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Gods1son Mar 2019
YOU were once in the land of the unborn
You WERE then selected for the earth
You were BORN with a mission in ur hands,
An assignment TO be fulfilled by you
Fully equipped  to BE all you were sent for
You were born to be GREAT
Gods1son Mar 2019
Master the art of
Flipping your L's (losses) into lessons
Because more often than not,
They are disguised blessings

If they sort of set you back
It's for you to bounce back
Like a catapult or slingshot (or Big Sean)
But never lose sight of your mission

The flying beautiful butterfly
Once crawled as a caterpillar
Think about the trees,
They never give up during the wintry days
They only shed their leaves
(For humans, drop the extra baggages)
But trees bounce back during spring

Sometimes, you just gotta
Take a deep breadth
And exhale peace
Ensure to keep breathing
And you'll sure get back on your feet
Calm the nerves,
Take a deep sleep
But don't sleep in the deep

You didn't fail
You only found ways that would not work
Credit to the man that invented the lightbulb
Take the blows but get back up
Very soon, the hardwork will pay off
Put in more work
And relent not

Naysayers will always talk
Don't be discouraged to put in work
Your success will soon prove them wrong
There is light at the end of the tunnel
As there is light within your spirit
Flick it on
And you'll be on a winning spree
Big Sean is a rapper, he made a song titled "Bounce back"
Gods1son Nov 2018
The strongest bounds or chains are not made of metal
They are made of ideologies, beliefs and thoughts
Maybe handcuffs and leg shackles are not the most restraining but mind-cuffs!
Gods1son Mar 2020
Do you know the amount of strength
it takes to shed tears, especially in a
world that is quick to call you weak.
The weakness of many people, is that,
they bottle many things on the inside
and the heaviness keeps dragging them down until they burst at the seams.
Shed the tears and let go of the weight
Don't be bothered by whatever they say.
Gods1son Jan 2020
At some points, you need to take a break
So that you don't reach your breaking point
Sometimes, to cover more grounds,
You need to slow down.
Gods1son May 2019
Hold it
Hold it
Hold it
Say it out loud...
Everything works together for my good
I choose to not panic
I won't let go of my peace
Let your lips curl into a smile
Gods1son May 2019
Let the smile on your face
birth a smile on another's
Together let's make today brighter
We can make one another's issues feel lighter
Be a conduit of happiness today!
Gods1son Nov 2019
If you can move past this eerie night
The coming morning promises to be bright
Allow your clouded mind shed some tears,
if that would possibly help,
The atmosphere does the same when
it has too much water to bear, we call it rain
My friend, don't wallow in the pain,
It might not even last one more day
To feel pain is not to be frail
Whatever the issue is, it hasn't come to stay
Face this phase, eyeball to eyeball
The bright phase is very nigh,
you can't afford to give it up, no, not now!
Gods1son Sep 2018
Is this what it means to be broken...
You wanna let it all out in a cry
But your well of tears is dry
You just wanna be by yourself
But you are scared of yourself
Emotions are like...
If you look on the bright side of life
Emotions could flip to...
           ­                                   Happily
                      ­                        Cheerfully
                              ­                Vibrantly
                                       ­       Strenghty

See the best in the worst things!
Gods1son Jul 2019
You broke my heart
But I reclaimed the broken pieces
by forgiving you
If I don't let go,
Then I won't be whole.

One thing that is for sure,
I'll put the pieces together
To create a better me
A catalyst for my growth, you are
You presented me with an opportunity
To be even more beautiful!
Gods1son Feb 2019
C  U
B  U
U  R  D  1
See you
Be you
You are the one
Gods1son Nov 2018
My buddy was going through stuff
I said to buddy...
Tell me your darkest fears
I promise you that
I will not reveal your secret
To nobody but God
And he opened up...

I kept my promise
To tell nobody but God
Few weeks later...
Buddy shared with me that fears are gone
He feels reborn
I had joy all over me too!
Gods1son Sep 2018
Just because "everyone" is doing it
Doesn't make it right and justifiable!
Gods1son Apr 2020
The phases of transformation or
metamorphosis aren't always attractive
But the end result is usually appealing.

