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601 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She had a crown on her head
And the soul of a dragon.
Soul of dragon, one of my favourite phrases. To me, it signifies what it exactly says. A dragon is fierce with her enemies, but she protects the ones close to her. She means business and listens to no one. A lady with the soul of a dragon makes heads turn.
Celebrating the strength in every lady.
330 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 1.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
There are 82 "Thunders" in the song "Thunder".
Be productive, they said.
Do something you feel good about, they said.
Don't be lazy, they said.
Okay then.
308 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Her presence was
Lumos - it lightened his heart.
Her sass was
Bombarda - it blew him away.
Her tears were
Crucio - it pained him.
But my goodness her smile was
Avada Kedavra - it killed him.
Only Potterheads can get this poem lol.
264 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She was a Phoenix.
She blazed like a fire,
And rose from her ashes.
And when she rose,
The world fell at her knees.
250 · Jan 2020
Her invisibility.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She was in the corner,
     Not wanting to be seen.
She was so invisible,
      Yet not unseen.
No one saw her,
       Yet she was the centre of the attention,
She kept to herself;
An antisocial babe.
She was visible,
Through her invisibility.
To all the antisocial people,
Who don't "fit-in"
Who go unnoticed
But stand out anyways.
233 · Sep 2020
Harshitha Girish Sep 2020
You've hurt me,
More than immortals do to beings.
I was hurt when I set you free,
But I learnt from my dad that it's good to have feelings.
228 · Feb 2020
When did I grow up?
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Footprints of size 1
Now of size 10.
Oh God, when did I grow up?!

Chairs of such small size
Now a throne of leather
Oh God, when did I grow up?!

Papers of drawing
Now a booklet of future
Oh God, when did I grow up?!

Skirts of small size
Now a formal blazer
Oh God, when did I grow up?!
So today I wrote my first board exam, and something I thought of....when did we grow up?
I was a first grader, thinking 10th graders are cool and now I just want to go back to reading a volume of Mother Goose as if it were the first time...
221 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
His eyes met hers
and then he knew
it was checkmate.
202 · Jun 2020
Open Book.
Harshitha Girish Jun 2020
I was an open book

But he was illiterate.
Never could read between the lines.
200 · Aug 2020
Harshitha Girish Aug 2020

Listen. Listen to me.

It's okay to cry about someone you missed.
It's okay to cry about something you thought you healed from.
It's okay to stay up at night and wonder what they are up to.

But you know what?
There's a better morning, a better person out there, waiting for you.

Isn't that something?
Wipe those tears now.

Harshi <3
198 · Jul 2020
Harshitha Girish Jul 2020
Your smile was like a pandemic,
Your presence was like sunlight,
Your eyes were like the moon,
So pretty.

But your attitude, honey.
Your attitude was like a drug,
198 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
More than the virus,
Fear is spreading like wildfire.
190 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She threw her shield away
So that she could own a sword.
One hand on her crown and another on the sword.
184 · Jun 2020
Harshitha Girish Jun 2020
Today the clouds were grey and dark
So suiting my damp mood
But then came along a ray of sunshine
From far far away.

And this is how nature reminds me
Every single day
No matter how grey your days are
There's always a ray of sunshine to look forward to.
Don't lose hope, my friends!
183 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
Don't utter a word.
Let the silence talk.
Whenever you are working towards something big, I always advice people not to shout out their process. It just sows seeds of jealousy. When you receive success, the whole world knows. But if you talk about your work before it is achieved, when it fails, people will for sure push you down.
183 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
He's always screaming at me,
he often takes my peace of mind,
he drives me up the wall,
yet he's one of a kind.

He's my partner in crime,
we use telepathy to save each other.
He's my strong wall,
my dear little annoying brother.
How much ever I hate my brother, and crack adoption jokes, he makes my day and always manages to make me smile.
We have our fights, but what keeps us united is our love.
180 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
"Why I married your dad?"
sighed my mom.

"Well, I decided I wanted to annoy him for the rest of my life"
she added with a smile.

Though my dad had his back turned, I could swear I saw him smile too.
This is true love, I guess =)
175 · Jul 2020
When you left me
Harshitha Girish Jul 2020
When you left me
My love left you
I then realise
Without you
I was something too.
*** here after a long break. Hope you are safe loves!
174 · Jun 2020
Harshitha Girish Jun 2020
were the bee
which buzzed through
every flower in the field.

But honey,
I was the flower
who thought you would stay.
172 · Apr 2020
Dear Harshi
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
Dear Harshi,




171 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She was like Carbon.
She was soft as Graphite,
yet she shone like a Diamond.
She had many forms, just like carbon, and gosh, each form of hers was beautiful and unique.
160 · Apr 2020
Fruit bowl.
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
The apple of her eye,
turned out to be a sour grape.
156 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
People are catching colds
faster than I catch feelings.
Stay safe and stay home, y'all!
Love, harshi.
156 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
What is it like being a Quarenteen
in Quarentine?
Hey guys! So I have started a week long blogging series called "Quarenteen" where I talk about issues which need to be stressed upon- like the whole pandemic panic, enemy drama, and so much more that a high school student would face. Be sure to drop a comment and check it out!

152 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 2.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I've never realised,
that I can laugh as hard
with my family,
just like I do with my friends.
148 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
I was a cure,
and you were a pandemic.
I made you better,
But you destroyed me.
Take care, dear friend. :)
148 · Apr 2020
"perfect girl"
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
"you're not a perfect girl"

She wasn't a perfect girl.
Not according to the society, atleast.
No makeup, no short clothing...that's imperfect, right?
Aren't girls perfect the way they are?
147 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Everyone thought she was the
icing on the cake.

