ‘stead of sluggishly as a snail.

Coffee in the afternoon has me floating
higher than a balloon. Gets my **** off the seat. Gets me
jumping to the beat.

Coffee in the evening increases
my breathing, prevents me from sleeping. So, I drink
water instead before I go to bed.
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
Two days of
turned to years,
just like that
we became strangers.
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
S Bharat
The Master

The Master had a dog
And a docile goat.
Once he went through
Jungle in the boat.

There, he left his dog
Known as bad hat.
The dog returned home
And received a pat.

The Master's was then
A sweet darling pet.
It made the dog happy,
The goat very upset.

The goat annoyed none,
Made no mistake.
Still she was ******* to
A rusty iron-stake.

S. Bharat
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