Take a cue from a beautiful butterfly 🦋
That was once an "unattractive" caterpillar 🐛
But she didn't stop evolving until she got her wings

No matter where you are along your journey
Never allow anyone terminate your growth
Someday, your caterpillar will grow wings and fly.
Gods1son Oct 2019
You are no longer with us in flesh
But your memories abide with us daily
You will continue to glow in our hearts
No one can replace our beloved grandpa
You were to us everything a loving grandpa should be
Your smiles, your laughs, your words
The care and love you showed us is one of a kind
You thought us humility and kindness
You'll be forever missed grandpa
We love you beyond words can say
Rest on in the Lord's bossom
We're at peace knowing that you are at peace.
From your grandchildren whom you've raised to be champions in life.
Gods1son Mar 2019
What you speak
Is what you'll see
So, speak what you seek
Speak it to see it
See it to reach it
Gods1son Sep 2019
Blue skies, blue waters
Free zone, no borders
Mind is clear, no clutter
Calm ambience, no mutters
Shiny sun, soft breeze
Mind at ease
Skin's glowing
Heartbeats' regular, no racing
Attuned with nature
Fully self in this moment.
Gods1son Mar 2019
While seated,
I tricked my phone to read that
I had taken 6000 steps
Then I was very happy that
I burned a lot of calories
Please, who is fooling who?
Just for laughs, I actually didn't fake 6000 steps but I truly discovered that you can manipulate the phone to read steps without taking any steps
Gods1son Jun 2019
Beauty can be deceiving
Flashy cars and gleaming jewelry
can be alluring
But there is no depth to material things

Journey down the alley of a person's mind
Therein lies their true value and worth
Listen to their spoken and unspoken words

A book's cover might not
be representative of its content
Study in between the lines
of a person's heart
And you will find their true color.
Gods1son Nov 2018
My mind is a canvas
On which my thoughts are constantly painting on

The ugly images, I quickly erase
The pretty ones, I try my best to save

Some paintings are like bad memories,
They take time to fade

But the very beautiful paintings,
I always try to replicate!
Gods1son Apr 2019
It's totally messed up that
man's worst enemies
are creatures of his own kind
People of darkened mind
with wickedness sown in their hearts
Evil beings
Beasts dressed in human skin
Preying on other's seeds
They care less about their own end
What is wrong with humanity
I just can't deal
Gods1son Apr 2020
Wait a minute!
Why have I put the cart before
the horse for so long, when I know
that it is not the logical thing to do.

Here's what I mean, how often do we say –
Here's what I've begun, now God, bless it.
Kinda like, here's the house that I've built,
Can you decorate it God?

Instead of making Him the architect,
we want to hire Him as a painter.
Instead of making Him the planner,
we remember Him as a rescuer.

If only we'll reverse the roles,
Then we'll stop sweating in the cold.
If we'll look to Him for His blessed plans
His blessed hands will be evident in our lives.
Gods1son Oct 2018
Sneakers, loafers, sandals, chelsea,
stilettos, wedges, platform, scarpin
I think it's fine to categorize shoes 'cause they serve different purposes

Dress pants, jeans, corduroy pants,
leggings, chinos pants, sweat pants
I think it's fine to categorize pants 'cause they serve different purposes

Black, white, brown, fat, athletic, skinny,
rich, poor, smart, introvert, extrovert, gay, lesbian, straight, Christian, Muslim
I don't think it's fine to categorize humans because we are all ONE from the same SOURCE with the same PURPOSE!
Gods1son Sep 2018
Do you conduct a periodic census
of your thoughts?
Gods1son Oct 2018
Do you conduct a periodic census of your thoughts?
We are bombarded with streams of information every minute
The internet injects tons of data into our mind everyday
Those information subconsciously influences our thought patterns
We are a product of what we take in
Information influences your thoughts
Your thoughts influences your actions
Your actions influences your quality of life!
This is obviously not a poem. I just decided to share with the HP fam. Hope it's informative!
Gods1son Mar 2019
Acrostic poem


Challenges often hold within them opportunities
Changing the angle of view can make a lot of difference
Clean your eyes and clear your mind
Choose what you see amongst the myriad of images


Having a positive mindset
Half solves a lot of problems
Housed within you is an unimaginable amount of power
Harness it, choose not to cower


Attitude is everything, they say
Appreciate and be grateful that you can at least see this day
A grateful heart is positioned to receive answers
And blessings usually fall into such laps

Limitations are first created in the mind
Look always on the bright side of life


Lion (King/Queen) you are in the midst of it all
Life and everything in it works together for your good


Encourage yourself each and every day
Elevate God above what you're going through
Excellent He is in all His ways
Express your faith in Him and He will pave a way


Never succumb to the voices in your head
Never hesitate to ask for help
No single person knows it all
Night will surely pass for morning to arrive


Giving up is the easiest option but
Greatness doesn't lie in that route
Give no room to deceptive thoughts
Garrison your mind with positivity


Exude hope and faith from within you
Exercise patience, everything happens in its time
Excellent people are formed during tough times
Evolve, let these things build you up


Success is guaranteed at the end
Students of life, we all are
Situations teach us to be Masters
Summing it up...
Seize all the opportunities present in life's challenges
I wanna perform this tonight, share your thoughts and opinions pls.
Gods1son Sep 2018
You can overcome the challenges...

