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2.8k · Feb 2018
Cupid comes a'knocking
Nasira Feb 2018
Cupid comes a'knocking
Who is it what do you want
I come bearing gifts girl
Don’t be afraid open up
No Cupid not again
Haven't you done enough
When you lit my heart aflame
Plunged me into the deepest depths of pain
No cupid not again
No more joy turning to rust in my veins
And my heart beating beaten and bruised
And my eyes falling like summer rain
No cupid not again
I can't do this anymore
Aim that broken bow away from my heart
Find some other fool's door
Its different this time girl
This time I brought you the one
With brown locks and a crooked smile
And eyes that shine like the sun
Open up girl
Love can be rewritten and redone
It’s a process of years and centuries and eons
A persevering stroll not a manic run
Don’t lie to me Cupid
When your hands still hold the smoking gun
Rome wasn’t built in a day
But it sure was destroyed in one
There is nothing left to give of me can't you see
There is nothing left to be won
You failed me before Cupid
When you shot at him and missed
And he didn’t care a **** for me
While I dreamt of him in colours that don’t exist
How many more victims will you find
How many more hearts will you break like mine
How many more souls will your bow plunder and defile
Not anymore Cupid. Not this time.
I sharpen my claws and smile a wicked smile
Hone the fires burning in my eyes all the while
Prepare to rip the white wings off his body
Prepare to sear his halo to char
Come in Cupid, I whisper
The door is left ajar
1.8k · Nov 2017
Nasira Nov 2017
When he comes home and tears a piece of you away like chipping wood of a bark
And tells you you’re not good enough, "You’re really not that smart"
Refuses to walk out of the way when you're crossing his path
And leers at your skin like you're a worn piece of art
Touches your body and calls you scarred
But if the sight of another man's eyes made my body unclean
Is the dirt from my body or those eyes that seen?
When he slams a fist in your face like its an old punching bag
Drags you by the hair like an overused rag
When he forces his way into you "It wasn’t that bad"
Why is he allowed to operate heavy machinery
When the sight of my naked legs can drive him mad
"She must have been asking for it" "They're meant for breeding"    
I am sorry the sound of my NO was so misleading
"Know your place" he says, women can't be leading
Remind him
That everything he can do, you can do bleeding
Remind him who you are and for what you are known
A force of nature that cannot be owned
The one they compare to the warships and the black widow
With the rage of the fire and the ice of the snow
Remind him.
That your storm will break his bravado if you just blew
For hurricanes were not named after him.
They're named
1.3k · Feb 2018
Nasira Feb 2018
Little girl who taught you
that your body is an object of shame
Girl of God
of Truth

Who taught you to hide
When you hear his name
Girl of blood
of power
of pain

Little girl who taught you
To be timid and tame
Girl of wrath
of beauty
of flame

Listen to me girl
Fight your demons for a longer while
Girl, little girl, I taste the revolution
             in your smile
This one is special to me. I hope it speaks to you too. Girl, little girl, we're one and the same.

A luta continua.
872 · Mar 2018
Boys like you
Nasira Mar 2018
boys like you smell of mint and wood and pain
and taste like my insatiable thirst and the midsummer rain

bringing an array of gifts to girls like me
chocolate for breakfast and heartbreak for afternoon tea

boys like you rarely have time to stop, stare and rue
but boy, time stops to stare at you

boys like you bolt their hearts in golden chains
and have vengeance in their eyes and titanium in their veins

an impenetrable fortress deaf to my love's incessant humming
Boy you are my wreckage, my destruction.
My unbecoming.
630 · Nov 2017
Nasira Nov 2017
No, my heart did not beat faster
When I caught that glimmer in your eyes
No, it is not a home for secrets masqueraded in laughs
Nor a drunken love in disguise

No. My pillow is not a rainforest
Holding my tears, my cries
And I am certainly not enamoured enough
To suffer the low lows, climb the high highs

Of course I do not expect the universe
To let your whimsical words actualize
No. I do not whisper your name in the dark,
When the fear intensifies