Little did they know
she was the sparklers you put
on the cake.
To all the fiery and dangerous women. I wouldn't mess with them if i were you!
147 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
I'm sorry for leaving
y'all in a fog
Well, folks,
Harshitha Girish has opened a blog!
Oh my god, I have a blog! That's right, my writing, in my own site :)
But I'll keep publishing poetry here, not to worry!
Head on to to read my blog! Please do support and bless me, it's a new chapter!

Love, harshi x
147 · Jun 2020
Harshitha Girish Jun 2020
I was the Sun,
For I shone by myself,

You were the Moon,
For you eclipsed
My brightness.
Been long since I came here (:
144 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
He was a snack,
but she didn't have an appetite
for him.
141 · Apr 2020
How can I say I love you?
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
How can I warn you to be safe?
How can I hold your hand?
How can I bid goodbye through a wooden case?
4 years ago, I lost my grandmother to cancer.
This poem and an article on my blog is a tribute to the strongest lady I know.
Head over to my blog to read it!

It's a crazy time where everyone is losing loved ones.
You're not alone. Let's win this battle together.
Love, Harshi.
138 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
"I'm an open book"
I said.

"Written in code"
He said.

"A code given to you when God made you mine"
I said.
A response to @moon child's poem "Ask me Anything".
Women are hard to understand, but they're a beautiful code!
Lol hope you enjoy!
Cheers to moon child who wrote an amazing poem. Loved the words...
138 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
You think
my sympathy
is a smoothie
you can just stir?

Eh, no.
137 · Mar 2020
23rd March.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
The clouds are crying
with me.
136 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She was a wonderful fairytale.
With an unexpected plot twist.
135 · Apr 2020
I miss you.
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
Dear harshi,

I miss you, girl.
The REAL you.
Your smile,
Which illuminates my whole day.
Your eyes,
Which reflect your brightness,
Your presence,
Which dims the rest of the world.

Where did you go Harshi?
Why have you compromised?
It's time to love me,
Embrace me,
My flaws,
And give me all your time.

I miss you, Harshi.
Hope you come back soon.

Sometimes we forget who we truly are, truly were. Don't lose the innocence and true you, because the biggest favour to yourself is being YOU.
135 · Apr 2020
Silly Poem!
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
I giggled at the bees,
and whispered to the flowers,
Nature always gave me the heebie-jeebies.
133 · Apr 2020
Quarentine day 684629
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
I swear it's been three decades since
I actually saw the outer world.
133 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
When God made him,
he must've thrown away his blueprints,
for there was and will never be another him.
132 · May 2020
"Bois Locker Room"
Harshitha Girish May 2020
"Bois Locker Room"
they call themselves.
Morphing a girl's images,
Concoting **** plans,
Such inhumanitarian
in boys so young.

Treating girls like
As though we don't have feelings,

Put a stop to them, o God.
Give them the worst punishment.
Because a wrongdoing done once is
A mistake.
But a wrong doing done again and again is a crime.
In India, there is a vile Instagram group called "Bois Locker Room" which is of about 20 boys of the age 17-18.
They morph the girl's image, make sexualized comments, and even make **** plans.

It is because of these pigs that girls around the world are told not to go out late at night, to not put picture on the internet.
Join the cause and support the elixir of life, womanhood.

Check out my blog on the same!

Love, Harshi.
131 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She was like wine.
The older,
the better.
Ever heard of "you age like wine"?
131 · Mar 2020
Wedding video.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I saw my parents' wedding video,
It was so old, and it was so beautiful.
I saw their gleaming eyes,
And it bought faith in love.
131 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
His shoulders are the warmest place of rest
His heart large and kind.

His smile is relaxing and rare,
A wide one at that, like a watermelon rind.
126 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
Dear Harshi,

Some people leave you,
Some people move on.
Some people act like they are there,
but honestly, they don't really care.
Some people love you outside,
Some love you inside-out.

There are weird people out there.
But hey, I'm here for you, darling.

You're here for yourself, right?
126 · Jun 2020
George Floyd.
Harshitha Girish Jun 2020
As he screamed for life,
He ploughed on and killed him.

The freedom bought all those years ago, by stunning personalities -
Washed down to the drain.
Black lives matter. George Floyd, I hope you're seeing from above - people are fighting for you, and for the cruelty you have faced. You matter. Rest in Peace.
124 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
The world's moral compass
has gone awry.
122 · Jan 2020
Brown hair.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She was a dusky beauty
With a soft mane of brown hair
It fell in perfect curls
Around her round head.
She had sparkling brown eyes
And gosh that beautiful smile
Heads turned to see her radiance
Even from a mile.
Being brown, I have always faced comments, sometimes from my relatives who say "you're too dark". Why should my prospective groom be concerned about my colour? Shouldn't he love me for who I am? Shouldn't he embrace my flaws? That's when I realised, I should embrace myself first.
So here goes.
I'm brown. And I'm beautiul.
To all the beautiful women, who are unique and radiant in their own ways.
122 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
And like a spider,
he wove a web.

And like a fly,
she fell into it.
121 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
Do you ever wonder what you could've been?
Do you ever wonder what you could've seen?
Do you ever wonder to come clean?
Do you see what I mean?
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