C- courage, you have what it takes, just
H- harness the resources at hand
A- attitude, maintain a positive one but
L- learn through the process knowing you're
L- limitless, you can't be stopped
E- expect to win and
N- never give up, never give in
G- goal on your mind always my friend
E- ego, watch it, you can seek for help
S- SUCCESS is sure at the end!
You can make it through whatever it is!
Gods1son Jun 2019
In a world full of chameleons
Where camouflaging is the trend
The very true ones are Unicorns
The ones that chose to not blend in

I call social media a hub for lies
Fake it, record it and post it
Adding at least one more person
on the train of depression

This is not a call to wear your
vulnerabilities as clothes
for everyone to see
But disguise is unattractive either

The world would be a much better place
If everyone could bare their pains
Without the fear of being judged
Freedom to express one's feelings
Knowing that the next person truly cares.
Gods1son Feb 2019
What is it about change
That we often find hard to accept
Even if the old one was full of defects
Or if the new one is the old rearranged
We still somehow get thrown off
But come what may,
Humans will always adapt!
Gods1son Oct 2018
I know for sure
My perception of love has changed
Ever since you came into my life
You are a different type of being

You are indeed a bomb
You have broken the walls I built around myself for years
My resistance to love is gone
You melted all my fears

I feel recreated
I can say I am truly liberated
Just because of you
I feel like a new being!
Gods1son Nov 2018
Food for the taste buds, to the stomach
Words for the ears, to the heart and mind
Gods1son Oct 2018
You cheated me
In your mind...
You thought I was a fool
Or you thought I was gullible
In my mind...
I thought you were truthful
I thought you were honorable
At the end of the day...
I didn't lose
The lesson I learnt is more valuable
Than what I lost to you
I sure gained something
You sure lost value in my eyes
You have been forgiven
But your value took a dive into the ocean
With a big stone attached to you!
If you trust someone so much and they cheat you. The loss is theirs and not yours!
Gods1son Jan 2019
Flashback to the days when we were kids
After school and house chores,
We used to come together on the street
With our canvases, to paint our dreams
And the kind of future we want to live

Regularly, we'll touch up our paintings
Inspire one another to make positive changes
Our future looked bright in our faces
We watched ourselves live through different life phases

One of my besties started doing wrong
Getting high and using drugs
His amazing painting fading before our eyes
Before we knew it, he was completely drawn

Looking at him today makes me cry
His situation is very dire
I hope he recovers from this snare
And be the man of his childhood painting
Gods1son Feb 2020
The power of choice
What a gift and a blessing
And sometimes, a curse.
Gods1son Jan 2019
Your choices are your products
You made them
You are a product of your choices
They made you

Your choices are the ingredients
To what you finally become.
Gods1son Aug 2018
Life is full of choices
Everyday, we make a lot of it
From the food we eat
To the time we sleep

Choice to stand on our feet
Or accept defeat
Choice to be trampled on
Or to fight head-on

Choice to give up on our dreams
Or look inside and see the beams
Choice to be a giver
Or always the receiver

Be aware of the clash
Heart and head often bash
Good choices make a life
The opposite mars a life
Gods1son Dec 2019
How do you celebrate my birthday
Without mentioning my name
I wonder if this is how Jesus feels.
Instead of spreading My message
Majority are engrossed in shopping deals
True celebration is the celebration of salvation
We (humans) 're the reason for the season
The reason for which Jesus left His throne,
Was born, went through pain, died, arose
(And in the process)
Paid for our sins, set us free,
delivered to us a new life,
made us One with Himself & with the Father
This is what Christmas is.
The celebration of freedom from sin
& ushering of divinity into humanity.
Gods1son Dec 2019
The reason for the season is not Santa
Lights, trees & gifts are beautiful things
But beyond those is something far better...
Christmas marks the birthday of the King

