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93 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
Do you ever wonder what you could've been?
Do you ever wonder what you could've seen?
Do you ever wonder to come clean?
Do you see what I mean?
93 · May 2020
"Bois Locker Room"
Harshitha Girish May 2020
"Bois Locker Room"
they call themselves.
Morphing a girl's images,
Concoting **** plans,
Such inhumanitarian
in boys so young.

Treating girls like
As though we don't have feelings,

Put a stop to them, o God.
Give them the worst punishment.
Because a wrongdoing done once is
A mistake.
But a wrong doing done again and again is a crime.
In India, there is a vile Instagram group called "Bois Locker Room" which is of about 20 boys of the age 17-18.
They morph the girl's image, make sexualized comments, and even make **** plans.

It is because of these pigs that girls around the world are told not to go out late at night, to not put picture on the internet.
Join the cause and support the elixir of life, womanhood.

Check out my blog on the same!

Love, Harshi.
92 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
When I'm afraid
your warm hands envelope me.
When I'm happy
your smile brightens me.
When I think of someone I love
your image comes before me.
Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers out there.
You make us proud 💙
92 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
May we never ever
take life for granted again.
91 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
Well, okay I accept defeat
but I would like to say
your lies were pretty neat.
91 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
We are so close
yet so far
is this pandemic a strong dose,
or just a lasting scar?
It's my first summer without my cousins, due to social distancing and though we talk occasionally, I miss our times together.
90 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
The world's moral compass
has gone awry.
90 · Mar 2020
A letter to self.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
dear harshi,

his princess.


you to
leave you.

leave and
move on.

90 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
dear harshi,

You can,
You will.
Believe in
your soul.

You'll have the last laugh.
I promise.
Get up now...

That's my girl.

You're never too late to start afresh.
90 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
A surprise is not a secret,
Well, it is,
But that's just fine,
It keeps you guessing so much,
So stay tuned for mine!
I've been working on something for weeks and well, it's finally here! Stay tuned folks, I have a surprise!
88 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
Life is a ferris wheel.
Sometimes up,
Sometimes down.

Why am I always feeling I'm stuck down?
Lately I've been feeling let down and a bit sad. And thats when i felt, accepting you are in pain is better than suffering alone. Maybe reflection of the past and revision of actions is what i need...and a cup of coffee to warm my soul.
Be back soon x
88 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
I don't think we are infected by a virus,
Us humans were already infected
by our dangerous mindsets.
88 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I begged and pleaded him to stay,
I said I'd protect him come what may,
I apologised for the smallest things that day,
But he looked at me and said "Go Away".

I cried for a long day,
And all through the nights, all I did was pray,
All I need was that ray,
Which would make me close this wound one day.

I fixed my way,
And stitched my wound that day,
Because I was not his princess, I was my own queen to slay.

And even tomorrow if he comes in my way,
And asks me to stay,
I would remember my tears of that day,
And say,
"Darling, no way."
Moving on is closing a door which leads no where. It's stitching wounds. It's forgetting a past to a glorious future.
Toxic people remain toxic. Set them free.
You don't need him. You need yourself.
Here's to a better future.

Hmu if you're going through something similar! =)
Love, harshi
87 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Night is for visualising the dreams,
Day is for turning them into reality.
Gut nods at the dream,
And mind turns it into a hustling bloodthirstiness.
If life is a red blood cell,
A dream is the haemoglobin.
Dream dream dream! However crazy it may sound, dreamers are winners. Dreams are never too small. Dreams are never too crazy.
Dreams are forever, and a dream is the blood which runs within everyone.
Dreams keep us going.
87 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
85 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
I wrote poetry to forget you;
But why does it hurt me further?
85 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
High on demand,
Less in supply.
During these crazy times, it's common to lose hope and be down. Everyone is on the same boat, and trust me; this will all end soon and we will be victorious.
Hmu if you need a friend ❤
Stay strong and safe!

84 · Feb 2020
Corporate Mom.
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She walks into a room of men,
They know she means business.
Hierarchy was never an issue,
She stood above them all.

She juggles between Home and Work
She stays up all night
She shows her children how to dream
Whilst completing her own.
Having a working mother sets a beautiful example in my life. My mom's been into business since a decade now and the level of professionalism she shows is unfathomable. She set her place in the industry and she shows them how it's down.
I guess that's life.
Once you fall, you know how to rise.
And that's exactly what my mum has taught me.
Cheers to all the working mothers out there, who dream and teach their children to dream. Who juggle between work and life. Who dream and inspire.
83 · Jan 2020
Her smile.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
When she smiles,
            It's like the roses suddenly bloom
And all happiness is right there.
Yeah, she had that kinda smile
          Which made heads turn
Even from a mile.
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
"What would you do if you were locked up in a house for months together?"

I would catch up on movies I missed because of my busy life,
I would make new and long-lasting friends,
I would think about what to do next in life,
I would eat all I crave for; maybe even learn to make them,
I would grow beautiful plants,
Maybe try out some yoga,
I would call my parents, my friends, my relatives, and catch up on their lives,
I would stop chasing love, and start chasing the person I want to be,
I would work out and maybe be fit and strong,
I would learn to live simple
I would learn to live,
to get out of the rat race,

I would learn to appreciate
I would learn to never take things for granted.
Instead of complaining lets enjoy this time!
81 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
Like a diamond
she shone amongst all.