No. I do not want to hear your voice
Your cheers of victory or exasperated sighs
The tears keep rolling down my face
I guess I'm good at telling lies.
527 · Dec 2017
Nasira Dec 2017
He roars aloud and breaks and tears
And puffs out his mane and his fangs he bears
As if to tell me and all others (but especially me)
That there is no power and might as he
And he walks with that regal ego
That he was born into
Over the corpses of the fallen
Over my half-dead body too
So blinded by his beauty he can barely even conceive
That the pawn he pushed away is the royal he needs
But he can't hear beyond his own roar
Can't see past his mane
Can't see that the light at the end of the tunnel
Is actually just a train
Thinks his image will forever burn in her brain
And he might bring the fire but she brings the rain
And she steps out the mud with broken bloodied bones
Marches through the castle like its already her own
Howls at the moon and sets fire to the stones
With a hand on her heart and her eyes on the throne
Tell them to hoist the flags, tell them to let the wolves roam
Tell the King of the Jungle
That the Queen has come home
453 · Nov 2017
The Awakening
Nasira Nov 2017
Would you like to believe you've hurt me
Would like to think you've caused my fall
But the truth of the matter, is that its mind over matter
And you don’t really matter at all

Would you like to believe that you stole my happy
When you tried to wrench the joy from my core
But laughter is loving, and loving is living
And you don’t live in my laugh anymore

Would you like to believe that my wounds are eternal
Would you like me to concede
Well my blood is thick and if you shed another drop
My blood will make yours bleed

Would you like to think you've won
When your eyes don’t meet mine when we speak
But talk is just talk and I'm done talking
Because without a walk, words are weak
424 · Mar 2018
Nasira Mar 2018
It was September when I came undone
Called my mama and told her I found the one
And then January came
My life became
Centred on yours
Moth to flame
But the flame burned bigger and I burnt raw
And then one day
"I can't be with you anymore"
But how can I abandon you when you're a part of my being
A kidney, a heart, a wound un-healing
And you say you're a fighter, so where's your fight?
There in the morning and gone by night.
And my heart asks me how to forget you
Your laugh and your smile and your cowardice too
But the thing about night is that it always turns to day
The thing about wounds is that they always fade
The thing about pain is that we don’t remember it when it goes away
The thing about you?
Well when you're gone, then gone you'll stay.
399 · Jun 2018
Nasira Jun 2018
tell me what ill is it of me
that you can say by tongue or pen
that i haven't already screamed at a mirror
a thousand times over
a thousand times again

but i have faced far worse than you before
and will face a hundred more
and then
i fight and pray and survive
a thousand times over
a thousand times again
343 · Mar 2018
Nasira Mar 2018
At night I stare at the moon and remind my Heart to stand
And my Brain warns me to yearn not for what I can't have
"It's unattainable, an impossibility. Don't you understand?"
Then tonight you let me hold my palm to your chest
And now my Heart storms upon my Brain with a marching band
"Tonight the moon stared back at her.
Tonight she held the moon in her hand"
331 · Oct 2017
Nasira Oct 2017
Enough rope to keep me hanging onto nothing

Enough hope to keep me wishing we were something
320 · Oct 2018
I do
Nasira Oct 2018
We laugh then we fight
I'm wrong
No I'm right
Our fairytale exploding
The fears that we're holding
He tells me loves me
I am his life
But its hate in his eyes in the morning
I love you on his lips at night
And i love him too.
I do.
I do
God, I really do.
I fight the demons in his head
He lies naked in my bed
I cry I scream
But this is the dream
My nightmare come to life
Our fantasy our extreme
personalities come apart at the seams
And we're on the brink
Of a lifetime bond an eternal link
All the cold coffee we drink
While he tells me what he thinks
And he thinks. And he thinks.
But thoughts don't do.
They live in your mind
Like molten flaming glue
But I love him
I do.
******* I do.
And if I could do it again
Old borrowed and blue
I'd say it again
I do.
I do.
I do.
238 · Jun 2018
New Beginnings
Nasira Jun 2018
Ceiling beams wooden floors
Fur blankets satin sheets
Lace curtains sliding doors
Velvet covered seats
Once in time there was yours and mine
And an exchange of yellow flowers
But hopes climb, promises Divine
And soon there's only "ours"
Don't need no shrine
No place to dine
Things that can be exhanged
For a dollar sign
Don't need no chrome no golden dome
Or sparkly gowns so fine
You are my heart my soul my own
My single measure of time
You are my platinum my silver my gold
Darling, you are my home

— The End —