The King that washed off all our sins
Turned us from darkness into Holy beings
Set us free and gave to us life eternal
Brought us into union with our Father

The best gift to give is the Gospel
The best gift to receive is salvation
Jesus was born to save God's people
And He did, this is good news...
Share it as you enjoy your celebrations.
Gods1son Jan 2019
The year has made the slate clean again
Like a tabula rasa
Now, It's all in your hands
If you want to import previous data (the good or bad)
Or if you really want to start afresh!
Gods1son Aug 2020
If your circle of friends is not helping
you and the others grow, then it could
be acting as a cage hindering your growth.
This is one of those hard truths people
don't really like to hear, it's either
y'all fix up or you run for your life like a hare
Because your close contacts can really
affect how you see.
What do you think, do you agree: Yeah or Nah
Gods1son Mar 2019
You put me on cloud nine when
I catch the smile in your eyes
Your face lits up brighter than
the brightest moon I've ever seen
beaming brightly into my heart
It gets me high like
an eagle gliding through the skies
This is the feeling I want to feel everytime
I give you my words to always be your side
Gods1son Jul 2019
Life experiences are like pieces of clothes
Of different colors, sizes and shapes
The type and quality of the materials
are not always the same

A product of all the pieces affixed
Gives birth to a beautiful mix;
A coat of many colors
Dependent on the individual's
perception of life.
Gods1son Nov 2018
Don't look back
Push forth
Step out of the cocoon
You've always said, I will do it soon

I did a study about the life cycle of a butterfly
Interestingly, the pupa develops into a butterfly while in the cocoon
But after, it has to break out of the cocoon
Pumps blood into the soft wings
Fly... Master it's flying skills
Then search for a mate to reproduce

It's okay to stay locked in to develop some skills
Like the butterfly, the skills receive blood outside the comfort or discomfort of the cocoon
Mastering of the skills take place during flight
Like take off, hit against a tree, fall
And take off again
Finally, the skills start to produce results
Just like the butterfly, after mastering flight

Usually, the cocoon always feels warm and comfy but
Life outside of it is challenging, exciting and usually productive
Fear of the unknown is the greatest impediment
But on the other side of fear is fulfilment!
Gods1son Feb 2019
We all have different colors
But we choose the ones we project
If I show you my true colors
What image would you paint with it
Gods1son Jan 2020
Don't be confined into your comfort zone
It feels safe inside but it slows down growth
Break the routine, it has become boring
Learn a new thing and feel the adrenaline
Open your mind, broaden your horizon
Make a shift, take new calculated risks
And experience unprecedented growth
The only one who can stop you is You
The person you need to do it is You.
Gods1son Oct 2018
Comfort zone...
A place that feels like home
Over relaxed with these things I own
But I've been here for too long

Time to shoot for new stars
Time to cover some new grounds
Time to reach for new heights
Time to set some new goals

Time to journey away from this zone
Take a walk away from this throne
I should always broaden my horizons
I should constantly be moving

Learn a new language
Try out some new recipe
Read books in other fields
Improve and acquire some new skills.
So easy to forget oneself in the comfort zone where you forget to challenge yourself.
Gods1son Dec 2019
When I forgave you,
I didn't do it for you.
I did it for me,
So that I might be free.

Choosing to not forgive,
Is to rub salt in my own wound.
The deed has already been done,
I won't allow the hurt to compound.

So I forgave your trespasses,
That my wound might fully heal.
Though the scars are still visible,
My heart towards you is totally clean.
The fastest way to heal is to forgive who wronged you and forgive yourself if you were mad at yourself for allowing yourself get hurt.
Gods1son Mar 2019
His heart is a factory manufacturing love
His mind produces positive thoughts
His eyes is a pool of truth
His ears are always listening
His mouth speaks no guile
His legs lead not astray
The type of man with a single bae
Do we still have such in this day and age?
Gods1son Aug 2018
I write codes for a living
But I can't decode this life we're living!
Gods1son Jan 2019
The times are rapidly changing
I guess it also depends on our lenses
The ability to perceive beyond our senses
To see into that which is not visibly seen

In this era where computer is the emerging king
Who not only drives our car but also our economy
I panic at the thoughts of its rulership
I'm often bothered about its dominion and authority

I hope our brains won't go into dormancy
While we sit and watch it control our entirety
Hopefully, we will be able to ****** the steering
Be the driver and not the driven

I pray it has the right cabinet
Those that will direct its power for our betterment
And not to our detriment
The thought of its future is quite worrisome!
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