But just like a diamond
devouring her
would only do them
more harm.
81 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
If i were to describe you
in alliteration
i would say
Dangerous Dream.
81 · Apr 2020
Mother's food.
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
We could eat at places,
which are fancy-shmancy,
But you see,
From a mother's hand, even rice,
Is super nice.
It brings smiles on faces.
Rhyming pattern: abbcca
This is just so silly. *shakes head*
80 · Feb 2020
Shooting Stars.
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Shooting stars are just
small aeroplanes.
Glimmering lights of hope
and promises.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
When we're in love,
we dream
and daydream
and giggle
to ourselves.

When we're in heartbreak,
we write
some things
we wish we
could've told them.
And that,
my friends,
is poetry.

Poetry is the language of pain.
79 · Apr 2020
Harshitha Girish Apr 2020
Look me in the eyes
look if you dare
tell me all your lies
and ask me if I care.
78 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She was like Christmas.
A surprise.
77 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 5.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
My room has never looked so clean,
And today, I have all the time
To chase that unfinished dream.
I never knew my dad could sing
Until we sang together to his favourite song,
This social distancing
Has given me one brilliant thing
My family.
77 · Mar 2020
"Girls" I
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
"why are girls so complex?"

Because we're stuck between
"I wanna hurt you just like you hurt me" and
"I still care for you"
77 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She was a smooth criminal,
casually stole hearts.
She was lovely peril...
76 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 4.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I watched an age old movie with my parents.
I don't remember the joke, but once we started laughing, it was hard to stop.

We would stop, look at each other, and then laugh again.
Our stomachs ached, not of hunger, but of laughter.

I want these times to last forever.
76 · May 2020
Harshitha Girish May 2020
Always missing people
I shouldn't be missing.
75 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Shaky legs,
Sweaty hands.
I know I can,
But my mind says can't.
75 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
He was the hero for his daughter,
Faith for his wife,
And strength for his parents.
74 · Jan 2020
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
He ignored her screams,
      And he got his way,
And while she sobs, she dreams,
      To be free some day...
This poem is dedicated to all the brave women who have gone through ****** abuse and have spoken about it as true warriors. It's not okay to be uncomfortable and these pioneers have made us see all the strong women and women in building...
73 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
it's surprising
as to
how some people
break hearts
so easily
and walk away
like they've done
absolutely nothing.
Dangerous confidence, I call it.
How do they have the guts to break someone's heart and leave in a second? Doesn't their conscience tell them they've used someone....
72 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
a smouldering flame
engulfing everything, everyone
in its way
with no mercy.

Here we are,
instead of thinking
how to extinguish it,
we're running away.

flames destroy everything,
and fear is like petrol to it.
72 · Mar 2020
"Girls" II
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
"why do girls play hard to get?"

We don't play hard to get.
We're right here.
But you don't stretch far enough.
70 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
She was a lava cake.
Bursting with a surprise.
And a magnificent surprise at that.
I'm baaaaaaaaackk! Thank you so much for all the support! A week full of constant study and no sleep is finally achieved! I'd really like to take a moment to appreciate all my friends who cheered me up and gave me good wishes for my exams.
I'm finally back. Hope you enjoy!
70 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 3.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I gaze, at the empty sky,
dotted with birds here and there,
I breathe the fresh air...
It's like the trees afar are waving at me,
The sun is winking.
I've never appreciated nature this much.
As COVID-19 spreads, people are locked in their homes...and nature is regaining its place.
Celebrating Mother Earth, and her stunning wonders.
69 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
Life was once a grandfather clock.

Somewhere down the line, everything changed. So much so that now it's just

Tik tok.
69 · Jan 2020
Her coffin.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
As I ran my hands over
     The cold wood of her coffin
My hands reached the place
     Her warm heart would have been in.
This poem is a tribute to my grandmother, an extremely wise and beautiful lady, whom I lost 3 years ago. No matter how time went, the emptiness of a cheery soul lingers. I hope she's at a better place now, showing the angels how to sow neat patterns....
69 · Jan 2020
Her attitude.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She broke rules,
She didn't ask for any validation,
And was so fierce,
That the whole world just stood in awe
As they saw her conquer the world.
#sass #novalidation #positive
68 · Mar 2020
Social distancing.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
I am bottled in my home to be safe.
Just like my feelings.
Been having a lot to deal with. The best therapy for such heartbreaks is family.
Be back within a week x

Please be safe, maintain distance, wash or sanitise hands frequently. Lets keep the world and ourselves safe.

Love, harshi x
67 · Mar 2020
Social distancing day 6.
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
So many unfinished dreams in these eyes,
So many tears; so many cries.
I wonder about how life has gone...
Will my eyes ever see dawn?
67 · Jan 2020
Bye poetry.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
Well this isn't a poem
It's just a small goodbye
Its announcement
I'm taking a break from writing
So it's not really goodbye.
I'll be back soon.
Well, guys, I'm taking a small break from poetry because I have my exams coming focus is all there.
Be back soon!
65 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
He thought he was immortal,
until her smile
killed him.
65 · Mar 2020
Harshitha Girish Mar 2020
Your insults
are just like
to my

Your insults
don't break me.
they make me stronger.
63 · Jan 2020
Her presence.
Harshitha Girish Jan 2020
She was the type of girl
      Who'd throw tantrums
Who'd act wild
       She wasn't pretty
Neither mild
        She was full of sass
She knew she would rule.
#girl   #notprettybutawesome  #wild
62 · Feb 2020
Harshitha Girish Feb 2020
God took him away so fast,
He didn't get to return his smile,
He didn't get to give a last hug.
He just sighed for the last time,
And glided away...
He didn't get to choose his bride,
He didn't get to choose his best man,

He didn't get to say goodbye.
Sometimes, great people in the making die young...
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